sorry I am newbie in Android Annotations and Dependency Injection in general. I am trying to understand how things work and what benefits I get using Android Annotations. I have studied sample examples, everything is clear about @EActivity, @ViewById, @App and other widely used annotations in Android development. I have problems with understanding concep of Ebean . I have used spring for Ja
对不起,我一般是Android注释和依赖注入的新手。 我正在尝试了解事情的工作方式以及使用Android注释带来的好处。 我已经学习了示例示例,关于@EActivity, @ViewById, @App和Android开发中广泛使用的其他注释都很明确。 我对理解Ebean有困难。 我已经使用Spring for Java,很明显,我们在xml文件中声明了bean,并且只是在代码中使用它们,这样我们就可以轻松地在xml文件中更改,只提供具体的实现,并且它将在我们已经使用的
Note: This is intended to be a canonical answer for a common problem. I have a Spring @Service class ( MileageFeeCalculator ) that has an @Autowired field ( rateService ), but the field is null when I try to use it. The logs show that both the MileageFeeCalculator bean and the MileageRateService bean are being created, but I get a NullPointerException whenever I try to call the mileageCharge m
注意:这是针对常见问题的典型答案。 我有一个Spring @Service类( MileageFeeCalculator ),它有一个@Autowired字段( rateService ),但是当我尝试使用它时,该字段为null 。 日志显示正在创建MileageFeeCalculator bean和MileageRateService bean,但每当我尝试调用我的服务bean上的mileageCharge方法时,我都会得到一个NullPointerException 。 Spring为什么不自动装配该领域? 控制器类: @Controller public class
Overview Using Spring 3.0.1 (annotation configuration) Current configuration is using CGLib as proxy creator but this is not my preference Transactions are annotation configured without any special settings All configuration is done with annotations ( @Service , @Transactional , @ManagedResource , @Inject , etc.) Hibernate 3.5 (entities are annotated with javax.persistence) Guidelin
概观 运用 Spring 3.0.1(注释配置) 当前配置使用CGLib作为代理创建者,但这不是我的偏好 事务是未经任何特殊设置配置的注释 所有的配置与注释(做@Service , @Transactional , @ManagedResource , @Inject等) Hibernate 3.5(实体用javax.persistence注释) 指引亮点 每个用@Repository或@Service注解的bean都必须有一个接口 构造函数DI(不需要重新配置时) 构造函数具有默认可见性( Foo(Bar bar) {
I'm a little confused as to how the inversion of control ( IoC ) works in Spring . Say I have a service class called UserServiceImpl that implements UserService interface. How would this be @Autowired ? And in my Controllers action, how would I instantiate an instance of this service? Would I just do the following? UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl(); First, and most imp
关于控制反转( IoC )在Spring如何工作,我有点困惑。 假设我有一个名为UserServiceImpl的服务类实现了UserService接口。 这将是@Autowired ? 在我的Controllers操作中,我将如何instantiate此服务的一个instance ? 我会做下面的事吗? UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl(); 首先,也是最重要的 - 所有Spring bean都被管理 - 它们“活在”一个容器内,称为“应用程序上下文”。 其次,每个应用程序都有
Spring 3 has introduced a new expression language (SpEL) which can be used in bean definitions. The syntax itself is fairly well specified. What isn't clear is how, if at all, SpEL interacts with the property placeholder syntax that was already present in prior versions. Does SpEL have support for property placeholders, or do I have to combine the syntax of both mechanisms and hope they c
Spring 3引入了一种新的表达式语言(SpEL),可以在bean定义中使用。 语法本身是相当明确的。 不清楚的是,SpEL如何与之前版本中已经存在的属性占位符语法进行交互。 SpEL是否支持财产占位符,还是必须结合两种机制的语法并希望它们结合? 让我举一个具体的例子。 我想使用属性语法${xyz} ,但增加了elvis运算符提供的“默认值”语法来处理${xyz}未定义的情况。 我试过以下语法没有成功: #{xyz?:'defaultValue'
I am using Android Studio on OS X. I am getting this error message: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:preDexDebug'. Failed to run command: /Applications/Android --dex --output /Users/alex/AndroidStudioProjects/SilentSMS/app/build/int
我在OS X上使用Android Studio。我收到此错误消息: 失败:生成失败,出现异常。 出了什么问题:执行任务':app:preDexDebug'失败。无法运行命令:/ Applications / Android --dex --output / Users / alex / AndroidStudioProjects / SilentSMS / app / build / intermediates / pre-dexed / debug / androi
I know of Android Library projects, which allow you to create a shared-source project that can be pulled into Android Applications as needed. However, that requires that source be available. I'm looking for a way to build and distribute a closed-source library that can be used in other Android projects like a traditional JAR. This will require usage of the Android compiler, so it's no
我知道Android库项目,它允许您创建可根据需要拖入Android应用程序的共享源项目。 但是,这需要该来源可用。 我正在寻找一种方法来构建和分发可用于其他Android项目(如传统JAR)的闭源库。 这将需要使用Android编译器,所以它不是一个vanilla-Java JAR文件。 FWIW,我不需要在JAR中嵌入资源/布局。 我见过,但感觉像是一种解决方法,我宁愿使用谷歌的“官方支持”。 此外,我需要确保我构建的JAR与
I have a large web based system which I have to test. Are there some tools or some Java based APIs which allow me for automation of exploratory tests. I already have a set of unit tests written in Java using Selenium. Are there some tools, which can generate a ranodm scenarios basing on already written tests. Maybe there are other ways to reach my goal. I found sth which can suit me in Jarte
我有一个大型的基于Web的系统,我必须测试。 是否有一些工具或一些基于Java的API允许我进行探索性测试的自动化。 我已经有一套使用Selenium用Java编写的单元测试。 是否有一些工具可以基于已经编写的测试生成一个ranodm场景。 也许还有其他方法可以达到我的目标。 我在Jartege找到了适合我的东西,但是它使用了JML,这会在项目中产生额外的工作量。
i would like to know if there is a tool which can help me to automate a java applet application in browser i tried to use FEST-Selenium but is there any other tools ? thank you After some research on Java Applet Automation i found some tools which can help to automate the Java Applets. Some of them you can Look for is LiveConnect and Robot. You can give a try with them.
我想知道是否有一个工具可以帮助我在浏览器中自动化java applet应用程序,我尝试使用FEST-Selenium,但是还有其他工具吗? 谢谢 在对Java Applet Automation进行了一些研究之后,我发现了一些可以帮助自动化Java Applets的工具。 其中一些你可以查找的是LiveConnect和机器人。 你可以试试他们。
Lately i bumped into selenuim for web automation which is wonderful tool , gives you the ability to record a test on the web browser and export it into java/c#/etc and modify it as you want in any Java IDE for example. I know that selenium is only for Web . Dose selenium got an extension / open source plug in to support desktop GUI application? There is another framework that do that for des
最近我遇到了selenuim,它是一个非常棒的工具,可以让你在Web浏览器上记录一个测试,并将它导出到java / c#/ etc中,并在任何Java IDE中进行修改。 我知道硒仅用于Web。 剂量硒有一个扩展/开源插件来支持桌面GUI应用程序? 还有另一个框架可以为桌面GUI应用程序做这些吗? 一种方法,你可以做到这一点 另一个为桌面GUI应用程序实现的框架 是通过使用Sikuli。 由于它采用图像识别技术,可跨所有桌面应用程序使用,也