I'm looking for a basic tutorial on how to "mavenize" a Google AppEngine project, created by Google Eclipse Plugin. In case that's too difficult, how to create a Maven project, add GAE support to it then import it into Eclipse and work with the GooglePlugin from there? Ps What if I wanted SpringMVC,too? I'm not sure how to create maven project from eclipse, but creatin
我正在寻找关于如何“谷歌化”由Google Eclipse Plugin创建的Google AppEngine项目的基本教程。 如果这太困难了,如何创建一个Maven项目,添加GAE支持,然后将其导入Eclipse并从那里使用GooglePlugin? Ps如果我还想要SpringMVC呢? 我不知道如何从eclipse创建maven项目,但从头开始创建它非常简单。 对于gae,您可以使用net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin请参阅http://www.kindleit.net/maven_gae_plugin/index.html,它可以
Does Java NIO need special permissions on Windows? When I run the following Java code on Windows Server 2003, it fails with an "access denied" error (that's the whole message in the cygwin terminal window): new FileOutputStream(outputFile).getChannel() .transferFrom(new FileInputStream(inputFile).getChannel(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); but if I use Apache commons-io (which I assume
Java NIO是否需要Windows上的特殊权限? 当我在Windows Server 2003上运行以下Java代码时,它会因“访问被拒绝”错误而失败(这是cygwin终端窗口中的全部消息): new FileOutputStream(outputFile).getChannel() .transferFrom(new FileInputStream(inputFile).getChannel(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); 但如果我使用Apache commons-io(我认为它不使用NIO,它可以使用相同的输入和输出文件: final FileInputStream inputStream
I found the "99 Scala Problems" very useful to learn Scala Collections and Data Structures. Is there some question bank similar to that which I could use to sharpen my futures/promises skills (and scala specifically, the actors )? Though I am trying to learn Scala, such a problem-and-program resource in other other languages (Java, Haskell, JavaScript) will be also welcome... even a b
我发现“99 Scala问题”对学习Scala集合和数据结构非常有用。 是否有一些问题银行与我可以用来提升我的期货/承诺技能(特别是演员)相类似? 尽管我正在尝试学习Scala,但其他语言(Java,Haskell,JavaScript)中的这样一个问题和程序资源也将受到欢迎......即使是针对此问题的书籍...... 这是一个很好的java资源。 http://practiceit.cs.washington.edu/
I have a BST which has duplicate entries. I am trying to find duplicate entries. Now obviously I can write a dumb algorithm which traverses the whole tree, which is easy. However, I want to write a more efficient one. Here's what I've done/thought so far: Assume the following tree. 10 / 5 15 / / 2 8 10 16 8 12 If I want to find
我有一个BST,它有重复的条目。 我正在尝试查找重复的条目。 现在很明显,我可以编写一个遍历整棵树的简单算法,这很容易。 但是,我想写一个更有效的。 以下是我迄今为止所做的/想到的: 假设以下树。 10 / 5 15 / / 2 8 10 16 8 12 如果我想查找所有8个,我将首先在10的左子树上找到8个。要找到一个重复的,如果它没有正确的孩子,它是否是右子树上的最左边的
I am reading "Elixir in Action" book by Saša Jurić, and in the first chapter it says: Erlang processes are completely isolated from each other. They share no memory, and a crash of one process doesn't cause a crash of other processes. Isn't that true for Java threads as well? I mean when Java thread crashes, it too does not crash other threads - especially, if we are looki
我正在阅读SašaJurić的“Elixir in Action”一书,并在第一章中写道: Erlang进程完全相互隔离。 它们不共享内存,并且一个进程崩溃不会导致其他进程崩溃。 Java线程也不是这样吗? 我的意思是,当Java线程崩溃时,它也不会崩溃其他线程 - 尤其是,如果我们正在查看请求处理线程(让main线程免于此问题) 在我之后重复: “这些是不同的范例” 大声说出20次左右 - 这是我们目前的口头禅。 如果我们真的必须比较苹果和橙
有谁知道一个好的Scala或Java库可以解决格式错误的URI中的常见问题,例如包含应该转义但不是的字符? I've tested a few libraries, including the now legacy URIUtil of HTTPClient without feeling I found any viable solution. Typically, I've had enough success with this type of java.net.URI construct though: /** * Tries to construct an url by breaking it up into its smallest elements * and enco
有谁知道一个好的Scala或Java库可以解决格式错误的URI中的常见问题,例如包含应该转义但不是的字符? 我已经测试了一些库,包括现在传统的HTTPClient URIUtil,但没有找到任何可行的解决方案。 通常,我已经用这种类型的java.net.URI构造获得了足够的成功,但是: /** * Tries to construct an url by breaking it up into its smallest elements * and encode each component individually using the full URI constructor:
The native Windows LookAndFeel in Java 6 seems to incorrectly size some fonts. Test program: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] arg) throws Exception { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndF
Java 6中的本机Windows LookAndFeel似乎错误地设置了某些字体的大小。 测试程序: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] arg) throws Exception { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
I started studying python a couple of month ago, then I found Jython. Do threads work properly in Jython, since it doesn't have a GIL? If so, can you suggest a good book on concurrency (threading)? The best book I've encountered on multithreading is "Java Concurrency in Practice". It's very much concentrating on Java thread concurrency, and is both humbling and excitin
几个月前我开始学习python,然后发现了Jython。 在Jython中线程是否正常工作,因为它没有GIL? 如果是这样,你能提出一本关于并发(线程)的好书吗? 我在多线程上遇到的最好的书是“Java并发实践”。 它非常专注于Java线程并发性,当您开始了解并发性引入的问题和可能性时,它既令人振奋又令人兴奋。 几年前我购买的版本在编码方面有一些错误,但这加剧了一个已经具有挑战性的主题:请在这里查看错误:http://jcip.net/err
My question is similar to Is there a static constructor or static initializer in Python?. However I still don't quite follow how to implement a static constructor as I would in Java: public class TestBuilder { private String uid; private String name; private double speed; public static final TestBuilder SLEEPY; public static final TestBuilder SPEEDY; static {
我的问题类似于Python中是否存在静态构造函数或静态初始化器? 不过,我仍然不太了解如何像在Java中一样实现一个静态构造函数: public class TestBuilder { private String uid; private String name; private double speed; public static final TestBuilder SLEEPY; public static final TestBuilder SPEEDY; static { SLEEPY = new TestBuilder("1", "slow test", 500.00); SPEE
I'm getting a formatted amount of money from a web service. It can be in different formats and using different currencies, eg $ 1.10 € 1,10 1,10 € EUR 1.10 (perhaps, I'm not sure I'll actually encounter this one) I would like to extract the currency symbol ( $ ) from it, and if possible get the associated Currency object (Java) from that symbol. I don't need to extract
我从Web服务获得格式化的金额。 它可以用不同的格式和使用不同的货币,例如 $ 1.10 € 1,10 1,10 € EUR 1.10 (或许,我不确定我会遇到这个) 我想从中提取货币符号( $ ),并且如果可能的话从该符号中获取关联的Currency对象(Java)。 我不需要提取金额,我可以在其他地方找到。 您可以使用正则表达式来解析来自web服务的结果。 您必须过滤所有字符,数字,点和空格除外。 这是正则表达式: String regexp = "