Hibernate checking all elements equal in collection

I have two entities ie Person and Activity. Activity has property status and Person entity contains collection of activities. I'd like to get a list of persons that have all activities with status 'Done'. Criteria crit = s.createCriteria(Person.class); crit.createAlias("activities", "act").add(Restrictions.eq("act.status","Done")); But this return all object with at least on


我有两个实体,即Person和Activity。 活动具有财产状态,人员实体包含活动的集合。 我想获得所有活动状态为“完成”的人员列表。 Criteria crit = s.createCriteria(Person.class); crit.createAlias("activities", "act").add(Restrictions.eq("act.status","Done")); 但是这会返回至少一个完成状态的活动的所有对象。 我想要检索所有活动状态设置为“已完成”的人员列表。 谁能帮我? 认为否定它。 检索那些有活动

Java Based GUI Automation (Not limited to Java based GUI like Swing)

Is there any open source tool/framework that is written in Java that can be used to automate all Windows applications (not like Abbot or FEST which automates Java based GUI Apps). I have heard about WHITE which is kind of like for .Net Languages. Is there a Java based alternative or a framework in Java that can use WHITE or UIAutomation Framework (through JNI or something)? There seems to be


是否有任何用Java编写的开源工具/框架,可用于自动化所有Windows应用程序(不像自动化基于Java的GUI应用程序的Abbot或FEST)。 我听说过有关.Net语言的WHITE。 有没有基于Java的替代品或Java中的框架可以使用WHITE或UIAutomation Framework(通过JNI或其他)? 似乎有很多基于Java的Web自动化和测试工具,像Selenium,Sahi等,但对于GUI自动化,我只发现了jWinAuto,它是AutoItX的一个包装。 Java不能用于GUI自动化吗?

Service not being created (or connecting) after bindService()

I have this simple service that broadcasts the current location of the user. I want to use the binding mechanism just to control the service life-cycle, but the service is just not starting. What did I do wrong? public class GPSActivity extends ListActivity { ... protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Log.i("Service", "Service bound"); Intent intent = new Inten


我有这个简单的服务,广播用户的当前位置。 我想使用绑定机制来控制服务生命周期,但服务只是没有开始。 我做错了什么? public class GPSActivity extends ListActivity { ... protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Log.i("Service", "Service bound"); Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocationService.class); bindService(intent, service_connection , Context.BIND_AUTO_

Java Library to generate interactive Graph

i want to visualize our SOA services as graph. we have business services and domain services. -> domain service 1 e.g. business service 1 -> domain service 2 -> domain service 3 i currently use graphviz/dot to generate the graph - all good so far. the graph is quite big. now i am looking for a tool that allows me to genereate "int


我想将我们的SOA服务可视化为图形。 我们有商业服务和域名服务。 -> domain service 1 e.g. business service 1 -> domain service 2 -> domain service 3 我目前使用graphviz / dot来生成图形 - 迄今为止都很好。 该图很大。 现在我正在寻找一种工具,它允许我创建“交互式”图形,在这里我可以点击一个节点(一个业务服务),它将以视图为中心,并且它的所有依赖

Java: compare HashMap<String, Object> if value might be an Object[]

I have the following HashMap with properties keys and values: private HashMap<String, Object> prop_values; I need to check if one instance of it is equal to another one. In the past, i just did this: if (prop_values_1.equals(prop_values_2)){ // do something } And this worked until i got Object[] as a value. So, my previous expression always returned false on such HashMap with any

Java:比较HashMap <String,Object>如果值可能是Object []

我有以下具有属性键和值的HashMap: private HashMap<String, Object> prop_values; 我需要检查它的一个实例是否与另一个实例相同。 在过去,我只是这样做了: if (prop_values_1.equals(prop_values_2)){ // do something } 这工作,直到我有Object[]作为一个值。 所以,我以前的表达式总是在这个带有任何Object[]值的HashMap上返回false 。 所以,我必须实现这个方法: private boolean isPropValuesEquals(

Negate unary operator in Hibernate QL

I'm trying to switch boolean field using the following hql: update Entity e set e.booleanField = not e.booleanField where e.id = ?1; Unfortunately "QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: not near..." was thrown. My question is: is there some unary operator for hibernate that supports such expression? Or any well known trick? sql supports such queries (postgresql): update en

在Hibernate QL中取消一元运算符

我试图使用以下hql切换布尔字段: update Entity e set e.booleanField = not e.booleanField where e.id = ?1; 不幸的是,“QuerySyntaxException:unexpected token:not near ...”被抛出。 我的问题是:是否有一些支持这种表达式的hibernate的一元运算符? 或者任何知名的技巧? sql支持这样的查询(postgresql): update entity_table set booleanField = not(booleanField); 我只是使用本机SQL查询来做到这一点。 要

can't activate profiles in multi

I'm experiencing some difficulties configuring our project with Maven and need some help :) Say, I have a multi-module project, with modules A and B (there are ~20 others as well) but all of them inherit from some "root" pom. I also have a custom maven plugin that should be enabled for module A only. The plugin should run in the same way for all the modules, so I put the confi


我在使用Maven配置项目时遇到一些困难,需要一些帮助:) 比方说,我有一个多模块项目,模块A和B(还有其他20个模块),但它们都是从一些“root”pom继承的。 我也有一个自定义的maven插件,只能为模块A启用。 插件应该以相同的方式运行所有的模块,所以我把配置放在根目录下。 现在,该插件在配置文件中定义,只有在明确要求时才会激活该插件: mvn test -PrunMyPlugin 这应该工作,如果我从根目录运行此命令,如果我在模

Getting SuperInterfaces in java

I have been trying to do this for quite some time now and can't seem to get the desired output. What I want to do is have a class name say java.util.Vector get the: the directly implemented interfaces if java.util.Vector . the interfaces directly implemented by the superclasses. and, transitively, all superinterfaces of these interfaces. Any help would be appreciated. You could


我一直在试图做相当长一段时间,似乎无法获得理想的输出。 我想要做的是有一个类名称说java.util.Vector 得到: 直接实现的接口如果java.util.Vector 。 由超类直接实现的接口。 以及这些接口的所有超接口。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 你可以用反射来做一个BFS。 从仅包含Vector的Set<Class<?>>开始,并使用Class.getInterfaces()和Class.getSuperclass()以迭代方式增加具有新元素的集合。 将刚添加

Good Java code to read for purposes of learning?

A common recommendation is to read the code of excellent programmers. I'm looking for recommendations for Java code to read for purposes of learning. I've worked through code in Tomcat and found that helpful. Am now looking for recommendations for other open-source code that is particularly well written/commented. My interest are in mainstream Java SE apps (and not looking for Swing/J


一个常见的建议是阅读优秀程序员的代码。 我正在寻找Java代码的阅读建议,以便学习。 我已经在Tomcat中完成了代码,发现它很有用。 我现在正在寻找其他开源代码的建议,这些代码特别写得很好。 我的兴趣在于主流的Java SE应用程序(而不是寻找Swing / JavaFX / UI代码)。 我在Java方面有大约三年的工作经验,因此寻找额外的波兰语,而不是语言基础知识。 Google Guava代码经过改进,主要是防弹的:http://code.google.co

intercept subdomain url for different login?

I have an application with spring security installed and working well -- it is currently running out of www.exampledomain.com . I now want to expand the application running out of a subdomain. For example newapp.exampledomain.com . The only problem is that for this new app a user needs to log in. In spring it is very easy to intercept urls via <intercept-url pattern="/Admin/*" a


我有一个应用程序安装了弹簧安全,并且运行良好 - 它目前已经用完了www.exampledomain.com 。 我现在想要扩展应用程序运行一个子域。 例如newapp.exampledomain.com 。 唯一的问题是用户需要登录这个新的应用程序。在春天,通过<intercept-url pattern="/Admin/*" access="ROLE_GENERAL"/>拦截url非常容易。 但是当你想拦截一​​个子域名登录时,你会做什么? 例如以下不适合我: <intercep