I looked at some of docs for Contextloaderlistener and application context and based on that what I understand is Application Context is the container initialized by a ContextLoaderListener and load all the spring config files. What I am not clear about is which one is responsible for the bean creation based on the meta data that is provided. Is it the ContextLoaderListener or the Application C
我查看了Contextloaderlistener和应用程序上下文的一些文档,并且基于此我了解的是Application Context是由ContextLoaderListener初始化的容器并加载所有的spring配置文件。 我不清楚哪个是基于提供的元数据来负责bean的创建。 它是ContextLoaderListener还是应用程序上下文。 ApplicationContext使用BeanFactory创建bean,它是将xml / annotations转换为类并管理每个类的生命周期的实际组件。 当在另一个容器(例如像tomc
Is there a way to re-initialize the spring beans dynamically ? On app startup I Initialize spring beans through ContextLoaderListener in web.xml. My use case is that at runtime there could be a case where new property files were loaded into memory(via Apache commons configuration) and I want to reinitialize the beans so that this can take into affect without having to restart. Any pointers
有没有办法动态地重新初始化Spring Bean? 在应用程序启动时,我通过web.xml中的ContextLoaderListener初始化spring bean。 我的用例是,在运行时可能会出现新属性文件加载到内存中的情况(通过Apache commons配置),我想重新初始化这些bean,以免影响而无需重新启动。 任何指针在这是赞赏。 能够通过让类实现ApplicationContextAware来解决它public class ReloadConfig implements ApplicationContextAware{ private st
A standard spring web application (created by Roo or "Spring MVC Project" Template) create a web.xml with ContextLoaderListener and DispatcherServlet . Why do they not only use the DispatcherServlet and make it to load the complete configuration? I understand that the ContextLoaderListener should be used to load the stuff that is not web relevant and the DispatcherServlet is used to
标准的Spring Web应用程序(由Roo或“Spring MVC Project”模板创建)使用ContextLoaderListener和DispatcherServlet创建web.xml。 为什么他们不仅使用DispatcherServlet并使其加载完整的配置? 我知道应该使用ContextLoaderListener加载与Web不相关的东西,并使用DispatcherServlet加载Web相关的东西(控制器,...)。 这导致了两种情况:父母和孩子的情况。 背景: 几年来,我一直这样做。 <context-param> &l
spring doc I have read the following spring documentation: By default, the LocalValidatorFactoryBean configures a SpringConstraintValidatorFactory that uses Spring to create ConstraintValidator instances. This allows your custom ConstraintValidators to benefit from dependency injection like any other Spring bean. I have wrote custom validator: public class FieldMatchValidator implements C
春季文档 我已阅读以下春季文档: 默认情况下,LocalValidatorFactoryBean配置使用Spring创建ConstraintValidator实例的SpringConstraintValidatorFactory。 这允许您的自定义ConstraintValidators像任何其他Spring bean一样受益于依赖注入。 我写了自定义验证器: public class FieldMatchValidator implements ConstraintValidator<FieldMatch, Object>{ @Autowired MyBeanDao dao; ... } 但在调试
I am not using Spring so I am creating an instance of EntityManager within a class. I used Hibernate-Eclipse reverse engineering to auto-generate the classes. These classes all has an instance of EntityManager. I am not 100% sure how Hibernate works with the EntityManager so I am wondering if it is okay that so many instances of this class (EntityManager) are made, for example, will there be
我没有使用Spring,所以我在一个类中创建了一个EntityManager的实例。 我使用Hibernate-Eclipse逆向工程来自动生成类。 这些类都有一个EntityManager的实例。 我不是100%确定Hibernate是如何与EntityManager协同工作的,所以我想知道是否可以创建这么多类的实例(EntityManager),例如,是否会出现事务问题? 我应该创建一个单独的类来为我的其他类分发一个EntityManager的静态实例吗? 或者没有关系? 编辑:我看到
I'm using spring based validation in combination with hibernate validator enabled by the following in my application context: <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> .... <property name="jpaPropertyMap"> <map> <entry key="javax.persistence.validation.factory" v
我在我的应用程序上下文中使用基于spring的验证与下面的hibernate验证器结合使用: <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> .... <property name="jpaPropertyMap"> <map> <entry key="javax.persistence.validation.factory" value-ref="validator" /> </map&
I have a Spring based webapp. I am using several repository classes with annotations @Repository, @Transactional in my Controllers. That part works fine. I created a Custom Constraint Validator which has to access the repository. Now I am not able to understand why the Repository is null. I tried annotating the validator with @Component annotation. My base package containing all these clas
我有一个基于Spring的webapp。 我在控制器中使用了多个存储库类,注释@Repository,@Transactional。 这部分工作正常。 我创建了一个必须访问存储库的自定义约束验证器。 现在我无法理解为什么存储库是空的。 我试着用@Component注释来注释验证器。 包含所有这些类的基本包位于xml的一部分中。 那么我还应该做些什么来确保存储库依赖注入的工作。 这是我的约束验证器的外观。 public class DonorTypeExistsConstraintVa
I'm trying to create a basic bluetooth application, for testing the device. I got the code from developer.android. Here is the link : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth.html#ConnectingDevices Here is run part of my thread code: public void run() { mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery(); Log.i(TAG, "Discovery Cancel!"); try {
我正在尝试创建一个基本的蓝牙应用程序,用于测试设备。 我从developer.android获得了代码。 这里是链接:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth.html#ConnectingDevices 这里是我的线程代码的一部分: public void run() { mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery(); Log.i(TAG, "Discovery Cancel!"); try { Log.i(TAG, "Connection Started");
I use Spring MVC and AngularJs to create a web application. I send a request to the server but I am getting 400 error bad request . I configure the message converter for the json format in the Spring servlet configuration file. I am wondering why I am getting this error. Here is my angular service : save : function(user) { return $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/app-web/us
我使用Spring MVC和AngularJs来创建一个Web应用程序。 我发送一个请求到服务器,但我得到了400 error bad request 。 我在Spring servlet配置文件中为json格式配置了消息转换器。 我想知道为什么我得到这个错误。 这是我的角度服务: save : function(user) { return $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/app-web/user/create', contentType: "application/json", data:user }); }
When I paste a Java stack trace into the Java stack trace console in Eclipse, it all gets pasted as one long line. I didn't find an option to word wrap inside the Java stack trace console. Is there any way to do this? The currently working solutions in Eclipse Oxygen: Permanently: Right click on console window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Console -> "Fixed width cons
当我在Eclipse中将Java堆栈跟踪粘贴到Java堆栈跟踪控制台时,它将全部粘贴为一条长线。 我没有找到在Java堆栈跟踪控制台中进行换行的选项。 有没有办法做到这一点? Eclipse Oxygen当前的工作解决方案: 永久:右键单击控制台窗口 - >首选项 - >运行/调试 - >控制台 - >“固定宽度控制台” 暂时:右键单击 - >自动换行