I tried everything. This one too How to stop the task scheduled in Java.util.Timer class I have one task that implements java.util.TimerTask I call that task in 2 ways: I schedule Timer like this: timer.schedule(timerTask, 60 * 1000); sometimes I need that work to start immediately and it has to cancel timerTask if there is any that is working cancelCurrentWork(); timer.schedule(tim
我尝试了一切。 这也是如何停止在Java.util.Timer类中计划的任务 我有一个实现java.util.TimerTask的任务 我以两种方式称呼该任务: 我安排像这样的计时器: timer.schedule(timerTask,60 * 1000); 有时我需要立即开始这项工作,如果有任何工作正常,它必须取消timerTask cancelCurrentWork(); timer.schedule(timerTask,0); 该实现不会停止当前的工作:(文档说:如果在发生此调用时该任务正在运行,该
I found similar questions asked here but there weren't answers to my satisfaction. So rephrasing the question again- I have a task that needs to be done on a periodic basis (say 1 minute intervals). What is advantage of using Timertask & Timer to do this as opposed to creating a new thread that has a infinite loop with sleep? Code snippet using timertask- TimerTask uploadCheckerTim
我在这里发现了类似的问题,但没有答案让我满意。 因此,再次重述这个问题 - 我有一项任务需要定期完成(比如每隔1分钟)。 使用Timertask&Timer来做这件事,而不是创建一个有睡眠的无限循环的新线程有什么好处? 使用timertask- TimerTask uploadCheckerTimerTask = new TimerTask(){ public void run() { NewUploadServer.getInstance().checkAndUploadFiles(); } }; Timer uploadCheckerTimer = new Timer(true
I'm kinda new to develop OSGi bundles and OSGi WAB. I'm using Jboss AS 7.1 server in which I should use both OSGi bundles and WAB together. Few of my dependencies for WAB are OSGi bundles, both the bundles and WAB are inside 'deployments' folder of my server. When I deploy my WAB, it looks for the dependencies inside 'WEB-INF/lib'. How to include the bundles for depend
我有点新开发OSGi包和OSGi WAB。 我使用的是Jboss AS 7.1服务器,我应该同时使用OSGi包和WAB。 我的WAB依赖关系很少是OSGi捆绑包,捆绑包和WAB都位于服务器的“部署”文件夹内。 当我部署我的WAB时,它会查找'WEB-INF / lib'内的依赖关系。 如何在不包含'WEB-INF / lib'中的bundle的情况下包含WAB文件外部的依赖关系? 提前致谢。 编辑: 我遵循此链接中提供的步骤: http://www.rpgnextgen.com/wiki/
Has anyone used OSGi and JSF together? I ask because JSF uses class-loader magic to find custom components. From a tutorial (emphasis mine): This configuration file will end up being META-INF/faces-config.xml in the .jar file that represents this component. JSF will look for such a file name in each of the .jar files that are loaded at runtime (in the WEB-INF/lib directory for .war files) a
有没有人一起使用OSGi和JSF? 我问,因为JSF使用类加载器魔法来查找自定义组件。 从教程(重点介绍): 该配置文件最终将成为表示此组件的.jar文件中的META-INF / faces-config.xml。 JSF将在运行时 (在.war文件的WEB-INF / lib目录中) 加载的每个.jar文件中查找这样的文件名 ,并在其配置中使用它们中的每一个。 通过这种方式,可以将多个组件.jar文件组合到一个Web应用程序中,并且每个.jar中描述的所有组件都可供应
I have implemented a chat service and desktop client using Java, the program works pefectly but the client is consuming lots of CPU, the idea is : Every client has an events queue in the server different events are added to the queue during the program, for example a new user logs in so an event is added to refresh the users list, if a new message is sent another event is added ... etc the
我已经实现了一个使用Java的聊天服务和桌面客户端,该程序运行良好,但客户端消耗大量的CPU,这个想法是: 每个客户端都有一个服务器中的事件队列 不同的事件在程序期间被添加到队列中,例如新用户登录,所以添加事件以刷新用户列表,如果发送新消息,则添加另一事件...等等 客户端有一个线程持续轮询队列中的事件并适当地响应这些事件 唯一的问题是,轮询线程消耗大量的CPU,我不知道使用异步Web服务是否会有所帮助。
I am trying to find an easy way to deal with Stored Procedures / SQL returning multiple result sets. I have been using the SimpleJdbcOperations#queryForList() method however this will only return the first result set as a List<Map<String, Object>> . I need to be able to get multiple result sets, ideally as a Collection of List<Map<String, Object>> or something. The prog
我试图找到一个简单的方法来处理返回多个结果集的存储过程/ SQL。 我一直在使用SimpleJdbcOperations#queryForList()方法,但是这只会返回第一个结果集为List<Map<String, Object>> 。 我需要能够获得多个结果集,理想情况下是一个List<Map<String, Object>>或某物的Collection 。 我正在编写的程序是一个中间件组件,所以我不知道SQL会是什么,或者结果集的形式。 我想我必须使用JdbcOperations类
I've installed latest version of Java Eclipse and JDK under Debian 9.0. When I create a JFrame, some errors occur, for example: Access restriction: The constructor EmptyBorder(int, int, int, int) is not accessible due to restriction on required library /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar Any ideas on how to fix the problem? Check the build path in Eclipse for that project.
我在Debian 9.0下安装了最新版本的Java Eclipse和JDK。 当我创建一个JFrame时,会发生一些错误,例如: 访问限制:由于所需库的限制,构造函数EmptyBorder(int,int,int,int)不可访问/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar 任何想法如何解决这个问题? 在Eclipse中检查该项目的构建路径。 这与具有修复说明的此问题类似:JDK访问限制修复
I had a question that was answered with adding jfxrt.jar to standard Eclipse build path. I followed the suggestion, adding the jfxft.jar as an External Jar on the jdk1.7.0_10.jdk JRE i have installed (under Eclipse > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs). But when I import "javafx.application.Application" It errors with: Access Restriction: The type Application is not ac
我有一个问题,通过将jfxrt.jar添加到标准的Eclipse构建路径来解决。 我遵循这个建议,将jfxft.jar添加为已安装的jdk1.7.0_10.jdk JRE上的外部Jar(在Eclipse> Preferences> Java> Installed JRE下)。 但是当我导入“javafx.application.Application” 它与以下错误: 访问限制:由于所需库的限制,无法访问类型应用程序/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_10.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar
I'm trying to setup a PKCS11 provider for accessing a smartcard. I installed a PKCS11 library on my system and followed the instructions in the Java PKCS#11 Reference Guide. In the reference they simply create an instance of sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 and pass the name of the configuration file to the constructor. When I try to compile the following code Provider p = new sun.security.p
我正在尝试设置PKCS11提供程序以访问智能卡。 我在我的系统上安装了一个PKCS11库,并遵循了Java PKCS#11参考指南中的说明。 在参考中,他们只是创建一个sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11的实例,并将配置文件的名称传递给构造函数。 当我尝试编译下面的代码 Provider p = new sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11("pkcs11.cfg"); Security.addProvider(p); 我收到以下错误。 访问限制:由于所需库的限制,构造函数SunPKCS11(St
I'm working on some imaging applications from a book my professor gave me. The book's from 2001 and Eclipse is telling me on some of the lines things like "Access Restriction: the type JPEGImageEncoder is not accessible due to restriction on a required library /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/rt.jar". I know I can suppress these warning, but will that cause other problems?
我正在从教授给我的一本书中研究一些成像应用。 这本书是从2001年开始的,Eclipse正在告诉我一些类似于“访问限制:JPEG / JPEG / rt.jar中”。 我知道我可以压制这些警告,但会导致其他问题吗? 这些警告是Eclipse的一个特性,通常与Java不相关。 警告是存在的,因为您使用的API不能保证被所有Java实现(如Harmony或IBM)支持,甚至不会保留在未来版本的Oracle实现中。 依赖这些API会在运行时面临NoSuchMethodError或Cla