This question already has an answer here: Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? 15 answers People come up with great new ways to solve problems in Java all the time. But there are only few places where you can actually find compilations of such tricks. A good place to start is to use frameworks like Spring and Guava because they contains state-of-the-art tricks that will make
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Java“双Brace初始化”的效率? 15个答案 人们总是想出很多新的解决Java问题的方法。 但只有很少的地方可以找到这些技巧的汇编。 开始的一个好地方是使用像Spring和Guava这样的框架,因为它们包含最先进的技巧,这会让你的生活变得更加简单(而且你的代码会在一段时间后变得更小和更安全)。
This question already has an answer here: Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? 15 answers @davison this question has been discussed many times on SO. Even if the data structure is not the same (Set, HashSet) instead of (Map, HashMap) I personally think the following is the best discussion and should clarify all your doubts: Efficiency of Java "Double Brace Initialization&q
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Java“双Brace初始化”的效率? 15个答案 这个问题已经在SO上多次讨论过了。 即使数据结构不同(Set,HashSet)而不是(Map,HashMap)我个人认为以下是最好的讨论,应该澄清你所有的疑问:Java的“双Brace初始化”的效率? 这不是一个好的做法,因为它创建了一个新的匿名内部类,JVM必须使用更多内存来跟踪。 除此之外,它几乎是无害的。 编写此代码的更好方法是使用初始化块: Map<Str
Possible Duplicates: Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? Meaning of new Class(…){{…}} initialization idiom Assume I created a JMenu Bar the following way: JMenuItem saveMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save") {{ addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String location = GUI
可能重复: Java“双Brace初始化”的效率? 新类的意义(...){{...}}初始化习语 假设我通过以下方式创建了一个JMenu栏: JMenuItem saveMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save") {{ addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String location = GUI.Custom.QuickDialogs.selectFile(false);
Specifically, why would it help to fix a PermGen OutOfMemoryError issue? Also, bonus points for an answer that points me to the documentation on JVM arguments... The permanent space is where the classes, methods, internalized strings, and similar objects used by the VM are stored and never deallocated (hence the name). This Oracle article succinctly presents the working and parameterization
具体来说,为什么它有助于修复PermGen OutOfMemoryError问题? 此外,回答的奖励点将指向JVM参数文档。 永久空间是VM使用的类,方法,内部化字符串和类似对象的存储位置,永远不会释放(因此名称)。 这篇Oracle文章简洁地介绍了HotSpot GC的工作和参数化,并建议您在加载多个类时对这个空间进行扩展(这通常适用于应用程序服务器和Eclipse等某些IDE): 对于大多数应用程序来说,永久生成对垃圾收集器性能没有显着影响
I am looking into the various options around garbage collection on a Java 6 18 VM and would like some pointers. We run our application on JBoss, and occasionally there are the infamous PermGen errors during redeploys. There is a lot of conflicting and obsolete information on the internet about the best way to solve or mitigate this problem. From what I can see, the following is correct: VM
我正在研究围绕Java 6 18 VM上的垃圾收集的各种选项,并希望获得一些指示。 我们在JBoss上运行我们的应用程序,并偶尔在重新部署过程中出现臭名昭着的PermGen错误。 互联网上有许多相互矛盾和过时的信息,说明解决或缓解这个问题的最佳方法。 从我所看到的,以下是正确的: VM选项本身不能解决此问题,只能推迟它。 解决此问题的唯一可靠方法是修复Application Server本身(不太可能)或运行在Application Server(更可
My team is researching dependency injection frameworks and is trying to decide between using Google-Guice and PicoContainer. We are looking for several things in our framework: A small code footprint - What I mean by a small code footprint is we don't want to have dependency injection code litter everywhere in our code base. If we need to refactor down the road, we want it to be as easy
我的团队正在研究依赖注入框架,并试图决定使用Google-Guice还是PicoContainer。 我们正在寻找我们框架中的几件事情: 小代码足迹 - 我的意思是小代码足迹是我们不希望在我们的代码库中随处存在依赖注入代码。 如果我们需要重新整理道路,我们希望它尽可能简单。 性能 - 创建和注入对象时每个框架有多少开销? 易用性 - 是否有很大的学习曲线? 我们是否必须编写一堆代码才能获得简单的工作? 我们希望尽可能少的配置
public class Connection { public Connection(){ } public String description() { return "Generic"; } } public class SqlServerConnection extends Connection{ public SqlServerConnection(){ } public String description(){ return "SQL Server"; } } public class OracleConnection extends Connection{ public OracleConnection(){ } public String description(){ return "Oracle"; } } publi
public class Connection { public Connection(){ } public String description() { return "Generic"; } } public class SqlServerConnection extends Connection{ public SqlServerConnection(){ } public String description(){ return "SQL Server"; } } public class OracleConnection extends Connection{ public OracleConnection(){ } public String description(){ return "Oracle"; } } publi
I'm new to DynamoDB and trying out a sample scenario using Transaction support. I'm using the same entity provided in dynamodb-transaction library. Only difference is I've added a range key with the hash key. Here's the table definition: ItemId --> hash key , string ItemName --> range key, string @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "Item") public static class ExampleItem {
我是DynamoDB的新手,并尝试使用Transaction支持的示例场景。 我正在使用dynamodb-transaction库中提供的相同实体。 唯一的区别是我用散列键添加了一个范围键。 这里是表格定义: ItemId - >散列键,字符串 ItemName - >范围键,字符串 @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "Item") public static class ExampleItem { private String itemId; private String value; private String itemName; private Lon
In case of customize object behavior at runtime, Java seems to provide two solutions, Java Scripting and Dynamic Proxy. suppose I have a configuration file and an interface I in Java, I can either create and load class implementing I according to configuration or I can use dynamic proxy to make implementation of the I as well. Both technique is a little advanced. I am now wondering 1- which
在运行时定制对象行为的情况下,Java似乎提供了两种解决方案,即Java脚本和动态代理。 假设我在Java中有配置文件和接口I,我可以根据配置创建和加载实现I的类,也可以使用动态代理来实现I的实现。 这两种技术都有点进步。 我现在想知道 1-这两种方式中的哪一种在开发中更有效率? 2-这些技术中的哪一种在性能上更加优化? 3-哪种方式更易于维护? (产品稳定之前,配置可能会频繁更换) 诚挚 我认为第一种技术是使
A question about a design pattern. I have a DataManager that uses a cache DataCache that is valid for a given context (in my case, a date). Should my DataCache store the context under which the data cached is valid, or is it better to leave it only up to the DataManager to know when the DataCache needs to be reset? I feel that having the Context in the Cache as well means more unnecessary ma
有关设计模式的问题。 我有一个DataManager ,它使用对给定上下文有效的缓存DataCache (在我的情况下是日期)。 我的DataCache应该存储缓存的数据有效的上下文,还是只保留DataManager才能知道DataCache何时需要重置? 我觉得把缓存中的上下文也意味着更多的不必要的维护,但也许有一个很好的理由让它在那里。 一个小问题,但想知道最佳实践将在这里。 例: public class DataManager { DateTime context; Dat