I am working on an app that requires a permanent internet connection. If no internet connection is present I want the user to be logged out of the app (taken to the login screen). I have a network receiver class that detects network connectivity. I want this class to either terminate the activity on top of the stack OR to start a new login activity and delete the entire history stack. The pr
我正在研究需要永久性互联网连接的应用程序。 如果没有互联网连接,我想让用户注销应用程序(转到登录屏幕)。 我有一个网络接收器类来检测网络连接。 我希望这个类要么终止堆栈顶部的活动,要么开始一个新的登录活动并删除整个历史堆栈。 问题是我无法从我的接收器类中完成前台活动,并且在网络出现故障时无法知道用户处于哪种活动状态。 如果我从这个类开始一个新的登录活动,当用户按下“返回”时,他将被带回应用程序(
I'm running a spring data neo-4j application (not web based) which works fine during normal operation. If I close the Spring Context 'ctx.close()' the lock on the neo 4J database goes away. Then, from the same instance of the application, if I grab another Context I see the lock come back, but if I try and read / write from that database from that context I get an error: org.spri
我正在运行一个弹簧数据neo-4j应用程序(不是基于web的),在正常操作期间工作正常。 如果我关闭了Spring Context'ctx.close()',那么neo 4J数据库上的锁定就会消失。 然后,从应用程序的同一个实例中,如果我抓住另一个上下文,则会看到该锁返回,但如果尝试从该上下文中读取/写入该数据库,则会出现错误: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'o
I'm trying to create an object and populate members of a foreign collection held by that object in a single operation. I've tried every ordering of operations I can think of, and just can't seem to get it to work. My classes are (skipping irrelevant fields and annotations): @DatabaseTable public class ScheduledJob { @DatabaseField(id=true) private String id = UUID.randomUU
我试图创建一个对象,并在单个操作中填充该对象所拥有的外部集合的成员。 我已经尝试过所有我能想到的操作顺序,而且似乎无法使其正常工作。 我的课程是(跳过不相关的领域和注释): @DatabaseTable public class ScheduledJob { @DatabaseField(id=true) private String id = UUID.randomUUID ().toString (); @ForeignCollectionField(eager=true) private Collection<ScheduledJobTask> tasks;
Since last few days I am reading and studying about Restricted Boltzmann machines and Deep Learning. Now to test the ability of Deep learning I am in search of Java code. I searched for long time on Google but could not get any satisfactory implementation. As an example, I found following java library for Restricted Boltzmann Machines: http://jarbm.sourceforge.net/ But I could neither get
自从前几天我正在阅读和研究限制玻尔兹曼机器和深度学习。 现在要测试深度学习的能力,我正在寻找Java代码。 我在Google上搜索了很长时间,但无法获得令人满意的实现。 作为一个例子,我发现了以下用于限制玻尔兹曼机器的java库: http://jarbm.sourceforge.net/ 但我无法获得它的源代码,也没有关于它的用法的详细帮助。 他们有这个代码的java文档,但没有解释它的用法。 没有给出示例的例子。 我在Python中找到了
Hi All, As showing i have an image with fields Username & City & Work as in the image. I just want to read these Character fields value from this image with java program. If any one have any idea about this please let me know thanks You can google with Java Character recognition through image and there is also good way to do this with this example. this jar you can use as for tes
大家好, 如显示我有一个图像与字段的用户名和城市与工作在图像中。 我只是想用java程序从这个图像中读取这些Character字段的值。 如果任何人对此有任何想法,请告诉我 谢谢 您可以通过图像来使用Java字符识别进行谷歌搜索,并且还可以通过此示例执行此操作。 这个jar可以用来测试 Tess4J是Tesseract引擎的Java包装,可以识别这些图像(重新缩放到300 DPI后)。 您应该开始查看字符识别库,如下所示。 另外,在这里
Looking for a lib that detects overlapping communities in a fairly large network (up to 10,000 nodes) in seconds, not minutes? [note: by "network" I mean a graph] Responding to a comment asking for details, here is a simple example: DEF | G | ABC There are many algorithms that are able to detect (D,E,F,G) and (A,B,C) as 2 distinct (non overlapping) communities in this net
在几秒钟内寻找一个在相当大的网络中检测重叠社区(最多10,000个节点)的lib,而不是几分钟? [注:通过“网络”我的意思是一个图表] 回应评论询问详情,这里是一个简单的例子: DEF | G | ABC 有许多算法能够将(D,E,F,G)和(A,B,C)检测为这个网络中的2个不同的(不重叠的)社区 - 当然还有(D,E,F)和(A,B,C,G)。 我正在寻找一种用Java实现的算法,它能够将(D,E,F,G)和(A,B,C,G)检测为
i have 2 custom annotations, but one should always executed before the other. How do i ensure this? Is there some kind of ordering or do it with additional method definitions? You can ensure the order of your custom annotations with @Order annotation. https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/core/annotation/Order.html Example: First annotation: @Retent
我有2个自定义注释,但一个应该总是在另一个之前执行。 我如何确保这一点? 是否有某种排序或使用附加的方法定义进行排序? 您可以使用@Order批注确保您的自定义批注的顺序。 https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/core/annotation/Order.html 例: 第一个注释: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface CustomAnnotation { } @
Possible Duplicate: Parsing numbers safely and locale-sensitively How can I validate strings containing decimal numbers in a locale-sensitive way? NumberFormat.parse allows too much, and Double.parseDouble works only for English locale. Here is what I tried: public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Locale.setDefault(Locale.GERMAN); NumberFormat numberFormat =
可能重复: 安全解析数字和区域设置 我怎样才能验证包含十进制数字字符串敏感的方式? NumberFormat.parse允许太多,而Double.parseDouble仅适用于英文语言环境。 这是我试过的: public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Locale.setDefault(Locale.GERMAN); NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault()); Number parsed = numberFormat.parse
I have been able to use CDT's AST API for parsing source code successfully. My question involves the reverse: How can I build an C AST programmatically, and then tell it to write itself to a file? I have seen the class ASTWriter (but that is internal) and can't find any tutorials or documentation on building the actual AST. I have found a paper that goes over the idea of what I want t
我已经能够使用CDT的AST API成功解析源代码。 我的问题涉及到相反的情况:我如何以编程方式构建C AST,然后告诉它将自己写入文件? 我已经看到ASTWriter类(但是它是内部的),并且无法找到关于构建实际AST的任何教程或文档。 我找到了一篇论述我想要做什么的论文:生成可重写的抽象语法树使得它看起来像生成代码很容易,如果我可以构造树并说'自己写'。 这在CDT中是否可行以及我可以如何开始(最好不要使用过时/内
I'm using version 2.4 of Servlet and I need to get the ContextPath through the init() method which is called on server start, so I don't have any Request object that could call getContextPath() and because the Servlet version I do not have getContextPath() method in the ServletContext either. Is there a way to get this ContextPath() somehow ? One web application can be published at se
我使用的是Servlet 2.4版,我需要通过在服务器启动时调用的init()方法来获取ContextPath ,所以我没有任何可以调用getContextPath() Request对象,并且因为我所做的Servlet版本ServletContext也没有getContextPath()方法。 有没有办法让这个ContextPath()以某种方式? 一个Web应用程序可以在几个不同的上下文路径中发布,因此上下文路径(单数)仅在特定请求的上下文中才有意义。 Servlet 2.5将getContextPath()添加到Servl