I want to list all album list from my picasa album. Here is the code. import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import com.google.gdata.client.photos.PicasawebService; import com.google.gdata.data.photos.AlbumEntry; import com.google.gdata.data.photos.UserFeed; import com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException; import com.google.gdata.util.Servi
我想列出我的Picasa相册中的所有专辑列表。 这是代码。 import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import com.google.gdata.client.photos.PicasawebService; import com.google.gdata.data.photos.AlbumEntry; import com.google.gdata.data.photos.UserFeed; import com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException; import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException; pub
I'm trying to turn my JoGL project into a jar. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MA3LF50J EDIT from schnaader: Stacktrace from my PC: EDIT FROM WILLIAM: It runs on my PC just fine as a normal project inside JCreator, so I know it's not the code. I have JoGL in the /lib/ext/ folder of my jre too. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClass
我试图把我的JoGL项目变成一个罐子。 有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MA3LF50J 来自schnaader的编辑:我的电脑中的Stacktrace: 编辑从威廉:它作为一个正常的项目在JCreator内运行在我的电脑上,所以我知道这不是代码。 我在我的jre的/ lib / ext /文件夹中也有JoGL。 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/media/opengl/GL EventListener at java.l
I'm dealing with systems which manipulate "relaxed" JSON data which includes shell-style # line comments: [ { # Batman "first-name": "Bruce", "last-name": "Wayne" }, { # Superman "first-name": "Clark", "last-name": "Kent" } ] The part of the system I'm working on uses json-lib - which I'm surprised to discover is tolerant of the shell-style
我正在处理的系统操纵“轻松”的JSON数据,其中包括壳式风格的#行评论: [ { # Batman "first-name": "Bruce", "last-name": "Wayne" }, { # Superman "first-name": "Clark", "last-name": "Kent" } ] 我正在使用的系统的一部分使用json-lib - 我惊讶地发现它容忍shell风格的注释 - 解析JSON输入。 我需要从这些注释中提取一些额外的注释,但是json-lib似乎只是放弃它们而没有提供读取它们
been looking around on the site for a while, and i'm not getting anywhere. I am creating an android app which is getting a list of values from a mySQL DB via PHP, and returning the result encoded in a JSON object: {"error":false,"values":{"1":{"name":"This is a string"}, "2":{...}}} I am retrieving the JSON object in java like so: JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(response); boolean error
一直在这个网站上四处寻找,而我没有得到任何地方。 我正在创建一个android应用程序,它通过PHP从mySQL DB获取值列表,并返回在JSON对象中编码的结果: {"error":false,"values":{"1":{"name":"This is a string"}, "2":{...}}} 我正在检索Java中的JSON对象,如下所示: JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(response); boolean error = jObj.getBoolean("error"); if (!error) { JSONObject values = jObj.getJSONObject
I don't know what's going wrong with my JSONData , but my code catch JSONException , maybe it's invalid value ...? My url with json data is : this website . I already used Json with this website, and it works, but not this page with Json... Why ? Here is my code : public class Tab4Fragment extends Fragment { private ConnectivityManager manager; public static final String
我不知道我的JSONData出了什么问题,但是我的代码捕获了JSONException ,可能它的值是无效的......? 我与JSON数据的网址是:本网站。 我已经在这个网站上使用过Json ,它可以工作,但是Json没有这个页面...为什么? 这是我的代码: public class Tab4Fragment extends Fragment { private ConnectivityManager manager; public static final String TAG = Tab4Fragment.class.getSimpleName(); private Curren
I had asked a question about this earlier, but it didn't get answered right and led nowhere. So I've clarified few details on the problem and I would really like to hear your ideas on how could I fix this or what should I try. I have Java installed on my Linux server and the code below runs just perfectly. String key = "av45k1pfb024xa3bl359vsb4esortvks74sksr5oy4s5serondry84j
我之前曾问过一个关于这个问题的问题,但没有得到正确的回答,也没有得到任何答案。 所以我已经澄清了关于这个问题的一些细节,我真的很想听听你的想法,我该如何解决这个问题或者我应该尝试什么。 我的Linux服务器上安装了Java ,下面的代码运行得非常完美。 String key = "av45k1pfb024xa3bl359vsb4esortvks74sksr5oy4s5serondry84jsrryuhsr5ys49y5seri5shrdliheuirdygliurguiy5ru"; try { Cipher c = Cipher
If I pass the same key multiple times to HashMap 's put method, what happens to the original value? And what if even the value repeats? I didn't find any documentation on this. Case 1: Overwritten values for a key Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("1","one"); mymap.put("1","not one"); mymap.put("1","surely not one"); System.out.println(mymap.get("1")); We get surely not one . C
如果我多次将相同的密钥传递给HashMap的put方法,原始值会发生什么变化? 而且,如果价值重复呢? 我没有找到任何关于此的文档。 情况1:覆盖键的值 Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("1","one"); mymap.put("1","not one"); mymap.put("1","surely not one"); System.out.println(mymap.get("1")); 我们surely not one 。 情况2:重复值 Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("1","one"); mymap.put("1","not one
I am having a similar issue to this problem: UnsatisfiedLinkError with sqlite4java Jar on Mac OS X NetBeans I am running a script that uses sqlite, and while I am able to successfully run sqlite3 through the command line, I always get this error when I try to run the script: SEVERE: [sqlite] SQLiteQueue[master.catalog]: error running job queue com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteException: [-91]
我遇到了类似的问题: 在Mac OS X NetBeans上使用sqlite4java Jar的UnsatisfiedLinkError 我正在运行一个使用sqlite的脚本,虽然我能够通过命令行成功运行sqlite3,但当我尝试运行该脚本时,总会遇到此错误: SEVERE: [sqlite] SQLiteQueue[master.catalog]: error running job queue com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteException: [-91] cannot load library: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no sqlite4java-osx-amd64 in j
Given two absolute paths, eg /var/data/stuff/xyz.dat /var/data How can one create a relative path that uses the second path as its base? In the example above, the result should be: ./stuff/xyz.dat It's a little roundabout, but why not use URI? It has a relativize method which does all the necessary checks for you. String path = "/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat"; String base = "/var/data"; Stri
给定两条绝对路径,例如 /var/data/stuff/xyz.dat /var/data 如何创建一个使用第二个路径作为其基础的相对路径? 在上面的例子中,结果应该是: ./stuff/xyz.dat 这有点迂回,但为什么不使用URI? 它有一个相对化的方法,可以为你做所有必要的检查。 String path = "/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat"; String base = "/var/data"; String relative = new File(base).toURI().relativize(new File(path).toURI()).getPath(); // re
I have a List of doubles in java and I want sorted ArrayList in descending order Input ArrayList is like- List<Double> testList=new ArrayList(); testList.add(0.5); testList.add(0.2); testList.add(0.9); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.54); testList.add(0.71); testList.add(0.71); testList.add(0.71); test
我在java中有一个双打列表,我想按降序排列ArrayList 输入ArrayList类似于 - List<Double> testList=new ArrayList(); testList.add(0.5); testList.add(0.2); testList.add(0.9); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.1); testList.add(0.54); testList.add(0.71); testList.add(0.71); testList.add(0.71); testList.add(0.92); testList.add(