This question already has an answer here: Avoiding != null statements 58 answers 你也可以使用java8可选obj.setData(Optional.ofNullable(input).orElse(obj.getData())); 使用番石榴: String someString = "value"; Optional.fromNullable(someString).or("defaultValue");
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 避免!= null语句58个答案 你也可以使用java8可选obj.setData(Optional.ofNullable(input).orElse(obj.getData())); 使用番石榴: String someString = "value"; Optional.fromNullable(someString).or("defaultValue");
This question already has an answer here: Avoiding != null statements 58 answers If that is needed, why JVM cannot the job by default. It does! It checks if the value is null, and if not, throws a NullPointerException . In many cases this is the appropriate behaviour and you do not need to change it. Normally it's easiest to simply declare variables or methods so that they never ret
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 避免!= null语句58个答案 如果需要,默认情况下,为什么JVM不能完成这项工作。 它确实! 它检查值是否为空,如果不是,则引发NullPointerException 。 在很多情况下,这是适当的行为,您不需要改变它。 通常情况下,简单地声明变量或方法以便它们永不返回空值是最简单的。 但是,有时这是不可避免的,就像在API中的一些现有方法中那样,并且一些自创方法和变量需要设置空值。 我个人
This question already has an answer here: Avoiding != null statements 58 answers In Java 8: static <T> boolean notNull(Supplier<T> getter, Predicate<T> tester) { T x = getter.get(); return x != null && tester.test(x); } if (notNull(something::getThatObject, MyObject::someBooleanFunction)) { ... } If this style is new to the readers, one sho
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 避免!= null语句58个答案 在Java 8中: static <T> boolean notNull(Supplier<T> getter, Predicate<T> tester) { T x = getter.get(); return x != null && tester.test(x); } if (notNull(something::getThatObject, MyObject::someBooleanFunction)) { ... } 如果这种风格对读者来说是新的,那么应该记住,全功能编程有点更好。
This question already has an answer here: Avoiding != null statements 58 answers Use && . && is logical and. && combines two values and returns a boolean which is true if and only if both of its operands are true if(address!=null && firstName!=null && lastName!=null) { } For instance boolean b; b = 3 > 2 && 5 < 7; // b is true b = 2 &
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 避免!= null语句58个答案 使用&& 。 &&是合乎逻辑的。 &&组合了两个值,并返回一个布尔值,当且仅当它的两个操作数都为真时才为真 if(address!=null && firstName!=null && lastName!=null) { } 例如 boolean b; b = 3 > 2 && 5 < 7; // b is true b = 2 > 3 && 5 < 7; // b is now false if loop是一个错误的词
This question already has an answer here: Null check chain vs catching NullPointerException 19 answers Avoiding != null statements 58 answers No, it is generally not good practice in Java to catch a NPE instead of null-checking your references. You can use Optional for this kind of thing if you prefer: if (Optional.ofNullable(country) .map(Country::getCity) .map(C
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 空检查链与捕获NullPointerException 19个答案 避免!= null语句58个答案 不,在Java中通常不是很好的做法来捕获NPE,而不是空值检查您的引用。 如果您愿意,您可以使用Optional来处理这类事情: if (Optional.ofNullable(country) .map(Country::getCity) .map(City::getSchool) .map(School::getStudent) .isPresent()) { isValid
What are the replacements for legacy collections Stack and Properties , given that they may probably have synchronized methods (at least those inherited from Vector and Hashtable respectively)? See my comment here Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? Thanks. Directly from the Stack JavaDocs: A more complete and consistent set of LIFO stack operations is provided by
什么是遗留集合Stack和Properties的替代品,因为它们可能具有同步方法(至少是分别从Vector和Hashtable继承的方法)? 在这里看到我的评论为什么Java Vector类被认为已经过时或被弃用? 谢谢。 直接从Stack JavaDocs: Deque接口及其实现提供了更完整和一致的LIFO堆栈操作集,应优先使用此类。 例如: Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
The following code produces the output "Hello World!" (no really, try it). public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // u000d System.out.println("Hello World!"); } The reason for this is that the Java compiler parses the Unicode character u000d as a new line and gets transformed into: public static void main(String... args) { // The com
以下代码产生输出“Hello World!” (没有,试试看)。 public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // u000d System.out.println("Hello World!"); } 原因在于Java编译器将Unicode字符u000d解析为新行并转换为: public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // System.out.println("Hello World!"); } 因此导致评论被“执行”。
I would like to make one of my methods "deprecated" = not used anymore. But still I would like to have it in my API. I just want to show "warning" to anyone using that method. How can I achieve that? Use @Deprecated on method. Don't forget about clarifying javadoc field: /** * Does some thing in old style. * * @deprecated use {@link #new()} instead. */ @Depr
我想让我的一个方法“不赞成”=不再使用。 但我仍然想在我的API中使用它。 我只是想向使用该方法的任何人显示“警告”。 我怎样才能做到这一点? 在方法上使用@Deprecated。 不要忘记澄清javadoc领域: /** * Does some thing in old style. * * @deprecated use {@link #new()} instead. */ @Deprecated public void old() { // ... } 使用@Deprecated注释和@deprecated JavaDoc标签。 @deprecated JavaDoc标记用
Is there anything like static class in java? What is the meaning of such a class. Do all the methods of the static class need to be static too? Is it required the other way round, that if a class contains all the static methods, shall the class be static too? What are static classes good for? Java has static nested classes but it sounds like you're looking for a top-level static clas
在java中有没有类似static class东西? 这类课程的意义是什么? 静态类的所有方法都需要static吗? 它是否需要另一种方式,如果一个类包含所有静态方法,那么这个类是否也应该是静态的? 什么是静态类适合? Java有静态嵌套类,但它听起来像你正在寻找一个顶级静态类。 Java没有办法让顶级类成为静态类,但是你可以像这样模拟一个静态类: final声明你的类 - 防止扩展类,因为扩展静态类没有意义 使构造函数保持pr
I am a Java programmer who is new to the corporate world. Recently I've developed an application using Groovy and Java. All through the code I wrote used quite a good number of statics. I was asked by the senior technical lot to cut down on the number of statics used. I've googled about the same, and I find that many programmers are fairly against using static variables. I find stat
我是一名Java程序员,对企业界来说是新手。 最近我开发了一个使用Groovy和Java的应用程序。 所有通过我写的代码使用了相当多的静态数据。 高级技术人员要求我减少使用的静态数量。 我一直在搜索,我发现很多程序员都反对使用静态变量。 我发现静态变量更方便使用。 而且我认为它们也很高效(如果我错了,请纠正我),因为如果我必须对类中的函数进行10,000次调用,我会很乐意使该方法成为静态的并使用简单的Class.methodC