What should I set JAVA

Many Java applications that use shell scripts to configure their environment use the JAVA_HOME environment variable to start the correct version of Java, locate JRE JARs, and so on. On OSX 10.6, the following paths seem to be valid for this variable /Library/Java/Home /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current Some of these ar


许多使用shell脚本来配置其环境的Java应用程序使用JAVA_HOME环境变量来启动正确版本的Java,找到JRE JAR等等。 在OSX 10.6上,以下路径似乎对此变量有效 /Library/Java/Home /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current 其中一些是符合实际当前VM的符号链接(如“Java首选项”窗格中所定义)。 但是应该使用哪一个 - 或者可以使用它们中的任何一个?

How to lock compiled Java classes to prevent decompilation?

How do I lock compiled Java classes to prevent decompilation? I know this must be very well discussed topic on the Internet, but I could not come to any conclusion after referring them. Many people do suggest obfuscator, but they just do renaming of classes, methods, and fields with tough-to-remember character sequences but what about sensitive constant values? For example, you have develop


如何锁定已编译的Java类以防止反编译? 我知道这一点在互联网上必须讨论得非常好,但是在提到它们之后我不能得出任何结论。 许多人确实提出了混淆器,但他们只是用难以记忆的字符序列重命名类,方法和字段,但敏感常量值又如何呢? 例如,您已经基于基于密码的加密技术开发了加密和解密组件。 现在,在这种情况下,任何普通的Java人都可以使用JAD来反编译类文件,并轻松地检索密码值(定义为常量)以及salt,然后通过编写

Why won't my Quaternion rotate properly?

Ok, we are not talking about OpenGL with this question, but this will be used with OpenGL ES 2.0. Question: How do create and rotate a Quaternion with the following code? I have been reading up and studying about this and still can't quite gasp the concepts. I thought I understood it, but once I started making some calculations to rotate the quaternion I realized I can't even get bac


好的,我们不是在讨论OpenGL,但是这个将会和OpenGL ES 2.0一起使用。 问题:如何使用以下代码创建和旋转四元数? 我一直在阅读和研究这个问题,但仍然不能完全理解这些概念。 我以为我明白了,但是一旦我开始做一些旋转四元数的计算,我意识到我甚至不能回到我开始的地方。 所以让我们说,我们有一个立方体,它的中心位于(0,0,0)。 我们想在x轴上旋转45度。 我会怎么做? (只有四元数) 假设成功,你将如何从

How do you render a cube with different colored sides in OpenGL?

I am attempting to render a cube with different colors on certain sides as a practice exercise, but the problem is that as I rotate the cube along the y-axis, I can still see the different color side through the sides facing the camera. I've tried splitting up the code into seperate glBegin() blocks for each side and I've tried looking around on google for the answer with no luck. Accor


我尝试在某些边上渲染一个具有不同颜色的立方体作为练习,但问题是,当我沿着Y轴旋转立方体时,仍然可以通过面向相机的侧面看到不同的颜色侧。 我已经尝试将代码分解为单独的glBegin()块,并且我尝试在谷歌上搜索没有运气的答案。 根据glColor3f上的Microsoft文档,“glcolor3变体明确指定了新的红色,绿色和蓝色值,并隐式设置当前alpha值为1.0(全强度)。”,所以透明度不应该成为问题...... 这是代表问题的图片 以下是

How to compute the Rotation

In my 3D world implementation I use Direction-Vectors (unit vector) to decide the orientation of my 3D-objects. Each 3D-object has its own Direction-Vector which by default has the orientation V3(1, 0, 0) with Origin at V3(0,0,0). This is how I apply the directional Rotation-Matrix "D" (the matrix "A" is used to rotate 3D-objects around their Direction-Vector as an axis, t


在我的3D世界实现中,我使用方向矢量(单位矢量)来决定3D对象的方向。 每个3D对象都有自己的方向矢量,默认情况下方向为V3(1,0,0),原点位于V3(0,0,0)。 这就是我如何应用定向旋转矩阵“D”(矩阵“A”用于围绕它们的方向向量旋转3D对象作为轴,这似乎工作正常): Model3D model = actor.model; // Loops through all the edges in the model for (int i = 0; i < model.edges.length; i++) { M3 D = directionMatr

How to avoid camera flipping on quaternion rotation?

I have a camera that orbits around a fixed point using quaternions. The problem is that as the camera rotates around the x-axis and passes over a pole, that the camera will flip and produce a mirrored image. This makes sense because the camera is facing the opposite way but the up vector of the camera hasn't changed. Clearly, a new up vector needs to be calculated from the look vector and


我有一台相机,它使用四元数围绕固定点进行轨道运动。 问题是,当相机围绕x轴旋转并通过杆时,相机将翻转并产生镜像图像。 这是有道理的,因为相机朝向相反的方向,但相机的向上矢量没有改变。 显然,一个新的矢量需要从外观矢量和正确的矢量来计算,但是我似乎无法使它工作。 注意:这使用http://commons.apache.org/math/api-2.2/org/apache/commons/math/geometry/Rotation.html来表示四元数。 无论如何,我正在使用以

ExpectedException.expectMessage((String) null) is not working

I am writing JUnit4 unit tests and have a condition where I need to assert that an exception was thrown with null message. @Rule public final ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public final void testNullException() throws Exception { exception.expect(Exception.class); exception.expectMessage((String) null); mPackage.getInfo(null); } The line mPackage.getI


我正在编写JUnit4单元测试,并且有一个条件,我需要声明使用null消息引发异常。 @Rule public final ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public final void testNullException() throws Exception { exception.expect(Exception.class); exception.expectMessage((String) null); mPackage.getInfo(null); } mPackage.getInfo(null)行正确地引发了一个带有null消息的Exception,但是

differences between 2 JUnit Assert classes

The JUnit framework contains 2 Assert classes (in different packages, obviously) and the methods on each appear to be very similar. Can anybody explain why this is? The classes I'm referring to are: junit.framework.Assert and org.junit.Assert . The old method (of JUnit 3) was to mark the test-classes by extending junit.framework.TestCase . That inherited junit.framework.Assert itself an

2个JUnit Assert类之间的差异

JUnit框架包含2个Assert类(很明显,在不同的包中),每个方法看起来都非常相似。 任何人都可以解释为什么这是? 我所指的类是: junit.framework.Assert和org.junit.Assert 。 旧的方法(JUnit 3)是通过扩展junit.framework.TestCase来标记测试类。 继承的junit.framework.Assert本身和你的测试类获得了以这种方式调用断言方法的能力。 从JUnit的第4版开始,框架使用Annotations来标记测试。 所以你不再需要扩展TestC

Why @Rule annotated fields in JUnit has to be public?

In JUnit test case, a field annotated by @Rule must be public. It breaks a common Java coding convention (all class member variables should not be public). Why does JUnit require this? Documentation for @Rule : https://github.com/junit-team/junit/blob/master/src/main/java/org/junit/Rule.java The JUnit runner will need to access the field reflectively to run the rule. If the field was priva


在JUnit测试用例中,由@Rule注释的@Rule必须是公共的。 它打破了常见的Java编码约定(所有类成员变量都不应该公开)。 为什么JUnit需要这个? @Rule文档:https://github.com/junit-team/junit/blob/master/src/main/java/org/junit/Rule.java JUnit运行者需要反射地访问该字段以运行规则。 如果该字段是私人的访问将抛出IllegalAccessException 。 另一个选择是让运行者在运行规则之前修改从私人到公众的访问权限。

Could not post JSON requests to GCM after 6 attempts

I am having the same problem as this. I will try and provide more information. I am using Play Framework, writing in Java. I wrote a plugin called PushNotificationQueue. PushNotificationQueue runs both an iOS and an Android Push Message Queue. Below, for reference, is my GCM implementation. public class AndroidPushNotificationQueue { // (constructors and fields not included for brevity)


我遇到同样的问题。 我会尽力提供更多信息。 我正在使用Java编写的Play Framework。 我写了一个名为PushNotificationQueue的插件。 PushNotificationQueue同时运行iOS和Android推送消息队列。 下面,作为参考,是我的GCM实施。 public class AndroidPushNotificationQueue { // (constructors and fields not included for brevity) // constructor starts a daemon thread /** * Sends a notification. * @param n