how much memory is allocated to jvm process

total memory allocated to the jvm process is equal to the total heap, stack, native heap. i know there are commands for setting the minimum and maximum size limits on the heap. how about the total memory allocated to the jvm process, is there a limit on that or would it keep on increasing as the number of threads getting created increases. if there is no limit on the number of threads and si


分配给jvm进程的总内存等于堆,堆,本地堆的总数。 我知道有一些命令用于设置堆的最小和最大大小限制。 如何分配给jvm进程的内存总量是有限制的,还是会随着创建的线程数量的增加而持续增加。 如果线程数没有限制,并且在创建新线程时创建了新堆栈,这是否会导致jvm继续增大其大小,直到RAM中没有剩余内存为止? 总堆。 新线程使用堆内存。 如果你的人数太多,你会OOME。 尝试一下? 从我所知道的是如此。 线程堆栈

What is stored on heap and what is stored on stack?

Can anyone clearly explain, in terms of C,C++ and Java. What all goes on stack and what all goes on Heap and when is the allocation done. As far as I know, All local variables whether primitives,pointers or reference variables per function call are on a new stack frame. and anything created with new or malloc goes on heap. I am confused about few things. Are references/primitives which


任何人都可以清楚地解释,在C,C ++和Java方面。 什么是堆栈,什么都在堆上,什么时候分配完成。 我所知道的, 所有局部变量,无论是基元,指针还是每个函数调用的引用变量都在新的堆栈帧上。 而用new或malloc创建的任何东西都会堆积如山。 我对几件事感到困惑。 作为在堆上创建的对象成员的引用/基元也存储在堆上吗? 以及那些在每一帧中递归创建的方法的本地成员呢? 它们全都在堆栈中,如果是,那么在运行时是

What is the Scala equivalent to a Java builder pattern?

In the work that I do on a day to day in Java, I use builders quite a lot for fluent interfaces, eg: new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).onTopOf(Base.Cheesy).with(Ingredient.Ham).build(); With a quick-and-dirty Java approach, each method call mutates the builder instance and returns this . Immutably, it involves more typing, cloning the builder first before modifying it. The build method eventually


在我日常使用Java进行的工作中,我使用了很多new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).onTopOf(Base.Cheesy).with(Ingredient.Ham).build();接口的构建器,例如: new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).onTopOf(Base.Cheesy).with(Ingredient.Ham).build(); 一个快速和肮脏的Java方法,每个方法调用变异生成器实例,并返回this 。 毫无疑问,它涉及更多的打字,在修改之前先克隆建造者。 构建方法最终在建设者状态上做了大量工作。 什么是在

The WAR in my EAR doesn't load log4j2 properly but the JAR does

I have this skinny-war EAR file. It is supposed to be contained in a WildFly 8.2.0.Final application server. - lib - log4j-api-2.1.jar - log4j-core-2.1.jar - META-INF - application.xml - jboss-app.xml - log4j2.xml - MANIFEST.MF - my-ejb.jar - my-web.war (skinny war) - META-INF - MANIFEST.MF - WEB-INF - classes - ... - lib (empty since skinny war) - index.html


我有这个瘦骨war E的EAR文件。 它应该包含在WildFly 8.2.0.Final应用程序服务器中。 - lib - log4j-api-2.1.jar - log4j-core-2.1.jar - META-INF - application.xml - jboss-app.xml - log4j2.xml - MANIFEST.MF - my-ejb.jar - my-web.war (skinny war) - META-INF - MANIFEST.MF - WEB-INF - classes - ... - lib (empty since skinny war) - index.html 当我第一次从my-web.war开始

Accessing a HashSet using the HashCode directly? (Java)

Hi I'm wondering if it is possible to access the contents of a HashSet directly if you have the Hashcode for the object you're looking for, sort of like using the HashCode as a key in a HashMap. I imagine it might work something sort of like this: MyObject object1 = new MyObject(1); Set<MyObject> MyHashSet = new HashSet<MyObject>(); MyHashSet.add(object1) int hash = obj

直接使用HashCode访问HashSet? (JAVA)

您好,我想知道是否有可能直接访问HashSet的内容,如果你有你正在寻找的对象的Hashcode,有点像使用HashCode作为HashMap中的键。 我想它可能会像这样工作: MyObject object1 = new MyObject(1); Set<MyObject> MyHashSet = new HashSet<MyObject>(); MyHashSet.add(object1) int hash = object1.getHashCode MyObject object2 = MyHashSet[hash]??? 谢谢! 编辑:感谢您的答案。 好吧,我明白我可能会

How to enable Swagger UI? Tomcat, SpringMVC, REST

My configuration is as follow: pom.xml <dependencies> <!-- Swagger --> <dependency> <groupId>com.mangofactory</groupId> <artifactId>swagger-springmvc</artifactId> <version>0.9.1</version> </dependency> <!-- Swagger WebJar --> <dependency>

如何启用Swagger UI? Tomcat,SpringMVC,REST

我的配置如下: 的pom.xml <dependencies> <!-- Swagger --> <dependency> <groupId>com.mangofactory</groupId> <artifactId>swagger-springmvc</artifactId> <version>0.9.1</version> </dependency> <!-- Swagger WebJar --> <dependency> <groupI

Add strings into a java list on cucumber feature

I would like to add the strings that I get in the steps from the cucumber feature to a list (without using .add for each string). eg, add the following strings in a list "string1","string2","string3" Also, it would be nice if I can add on the cucumber feature to file more strings, and those will automatically be appended to the list. I tried creating a table wi


我想添加从黄瓜功能到列表中的字符串(不使用每个字符串的.add )。 例如,将以下字符串添加到列表“string1”,“string2”,“string3” 另外,如果我可以添加黄瓜功能来记录更多字符串,那将会很好,并且这些会自动添加到列表中。 我尝试用场景大纲创建一个表,但目前没有运气。 请在下面找到功能文件和步骤定义。 它将采用黄瓜表中的字符串列表,并将其添加到列表中而不使用.add。 Feature: Get the list of strings from

jvm .feature file from Gradle

I am integrating a cucumber-java with an existing gradle java project, that has a focus on test automation. There is no production code within this project, so making the entire project makes little sense. What I would like to do is to create gradle tasks or a single gradle task with a -D property that specifies a cucumber .feature file to run cucumber-jvm on. All of the examples that I'v


我将一个cucumber-java与现有的gradle java项目集成在一起,该项目专注于测试自动化。 此项目中没有生产代码,因此整个项目没什么意义。 我想要做的是创建gradle任务或带有-D属性的单个gradle任务,该属性指定一个用于运行cucumber-jvm的黄瓜.feature文件。 我见过的所有例子都展示了如何让cucumber-jvm作为构建过程的一部分来运行。 相反,我想定义一个task testCucumber(type: Test)来运行一个.feature文件。 我会如何去

Execute @Given only once in cucumber feature file

I have the following feature that I would like to test in cucumber. But, I would like to process the input file only once ( @Given in the below feature ). But, it seems to be executing the @Given step each time. Is it possible to execute this @Given in the following feature only once? @fileValidation Scenario Outline: File Validation Given a file is uploaded with name "something.csv" Then r


我有以下功能,我想在黄瓜中测试。 但是,我只想处理输入文件一次(@Given在下面的功能)。 但是,它似乎每次都在执行@Given步骤。 是否有可能只在以下功能中执行此@Given一次? @fileValidation Scenario Outline: File Validation Given a file is uploaded with name "something.csv" Then response filename created should not match input filename "something.csv" And reason for errors should be "<Reason>

How JVM allocates memory to static String variables?

Since JVM allocates memory to static variable type in Method Area . But when it comes to static String type does it refer to heap area from method area or it provides memory in Method Area there itself. If it refer to heap area then String will have the same behaviour(for below example)? Example: static String s1 = new String("Aman"); static String s2 = "Aman"; You are conflating the variab


由于JVM将内存分配给方法区域中的静态变量类型。 但是,当涉及到静态字符串类型时,它是指方法区域中的堆区,还是它本身在方法区中提供了内存。 如果它指向堆区,那么String将具有相同的行为(例如下面的例子)? 例: static String s1 = new String("Aman"); static String s2 = "Aman"; 您正在将变量s1和s2与它们引用的对象混合在一起。 对象在堆中。 文字"Aman"位于堆的字符串池细分中。 这些变量是静