Least Frequently Used (LFU) is a type of cache algorithm used to manage memory within a computer. The standard characteristics of this method involve the system keeping track of the number of times a block is referenced in memory. When the cache is full and requires more room the system will purge the item with the lowest reference frequency. What would be the best way to implement a most-rec
最不常用(LFU)是一种用于管理计算机内存的缓存算法。 该方法的标准特性涉及系统跟踪内存中引用块的次数。 当缓存已满且需要更多空间时,系统将以最低参考频率清除项目。 在Java中实现最近使用的对象缓存的最佳方式是什么? 我已经使用LinkedHashMap实现了一个(通过保持访问对象的次数)但是我很好奇新的并发集合是否会成为更好的候选者。 考虑这种情况:假设缓存已满,我们需要为另一个缓存空间。 假设两个对象在高
When using query parameters the ORDER BY clause in combination with a oneToMany relation with the fetch strategy subselect, Hibernate 5.0.10 throws an exception: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index The Problem: Hibernate executes the query perfectly. But afterwards, when loading the referenced oneToMany relation, it reuses parts of the query (especially the WHERE clause) to load all re
当使用查询参数时,ORDER BY子句与fetch策略子查询中的oneToMany关系结合使用,Hibernate 5.0.10将引发异常: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index 问题:Hibernate完美地执行查询。 但之后,在加载引用的oneToMany关系时,它会重用部分查询(特别是WHERE子句)来加载所有引用的实体。 查询的一些部分,如ORDER BY子句将被剥离。 不幸的是,原始查询中的所有查询参数都是在进入子查询查询时进行的,而不检查它们是
I'm migrating a project from Hibernate 4.2.6 to 5.2.0. I noticed that for Hibernate 5.2.0, the native queries now require zero based parameter positionning. According to the JPA 2.1 Specification 3.10.13 Positional Parameters Only positional parameter binding and positional access to result items may be portably used for native queries, except for stored procedure queries for which na
我将一个项目从Hibernate 4.2.6迁移到5.2.0。 我注意到,对于Hibernate 5.2.0,本机查询现在需要基于零的参数定位。 根据JPA 2.1规范 3.10.13位置参数 除了定义了已命名参数的存储过程查询之外,只有位置参数绑定和对结果项的位置访问才可移植用于本机查询。 绑定位置参数的值时,编号从“1”开始。 假设对于本机查询,参数本身使用SQL语法(即“?”,而不是“?1”)。 我对该规范的理解是,即使对于本机查询,编号也应
I'm implementing Hibernate in an existing application and I'm in the process of converting over queries to HQL syntax. I have a query (going against MySQL) that uses the <=> equality operator in a join clause. Is there an equivalent built-in mechanism in hibernate that handles null values in the same fashion or will I have to roll my own? Update: Is it possible to have an HQL qu
我在现有的应用程序中实现Hibernate,并且正在将查询转换为HQL语法。 我有一个查询(针对MySQL),在连接子句中使用<=>等号运算符。 hibernate中是否存在等价的内置机制,它以相同的方式处理null值,还是必须自己推出? 更新:是否可以有一个HQL查询,但连接逻辑块是使用本机SQL指定的? 例如对于这个查询: String query2 = " from Alert a "; query2 += " left join a.alertInitialFactData fd with a.calyear=fd.
If I pass an empty list into a JPA query, I get an error. For example: List<Municipality> municipalities = myDao.findAll(); // returns empty list em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Profile p JOIN p.municipality m WHERE m IN (:municipalities)") .setParameter("municipalities", municipalities) .getResultList(); Because the list is empty, Hibernate generates this in SQL as "IN ()&qu
如果我将一个空列表传递给JPA查询,那么会出现错误。 例如: List<Municipality> municipalities = myDao.findAll(); // returns empty list em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Profile p JOIN p.municipality m WHERE m IN (:municipalities)") .setParameter("municipalities", municipalities) .getResultList(); 因为列表是空的,所以Hibernate在SQL中将其作为“IN()”生成,这使我在Hypersonic数据库中出错
Is it possible to use a DB sequence for some column that is not the identifier/is not part of a composite identifier ? I'm using hibernate as jpa provider, and I have a table that has some columns that are generated values (using a sequence), although they are not part of the identifier. What I want is to use a sequence to create a new value for an entity, where the column for the sequenc
对于某些不是标识符的列/不是组合标识符的一部分,是否可以使用DB序列? 我使用hibernate作为jpa提供程序,并且我有一个包含一些生成值(使用序列)的列的表,尽管它们不是标识符的一部分。 我想要的是使用序列为实体创建新值,其中序列的列不是主键的一部分: @Entity @Table(name = "MyTable") public class MyEntity { //... @Id //... etc public Long getId() { return id; } //note NO @
I installed the JavaCV/OpenCV libraries, and I'm having a problem with the basic example code. According to several examples that I have looked at, this code should load an image: IplImage image = cvLoadImage("C:\img.jpg"); But, when I run that I get a "cannot find symbol" error. Since this is my first time using it, I'm not sure if I messed the install up or not. Accord
我安装了JavaCV / OpenCV库,并且在基本示例代码中遇到问题。 根据我看过的几个例子,这段代码应该加载一张图片: IplImage image = cvLoadImage("C:\img.jpg"); 但是,当我运行时,我得到一个“无法找到符号”的错误。 由于这是我第一次使用它,所以我不确定我是否搞砸了安装。 根据最新的JavaCV自述,我确实有OpenCV的正确版本。 我还导入了所有的JavaCV jar文件。 据我所知,我也有正确设置所有路径。 任何人都知道
I'm doing a project that use image processing techniques to identify different objects and their lengths. I go through many examples in javaCV as well as OpenCV. But unfortunately I was unable to identify T shape of polygon. I try to use following rectangle identification method but I failed it. public static CvSeq findSquares( final IplImage src, CvMemStorage storage) { CvSeq squares
我正在做一个项目,使用图像处理技术来识别不同的对象及其长度。 我经历了javaCV和OpenCV中的很多例子。 但不幸的是我无法确定T形的多边形。 我尝试使用下面的矩形识别方法,但我失败了。 public static CvSeq findSquares( final IplImage src, CvMemStorage storage) { CvSeq squares = new CvContour(); squares = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvContour.class), sizeof(CvSeq.class), storage); IplImage pyr = null, timg
I have a gear image which I want to continuously rotate about a fixed point. Earlier I was accomplishing this by including the image in my Android class as an ImageView and applying a RotateAnimation to it. @InjectView(R.id.gear00) ImageView gear00; RotateAnimation ra07 = new RotateAnimation(0, 359, 129, 186); ra07.setDuration(10000); ra07.setRepeatCount(RotateAnimation.INFINITE);
我有一个齿轮图像,我想连续旋转一个固定点。 之前我通过在Android类中包含图像作为ImageView并将RotateAnimation应用于它来完成此任务。 @InjectView(R.id.gear00) ImageView gear00; RotateAnimation ra07 = new RotateAnimation(0, 359, 129, 186); ra07.setDuration(10000); ra07.setRepeatCount(RotateAnimation.INFINITE); ra07.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); gear00.setAnimation(ra07);
I am creating a new project using SWT. I will have 3 or 4 different tables in the project. I am fairly new to SWT and I find myself asking should I be using just the Table or should it be a TableViewer . I am wanting to learn some good guidelines on when to use just the Table and when a TableViewer is the best route. What is the benefit of using a TableViewer instead of a Table ? Should a
我正在使用SWT创建一个新项目。 项目中将有3或4个不同的表格。 我对SWT相当陌生,我发现自己问我应该只使用Table还是TableViewer 。 我想学习一些关于何时只使用Table以及TableViewer是最佳路线的一些很好的指导。 使用TableViewer而不是Table什么好处? 是否所有的表都有一个TableViewer ? 如果我的数据从表中工作,只是Table的最佳方式? 只是真的想要一些清晰的东西,所以当我创建这个项目时,我会以正确的方式