I need to peek into the stack of 2 deadlocked threads to analyze the situation. The JVM is live right now and the data is there, but I need some kind of tool to extract it from the process. I only care about 6 variables in the stack of type String . Any ideas are greatly appreciated. JVM versions 6_35 , it's a linux , JMX is enabled, but I dont have a profiler/debugger connection configur
我需要窥视2个死锁线程的堆栈来分析情况。 JVM现在正在运行,并且数据在那里,但我需要某种工具从流程中提取它。 我只关心String类型的堆栈中的6个变量。 任何想法,不胜感激。 JVM版本6_35 ,它是一个linux ,启用了JMX ,但我没有配置它的配置文件profiler/debugger连接。 复制非常困难。 你不能轻易做到这一点。 普通的jstack工具只会转储堆栈。 从技术上讲,你可以尝试倾倒整个堆(使用jmap ),但如果可能的话,寻
I am trying to have RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) working with my existing package annotation. Versions: powermock 1.4.12 mockito 1.9.0 junit 4.8.2 package-info.java // this is for the package annotation @TestAnnotation(version="1.0") package com.smin.dummy; TestAnnotation.java // this is the the metadata annotation class for package "com.smin.dummy" package com.smin.dummy; i
我正在尝试让RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class)与我现有的包注释一起工作。 版本: powermock 1.4.12 mockito 1.9.0 junit 4.8.2 package-info.java //这是用于包注释 @TestAnnotation(version="1.0") package com.smin.dummy; TestAnnotation.java //这是包“com.smin.dummy”的元数据注释类 package com.smin.dummy; import java.lang.annotation.*; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.PACKAGE
When trying to use javafx related classes in my new java 8 project I get an access restriction error from eclipse. So far the only 'solution' I've been able to find is to tell eclipse to ignore the access restriction, but I am not satisfied with that. An example of the error: Access restriction: The type Pane is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:Program Files
当试图在我的新的java 8项目中使用javafx相关的类时,我从eclipse中得到访问限制错误。 到目前为止,我唯一能找到的'解决方案'是让eclipse忽略访问限制,但我对此并不满意。 错误的一个例子: Access restriction: The type Pane is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:Program FilesJavajre8_0libextjfxrt.jar 我正在使用Eclipse Kepler和Java JDK的Eclipse JDT补丁。 这似乎与JavaFX不属
Presently I'm working with JavaFX. Whenever I hover over a method of JavaFX its gives me the following error: 'Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found' How should I resolve this? How can I attach the javadoc or source so that I could see the description of the methods? Download jar file containing the JavaDocs.
目前我正在与JavaFX合作。 每当我将鼠标悬停在JavaFX的一个方法上时,它给我提供了以下错误: 'Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found' 我应该如何解决这个问题? 我如何附加javadoc或源代码,以便我可以看到这些方法的描述? 下载包含JavaDocs的jar文件。 打开项目的Build Path页面(右键单击,属性,Java构建路径)。 打开Libraries
Are there any JavaFX projects (eg games) available as open source? Maybe a (JavaFX) counterpart to (C#) CodeProject. You can look at Kenai: http://kenai.com/projects_tags/javafx or Google Code: http://code.google.com/query/#q=javafx or SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=javafx
是否有任何JavaFX项目(例如游戏)可用作开源软件? 也许(JavaFX)对应于(C#)CodeProject。 你可以看看Kenai: http://kenai.com/projects_tags/javafx 或Google代码: http://code.google.com/query/#q=javafx 或SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=javafx
I am developing for Android and use Eclipse to create an apk that also has a .so file with C++ code in it. My problem is that when I only change the C++ code and recompile that outside of Eclipse, Eclipse doesn't really always see that it's changed and I have to clean the project and rebuild it before I can reliably start it. This behaviour has cost me lots of time because Eclipse is no
我正在为Android开发,并使用Eclipse创建一个apk文件,其中还包含一个带有C ++代码的.so文件。 我的问题是,当我只更改C ++代码并重新编译Eclipse以外的代码时,Eclipse并不总是看到它已更改,我必须清理项目并重建它,然后才能可靠地启动它。 这种行为花了我很多时间,因为Eclipse没有使用新的.so文件。 有没有办法强制Eclipse始终在运行之前重建项目? 我不确定你对蚂蚁有多熟悉,但是如果你通过命令行编译你的c ++文件
I'm programming in NetBeans however i like to get used to Eclipse as well. I have a Maven project what i've developed in NetBeans and after importing it compiles fine in Eclipse. I'm using the Run or Debug feature of NetBeans a lot, and it's very comfortable that the run configuration gets stored with the project so i can actually commit it into version control and others can us
我在NetBeans中进行编程,但是我也喜欢习惯Eclipse。 我有一个Maven项目,这是我在NetBeans中开发的,在导入后它在Eclipse中编译得很好。 我使用NetBeans的运行或调试功能很多,运行配置与项目一起存储是非常舒服的,所以我可以将它提交到版本控制中,其他人也可以使用它。 假设我有一个拥有主类的Java应用程序项目。 为了运行这个,我需要为exec目标定义正确的类路径(实际上NetBeans在创建新项目时自动为我执行此操作)。
I have an Eclipse project where I want to keep my Java project built into a JAR automatically. I know I have an option to export the project into a JAR; if I do a right click; but what I am really looking for is, that like Eclipse automatically builds a project's .class files and put them in target folder; it should also build a JAR automatically and copy the latest JAR at some or a speci
我有一个Eclipse项目,我想将我的Java项目自动内置到JAR中。 我知道我可以选择将项目导出到JAR中; 如果我做右键点击; 但我真正想要的是,像Eclipse一样自动构建项目的.class文件并将它们放在目标文件夹中; 它也应该自动构建JAR并在某个或某个特定位置复制最新的JAR。 有没有选择以这种方式配置Eclipse,以自动构建JAR? 只是为了让大家清楚,耐心回答我的问题; 我不看ANT作为解决方案; 因为我已经在使用它,但是我希望
This is the sample code which we were using: DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream("Data.xml")); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); So when using the same code on local we can get the path using system.getProperties('user.dir') . Is there
这是我们使用的示例代码: DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream("Data.xml")); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); 因此,在本地使用相同的代码时,我们可以使用system.getProperties('user.dir')获取路径。 有什么方法可以在JasperReports服务器上获取
The Java documentation includes a note about adding nested jars into the classpath. To load classes in JAR files within a JAR file into the class path, you must write custom code to load those classes. There are many tools that do this, such as the ones listed here and here. Do these tools work simply by extracting classes from the nested jars and adding the extraction path to the classpath
Java文档包含关于将嵌套jar添加到类路径中的注释。 要将JAR文件中的JAR文件中的类加载到类路径中,您必须编写自定义代码来加载这些类。 有很多工具可以做到这一点,比如这里和这里列出的工具。 这些工具是否可以通过从嵌套罐中提取类并将提取路径添加到类路径中? 还是这不仅仅是简单地解压档案? manifest.mf类路径可以指向本地文件系统,但不在其自己的存档中,是否存在限制的技术原因? 如果您使用Maven,另一种选