on top of everything

I have two fragments which I need to add at same time (both to be in the fragmentmanager in same time). In the second one I have a SurfaceView that draws some logic on the canvas. But when the first, initial Fragment is shown, I see the drawing from the canvas OVER it. The ZOrder is set onTop (setZOrderOnTop(true)). Is there way to tell it NOT to draw over the first fragment..? If I remove


我有两个片段,我需要在同一时间添加(两个片段管理器在同一时间)。 在第二个中,我有一个在画布上绘制一些逻辑的SurfaceView。 但是,当显示第一个初始片段时,我会在画布上看到它的图形。 ZOrder设置在顶部(setZOrderOnTop(true))。 有没有办法告诉它不要画第一个片段..? 如果我删除了setZOrderOnTop(true)调用,我会得到覆盖布局背景的surfaceview的黑色背景。 谢谢

Layered SurfaceViews in a FrameLayout in Android

I am attempting to build an augmented reality application for Android and have come across the problem of layering surface views. I need a surface view to display the camera preview onto which I will overlay graphics, and I need a surface view to draw my graphics on. This second surface also needs to be drawn above the camera preview but have a transparent background. In my current implementat


我试图为Android构建增强现实应用程序,并遇到了分层表面视图的问题。 我需要一个表面视图来显示将叠加图形的相机预览,并且我需要一个表面视图来绘制图形。 第二个表面还需要在相机预览之上绘制,但具有透明背景。 在我目前的实现中,我有两个表面视图按照它们应有的方式工作并显示,但背景不透明,因此没有第二个表面视图的外观,并且将图形绘制叠加在相机预览表面视图上。 这怎么可能实现? 在搜索大量堆栈溢出问题以及

Client Request parameters of generated classes

i have implemented a SOAP Webservice and have tested it successfully with SOAP UI. Now i want to generate the client classes with netbeans wsimport by URL (glassfish with webservice is on of course). The generation runs successfully, but i can't change parameters of the RecommendationRequest -complextype. This is my client-code: RecommendationService service = new RecommendationService();


我已经实现了一个SOAP Web服务,并使用SOAP UI成功地进行了测试。 现在我想用netbeans wsimport通过URL生成客户端类(当然,webservice有glassfish)。 这一代成功运行,但我无法更改RecommendationRequest -complextype的参数。 这是我的客户代码: RecommendationService service = new RecommendationService(); ShitstormRec recommenderPort = service.getRecommenderPort(); ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactor

Xsd location in embedded Java SE server

I use the built-in server in Java SE 6 for SOAP service. I have a WSDL with XSD. My code: Endpoint.publish ("http://localhost:9999/event-ws/wsdl", new SoapImpl ()); But when I open this WSDL in SOAP UI, it says it can not find XSD ( localhost:9999/event-ws/test.xsd ): server return 404. XSD and WSDL are together in a folder. Edit1: wsdl from local file: <wsdl:types> <xsd:sche

嵌入式Java SE服务器中的Xsd位置

我使用Java SE 6中的内置服务器进行SOAP服务。 我有一个带XSD的WSDL。 我的代码: Endpoint.publish ("http://localhost:9999/event-ws/wsdl", new SoapImpl ()); 但是当我在SOAP UI中打开这个WSDL时,它说它找不到XSD( localhost:9999/event-ws/test.xsd ):服务器返回404。 XSD和WSDL一起放在一个文件夹中。 EDIT1: 本地文件中的wsdl: <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://localhost/ex

Hello World with Jersey and Grizzly (from User Guide)

I'm looking at the Jersey User Guide and trying to set up a Hello World example using a Jersey web service and an embedded Grizzly server. I'm running through Section 1 "Getting Started". I've got the code example in section 1.1 compiling just fine: // The Java class will be hosted at the URI path "/helloworld" @Path("/helloworld") public class HelloWorldResource {

泽西岛和灰熊队的Hello World(来自用户指南)

我正在查看Jersey用户指南并尝试使用Jersey Web服务和嵌入式Grizzly服务器来设置Hello World示例。 我正在运行第1部分“入门”。 我已经在1.1编译的代码示例很好: // The Java class will be hosted at the URI path "/helloworld" @Path("/helloworld") public class HelloWorldResource { // The Java method will process HTTP GET requests @GET // The Java method will produce content identified b

XSD file path in WSDL include is wrong

I'm more or less a beginner with web services but I've tried googling this with no results. I have a web service written in Java using the Metro stack that runs fine when I run it on a local JBoss 5.1.0 instance but when I move it to our test server I start getting problems. The service deploys correctly and I can view the WSDL as usual: https://myserver.myorg/path/service?wsdl Howe


我或多或少是一个初学者与Web服务,但我试过Google搜索没有结果。 我有一个用Java编写的Web服务,当我在本地JBoss 5.1.0实例上运行它时运行良好,但当我将它移动到我们的测试服务器时,我开始出现问题。 该服务部署正确,我可以照常查看WSDL:https://myserver.myorg/path/service?wsdl 但是,wsimport无法从这里生成客户端存根,并且当我仔细查看WSDL时,我看到了这一点: <xsd:schema> <xsd:import namespa

WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL?

The problem is I need to build a web service client from a file I'm been provided. I've stored this file on the local file system and, while I keep the WSDL file in the correct file system folder, everything is fine. When I deploy it to a server or remove the WSDL from the file system folder the proxy can't find the WSDL and rises an error. I've searched the web and I've fo


问题是我需要从我提供的文件构建Web服务客户端。 我已经将这个文件存储在本地文件系统中,并且当我将WSDL文件保存在正确的文件系统文件夹中时,一切都很好。 当我将其部署到服务器或从文件系统文件夹中删除WSDL时,代理无法找到WSDL并产生错误。 我搜索了网页,发现了以下文章,但我无法使其工作: JAX-WS从jar中加载WSDL http://www.java.net/forum/topic/glassfish/metro-and-jaxb/client-jar-cant-find-local-wsdl-0

Inline complex types XSD into a WSDL

I'm currently implementing a web service with a few complex types in java using plain JDK and the integrated web server. Is it possible to tell the JDK to inline the generated XSD for complex types into the WSDL instead of referencing to it via xsd:import? Thank you in advance! Use -inlineSchemas in the wsgen tool (never tried, taken from http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_WS-85)


我目前正在使用普通的JDK和集成的Web服务器在java中使用一些复杂类型实现一个Web服务。 是否有可能告诉JDK将生成的复杂类型的XSD内联到WSDL中,而不是通过xsd:import引用它? 先谢谢你! 在wsgen工具中使用-inlineSchemas (从未尝试过,取自http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_WS-85)

How to set the JDK Netbeans runs on?

I have older NB6.7, NB6.9, NB7.0, which used to run on jdk1.6.0_21 and jdk1.6.0_25. Now I've removed those JDKs and only have jdk1.6.0_26 and jdk1.7.0 left, but I still want to keep the older NBs, but now when I run them, I get this message: "Cannot locate java installation in specified jdkhome C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_25 Do you want to try to use default version ?" I

如何设置运行JDK Netbeans?

我有旧的NB6.7,NB6.9,NB7.0,它曾经运行在jdk1.6.0_21和jdk1.6.0_25上。 现在我已经删除了这些JDK,只剩下jdk1.6.0_26和jdk1.7.0,但我仍然想保留旧的NB,但是现在当我运行它们时,我收到以下消息: “在指定的jdkhome C: Program Files文件(x86) Java jdk1.6.0_25中找不到Java安装程序您是否想尝试使用默认版本?” 我试图找到它在寻找“jdk1.6.0_25”的位置,并在“C: Program Files(x86) NetBeans 6.7”和“C: Users

Scala and Java with Maven in default eclipse

Is it possible to use the default eclipse (Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers) to access scala source in a java class? I have no problems to acces Java code in Scala and vise versa using the Scala-IDE but not in the default eclipse. I can compile the source using the following pom.xml and execute it. My source folder structure is src/main/java, src/main/scal


是否可以使用默认的Eclipse(用于Java EE开发人员的Eclipse IDE或用于Java开发人员的Eclipse IDE)来访问java类中的scala源代码? 在Scala中访问Java代码并且反过来使用Scala-IDE,但在默认的eclipse中不存在问题。 我可以使用下面的pom.xml来编译源代码并执行它。 我的源文件夹结构是src / main / java,src / main / scala,src / test / scala和src / test / java。 这甚至可能或者我需要ScalaIDE? 当我下载eclipse的S