Dynamic Method Lookup in Java

I am trying to get my head around Dynamic method invoking in java and not able to understand why java does not let me invoke method from subclass instead of method of superclass. For example: If I have 2 classes Test and Test2 . Test2 inherits from class Test The method someFunction() is overridden in the subclass: Test class public class Test { public Test(){ System.out.prin


我试图让我的头在Java中动态调用方法,而不能理解为什么java不让我从子类调用方法而不是超类方法。 例如:如果我有2个类Test和Test2 。 Test2 继承自Test类 someFunction()方法在子类中被覆盖: 测试课 public class Test { public Test(){ System.out.println("I am Test class constructor called with no values"); } public void someFunction(){ System.out.println("I am some funct

Java Inheritance: Overwritten or hidden methods

When a class extends another, it inherits all methods and variables of the superclass. Both methods and variables can be used differently in the subclass, if you define it differently in the subclass with the same signature. Now Oracle distincts between overwriting and hiding (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/override.html). It says that an instance method overwrites its super


当一个类扩展另一个时,它继承了超类的所有方法和变量。 如果您在具有相同签名的子类中对其进行不同定义,那么方法和变量在子类中的使用可能会有所不同。 现在Oracle区分覆盖和隐藏(http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/override.html)。 它说一个实例方法覆盖它的超类的方法,而一个类方法隐藏它。 “隐藏和重写之间的区别具有重要意义,被调用的重写方法的版本是子类中的版本,被调用的隐藏方法的版本取决

Why is a singleton class hard to test?

Effective Java Item 3 (Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type) notes that: Making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test its clients, as it's impossible to substitute a mock implementation for a singleton unless it implements an interface that serves as its type. For testing purposes, why is it not sufficient to instantiate the one singleton i


有效的Java项目3(使用私有构造函数或枚举类型强制执行singleton属性)注意到: 将一个类作为一个单例可能会使得测试它的客户端变得困难,因为除非它实现了一个用作其类型的接口,否则不可能将一个模拟实现替换为单例。 为了测试目的,为什么仅仅实例化一个单例实例并测试它的API是不够的? 这不是客户会消费什么吗? 这句话似乎意味着测试单例将涉及“模拟实现”,但为什么这是必要的? 我已经看到了各种各样的“解释”,或

Singleton and unit testing

The Effective Java has the following statement on unit testing singletons Making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test its clients, as it's impossible to substitute a mock implementation for a singleton unless it implements an interface that serves as its type. Can anyone explain the why this is so ? You could use reflection to reset your singleton object to prevent tests fr


Effective Java在单元测试单例中有以下声明 将一个类作为一个单例可能会使得测试它的客户端变得困难,因为除非它实现了一个用作其类型的接口,否则不可能将一个模拟实现替换为单例。 任何人都可以解释为什么这样吗? 您可以使用反射重置您的单例对象,以防止测试互相影响。 @Before public void resetSingleton() throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {

How to create a static variable in python?

This question already has an answer here: Are static class variables possible? 16 answers 为了使用静态变量,你必须在类中使用它。 class XYZ: value = 3 print(MyClass.value) // access it via class name How's class A(object): v = 123 You access it simply as A.v


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态类变量可能吗? 16个答案 为了使用静态变量,你必须在类中使用它。 class XYZ: value = 3 print(MyClass.value) // access it via class name 怎么样 class A(object): v = 123 你可以简单地访问它 A.v

How many memory copies do object variables in Python have?

This question already has an answer here: Are static class variables possible? 16 answers In python, anything declared at the class scope is effectively global. When you look up that attribute on an instance, python doesn't find it, so it then looks on the class (then it continues looking on the base classes all the way up the method resolution order). So, in your case, x.list is the e


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态类变量可能吗? 16个答案 在python中,在类作用域声明的任何东西都是有效的。 当你在一个实例上查找该属性时,python没有找到它,所以它在该类上查找(然后继续查找基类,直到方法解析顺序)。 所以,就你的情况而言, x.list与A.list因为没有附加到x实例属性list 。 与之相似, y.list相同A.list所以x.list和y.list指的是相同的底层列表。 (唷!) 据我了解,这至少与Java的静态

Java stack and heap memory management

I want to know how the memory is being allocated in the following program: public class MemoryClass { public static void main(final String[] args) { int i = 0; MemoryClass memoryClass = new MemoryClass(); memoryClass.myMethod(memoryClass); } private void myMethod(final Object obj) { int i = 1; String s = "HelloWorld!"; } } Now, as far


我想知道如何在以下程序中分配内存: public class MemoryClass { public static void main(final String[] args) { int i = 0; MemoryClass memoryClass = new MemoryClass(); memoryClass.myMethod(memoryClass); } private void myMethod(final Object obj) { int i = 1; String s = "HelloWorld!"; } } 现在,据我的理解,下图描述了内存分配是如何发生的:

Compilation error with generics and ternary operator in JDK 7

I ran into a compilation failure while writing some Java code, which I distilled down to the following test case: import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class TernaryFailure { public static List<String> thisWorks() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public static List<String> thisFailsToCompile() { return true ? Collections.emptyLis

JDK 7中的泛型和三元运算符的编译错误

编写一些Java代码时遇到了编译失败,我将其解压缩到以下测试用例: import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class TernaryFailure { public static List<String> thisWorks() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public static List<String> thisFailsToCompile() { return true ? Collections.emptyList() : Collections.emptyList(); } } 上面的代码

Apache flume twitter agent not streaming data

I am trying to stream twitter feeds to hdfs and then use hive. But the first part, streaming data and loading to hdfs is not working and giving Null Pointer Exception. This is what I have tried. 1. Downloaded apache-flume-1.4.0-bin.tar . Extracted it. Copied all the contents to /usr/lib/flume/ . in /usr/lib/ i changed owner to the user for flume directory. When I do ls command in /usr/li


我正在尝试将Twitter提要流式传输到hdfs,然后使用配置单元。 但第一部分,流数据和加载到hdfs不起作用,并给空指针异常。 这是我尝试过的。 1.下载apache-flume-1.4.0-bin.tar 。 提取它。 将所有内容复制到/ usr / lib / flume / 。 在/ usr / lib /我将所有者更改为flume目录的用户。 当我在/ usr / lib / flume /中执行ls命令时,它显示 bin CHANGELOG conf DEVNOTES docs lib LICENSE logs NOTICE README

Where are static class variables stored in memory?

This is a follow-up question to How are static arrays stored in Java memory? . So global variables in C/C++ are stored in the static data segment of memory. But what about static class variables in Java/C++? It can't be the static data segment because you don't know what/how many classes are going to be referenced throughout the duration of your program (because of reflection). It&


这是如何将静态数组存储在Java内存中的后续问题? 。 所以C / C ++中的全局变量存储在内存的静态数据段中。 但是,Java / C ++中的静态类变量呢? 它不能是静态数据段,因为在整个程序期间(因为反射)你不知道会有多少类将被引用。 这绝对不是筹码,因为这没有意义。 将它存储在堆上也是如此。 在Java中,在低层次上,类静态变量确实存储在堆中,以及所有其他类的元数据。 对于Java而言,它们看起来像全局变量,但对