Mocking Java enum to add a value to test fail case

I have an enum switch more or less like this: public static enum MyEnum {A, B} public int foo(MyEnum value) { switch(value) { case(A): return calculateSomething(); case(B): return calculateSomethingElse(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not know how to handle " + value); } and I'd like to have all the lines covered by the tests, but as the code is expe


我有一个枚举开关或多或少像这样: public static enum MyEnum {A, B} public int foo(MyEnum value) { switch(value) { case(A): return calculateSomething(); case(B): return calculateSomethingElse(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not know how to handle " + value); } 我想要测试覆盖所有行,但由于代码需要处理所有可能性,因此在交换机中没有相应的case语句的情况下,我

How do I add Groovy scripts to a Java project with classical Maven structure?

I have a Java Maven project with its usual structure. It was generated by Spring Boot project creator. Now I want to add some Groovy scripts to it, such that I can access some of the functionality implemented in Java from these scripts and it's sufficient, if I can run those Groovy scripts from the IDE only (I don't intend to package them, nor distribute them). I'm using Inte


我有一个通常结构的Java Maven项目。 它是由Spring Boot项目创建者生成的。 现在我想添加一些Groovy脚本,例如 我可以从这些脚本中访问一些用Java实现的功能 如果我只能从IDE运行这些Groovy脚本(我不打算打包它们,也不分发它们),那就足够了。 我正在使用IntelliJ Idea社区版。 我需要做什么(包括放置Groovy脚本的位置),以便在IDE中编写和执行Groovy脚本,该脚本可以访问我的Java类com.mycompany.SomeComplexCl

LWJGL won't work outside NetBeans

I'm having trouble trying to figure out why my LWJGL3 application won't run outside NetBeans. I copied all the natives to the same dir. as the Jar and I get an error if I run directly from the Jar: [LWJGL] GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE error Description : WGL: The driver does not appear to support OpenGL Stacktrace : org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.nglfwCreateWindow(


我无法弄清楚为什么我的LWJGL3应用程序不能在NetBeans之外运行。 我把所有的本地人都复制到了同一个目录中。 作为罐子和我得到一个错误,如果我直接从罐子运行: [LWJGL] GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE error Description : WGL: The driver does not appear to support OpenGL Stacktrace : org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.nglfwCreateWindow( org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwCreateWindow(

Gradle, error could not find or load main class 'test.Main'

I implemented Gradle on one of my projects. I use Netbeans 8.02 with the gradle plugin. Structure is as it should be, sources are located under jgli/src/main/java/ , resources under jgli/src/main/resources/ The Main class is jgli/src/main/java/test/ If I run it through the ide, it runs on windows, it crashes on linux. That's why I am trying to run it through the console right


我在我的一个项目上实施了Gradle。 我使用Netbeans 8.02和gradle插件。 结构是理所应当的,源位于下jgli/src/main/java/下资源jgli/src/main/resources/ Main类是jgli/src/main/java/test/ 如果我通过ide运行它,它运行在Windows上,它在Linux上崩溃。 这就是为什么我现在试图通过控制台运行它: java -jar jgli.jar 但我不断收到: 错误无法找到或加载主类'test.Main' 这是我的build.gradle a

Converting HTML files to PDF

I need to automatically generate a PDF file from an exisiting (X)HTML-document. The input files (reports) use a rather simple, table-based layout, so support for really fancy JavaScript/CSS stuff is probably not needed. As I am used to working in Java, a solution that can easily be used in a java-project is preferable. It only needs to work on windows systems, though. One way to do it that


我需要从现有的(X)HTML文档自动生成PDF文件。 输入文件(报告)使用相当简单的基于表格的布局,因此可能不需要支持真正花哨的JavaScript / CSS材料。 由于我习惯于使用Java,因此可以轻松地在Java项目中使用该解决方案。 不过,它只需要在Windows系统上工作。 一种可行的方法是,但不会产生高质量的输出(至少是开箱即用)是使用CSS2XSLFO和Apache FOP来创建PDF文件。 我遇到的问题是,虽然CSS属性转换得很好,但表格布

Replace bean at runtime

The codebase is typical spring based enterprise codebase with about 1.5m lines of code. We have quite a few spring context files. The test infra is a problem. For the test cases, I created another set of test-spring files (mostly it imports relevant project spring contexts) and for few beans contains mocked beans for external services. All Test classes use the same set of context configurati


代码库是典型的基于Spring的企业代码库,大约有150万行代码。 我们有不少的春天上下文文件。 下面的测试是一个问题。 对于测试用例,我创建了另一组测试文件(主要是导入相关的项目spring上下文),并且少数bean包含用于外部服务的mocked bean。 所有的测试类都使用相同的上下文配置文件集,而且事情发生的时间是90%。 但在某些情况下,我会嘲笑一个豆子。 但是我不希望编辑spring-text.xml(因为它会干扰所有的类),

multiple instances of a Form

I have a play template looking like this: @(projects: List[Project], projectForm: Form[Project]) @import helper._ @main("Create projects") { <div class="accordion"> @for(project <- projects) { <h3></h3> <div> @form(routes.Application.updateProject(project.getId), 'class -> "ajaxForm") { @* I'm not even sure w


我有一个播放模板看起来像这样: @(projects: List[Project], projectForm: Form[Project]) @import helper._ @main("Create projects") { <div class="accordion"> @for(project <- projects) { <h3></h3> <div> @form(routes.Application.updateProject(project.getId), 'class -> "ajaxForm") { @* I'm not even sure why I need t

debugging in intellij (Reloading changed classes)

i recently switched over to intellij from eclipse . While in eclipse when using debug launcher the application reloads the changed classes instantly after saving . While in intellij i found that it takes like >10 secs time after reloading changed classes, which might not be a lot but it is really annoying cause i use it so frequently , is there any otherway to achieve this To reload change


我最近从eclipse切换到intellij。 在eclipse中使用调试启动器时,应用程序在保存后立即重新加载更改的类。 虽然在intellij中,我发现在重新加载更改后的类需要大于10秒的时间,这可能不是很多,但它真的很烦人,因为我经常使用它,有没有其他方法可以实现这一点 重新加载更改的类 1.执行以下操作之一: - 在主菜单上,选择运行| 重新加载更改的类。 - 在主菜单中,选择Build | 编译“class_name”以在调试期间重新编译更

Build PJMEDIA (pjsip library) for Android

I'm trying to build pjmedia for Android. From pjsip library ( I've followed official tutorial ( 1.Created config_site.h with next configuration: define PJ_CONFIG_ANDROID 1 include <pj/ config_site_sample.h> 2.Specified path to NDK export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path_to_android_ndk


我正在尝试为Android构建pjmedia。 来自pjsip图书馆(。 我遵循官方教程( 1.使用下一个配置创建config_site.h: define PJ_CONFIG_ANDROID 1 include <pj/ config_site_sample.h> 2.指定NDK的路径 export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path_to_android_ndk_dir 3.运行android配置并制作 ./configure-android m

Maintaining session across http calls in Android

In my Android Project I was using old apache library for networking operations. There I used the BasicCookie() in HttpContext for maintaining sessions across the https calls. Now Google has deprecated the Apache Library and So I switched to URLConnection for networking. But I am not sure how I can set cookie in HttpsUrlConnection to maintain the session across the https calls. How can I set t


在我的Android项目中,我使用旧的Apache库进行网络操作。 在那里,我使用HttpContext中的BasicCookie()来维护通过https调用的会话。 现在谷歌已经弃用了Apache库,所以我切换到URLConnection网络。 但我不确定如何在HttpsUrlConnection中设置Cookie来维护跨HTTPS调用的会话。 我怎样才能在HttpURlConnection中设置相同的功能。 我从这篇文章中尝试了所有这些,但没有帮助。 如何使用cookieManager在httpUrlConnection中