I am using GSON in my Android app to parser the data. I have added an enum in my Model object. After adding an enum my app started crashing. When I made runProguard false everything works fine. I did everything I could find on internet to fix the problem when program is true. But still no luck. I have already done following thing in proguard-rule file -keep class com.google.** { *; } -ke
我在Android应用程序中使用GSON来解析数据。 我在模型对象中添加了一个枚举。 添加一个枚举后,我的应用程序开始崩溃。 当我跑runProguard假一切正常。 我在网上找到了所有能够在程序正确时解决问题的东西。 但仍然没有运气。 我已经在proguard-rule文件中做了以下事情 -keep class com.google.** { *; } -keepattributes *Annotation* -keepattributes Signature -keepclassmembers enum * { public static **[] value
I've created some REST endpoints using pure Groovy/Grails. For now most of the operations are all CRUD-like. I'm beginning to compare the performance of the Grails app to an equivalent Java/Spring app for the CRUD scenarios that I've made, using JMeter. So now I'm taking a subset of the scenarios I've implemented in Grails and porting to a basic Spring MVC app. I'm v
我已经使用纯粹的Groovy / Grails创建了一些REST端点。 目前大多数操作都是类似CRUD的。 我开始使用JMeter将Grails应用程序的性能与我制作的CRUD场景的等效Java / Spring应用程序的性能进行比较。 所以现在我正在使用Grails中实现的场景的一个子集,并将其移植到基本的Spring MVC应用程序中。 我非常有兴趣看到网上其他人发布的性能比较。 任何人都可以提到我一些吗? 欢迎您提供有关测试和分析的其他任何信息。 谢谢
I have an application which is packaged in an EAR containing many JARs (with EJBs, libraries, 3rd-party-libraries, ...) and a single WAR (again containing some other JARs). The application is deployed in an JEE7 container (Wildfly 8.0.0.Final) and using CDI (Weld 2.1.2.Final shipped with Wildfly). In my understanding, Weld is active application-wide and has a single application-wide view. So
我有一个包含在包含许多JAR(包含EJB,库,第三方库,...)和单个WAR(同样包含一些其他JAR)的EAR中的应用程序。 该应用程序部署在JEE7容器(Wildfly 8.0.0.Final)中,并使用CDI(Weld 2.1.2.Final与Wildfly一起提供)。 根据我的理解,Weld在应用程序范围内是活跃的,并且具有单一的应用程序范围的视图。 所以,我想在哪里使用CDI并不重要 - 它可以工作。 但是有一些迹象表明这是不正确的。 例如, BeanManager的toStr
Consider the following code which uses the ability to intersect types, which was added in Java 8: private <E, T extends List<E> & RandomAccess> void takeList(T list) { } private void fakingRandomAccess() { List<Integer> linkedList = new LinkedList<>(); takeList((List<Integer> & RandomAccess)linkedList); } I have made a takeList method that only ta
考虑下面的代码,它使用Java 8中添加的相交类型的能力: private <E, T extends List<E> & RandomAccess> void takeList(T list) { } private void fakingRandomAccess() { List<Integer> linkedList = new LinkedList<>(); takeList((List<Integer> & RandomAccess)linkedList); } 我已经制定了一个takeList方法,它只需要具有(接近)常量访问时间的列表,不管出于何种原因
In my Wikipedia reader app for Android, I'm downloading an article's html by using HttpURLConnection, some users report that they are unable to see articles, instead they see some css, so it seems like their carrier is somehow preprocessing the html before it's downloaded, while other wikipedia readers seem to work fine. Example url: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Moon_(album)
在Android的维基百科阅读器应用程序中,我使用HttpURLConnection下载文章的html,有些用户报告他们无法看到文章,而是看到一些CSS,所以它看起来像他们的载体似乎在下载之前预处理html ,而其他维基百科的读者似乎工作得很好。 示例网址:http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Moon_(album) 我的方法: public static String downloadString(String url) throws Exception { StringBuilder downloadedHtml = new Strin
I am currently working on an android application which requires sending a stream that contained the XML to the server. At the moment, I have an xml as a string in the client application and I want to convert the xml string into an input stream, so that the stream can be passed to the wcf service for processing. Does anyone know how to achieve this? Here is the code I wrote in android(java) fo
我目前正在开发一个android应用程序,它需要发送包含XML的流到服务器。 目前,我在客户端应用程序中有一个xml作为字符串,我想将xml字符串转换为输入流,以便可以将该流传递给wcf服务进行处理。 有谁知道如何做到这一点? 这里是我在android(java)中编写的用于将xml字符串转换为输入流的代码,但我认为它存在一些问题。 有谁知道问题是什么? String xml = "<Tr rn="000000000000000" vr="T" sSpre="S" reg="P" dSpre=
I have a web service capable of returning PDF files in two ways: RAW : The file is simply included in the response body. For example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/pdf <file_contents> JSON : The file is encoded (Base 64) and served as a JSON with the following structure: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "base64": <file_contents_base64> } I want t
我有一个Web服务能够以两种方式返回PDF文件: RAW :文件只包含在响应主体中。 例如: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/pdf <file_contents> JSON :文件被编码(Base 64)并作为JSON使用,结构如下: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "base64": <file_contents_base64> } 我希望能够通过使用以下架构在Android / Java上使用这两种服务: // Get response body input strea
I have a Java SFTP Transfer application working fine using a file that is saved on disk. I like to change the logic to use a string or stream. All the information I can find is that it only takes FileInputStream . Any help would be great. ChannelSftp c = createSession(); try { File f = new File(workingFile); c.put(new FileInputStream(f), f.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { Syste
我有一个Java SFTP Transfer应用程序使用保存在磁盘上的文件正常工作。 我喜欢改变使用字符串或流的逻辑。 我能找到的所有信息都只需要FileInputStream 。 任何帮助都会很棒。 ChannelSftp c = createSession(); try { File f = new File(workingFile); c.put(new FileInputStream(f), f.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Storing remote file failed. "+e.toString()); throw e; }
I'm having an issue with a JUnit test I made. The method I'm testing takes an InputStream should throw an exception if the passed InputStream doesn't support mark/reset. The problem I am running into is that my test to ensure an exception gets thrown when an InputStream that doesn't support mark/reset gets passed (posted below) keeps throwing an AccessDeniedException. public c
我遇到了我所做的JUnit测试问题。 我正在测试的方法需要一个InputStream,如果传入的InputStream不支持标记/重置,则会引发异常。 我遇到的问题是,当不支持标记/重置的InputStream被传递(发布如下)时,我的测试确保引发异常,并一直抛出AccessDeniedException。 public class IOTest{ @Rule public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = TemporaryFolder() @Before public void createFolder() throws IOException { Files.crea
Possible Duplicate: What is the best free JavaScript obfuscator that is available as a Java library? I use YUI Compressor for years to minify and obfuscate JS files. But now I need to obfuscate and minify dynamically generated JavaScript code on the server. So the main difference here is that there will not be JS files that should be obfuscated but requests to the server (Java) which should
可能重复: 什么是可用作Java库的最好的免费JavaScript混淆器? 我使用YUI Compressor来缩小和混淆JS文件。 但是现在我需要混淆和缩小服务器上动态生成的JavaScript代码。 所以这里的主要区别是,不会有JS文件应该被模糊处理,而是请求服务器(Java),它应该生成部分JS代码并返回它们已经被缩小和混淆。 YUI压缩机没有提供这样做的可能性。 我观察了消息来源,并已经计算出应该重写哪些方法才能使其工作。 我不想这样