I need to compile my project but it fails in my pom.xml. The first error is: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (execution: default- compile, phase: compile) and the second: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler- plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (execution:
我需要编译我的项目,但它在我的pom.xml中失败。 第一个错误是: 插件执行没有被生命周期配置覆盖:org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile(execution:default- compile,phase:compile) 第二: 生命周期配置没有涉及的插件执行:org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile(执行:default-testcompile,phase:test-compile) 我在我的settings.xml中尝试了
I have an existing project in maven which is working fine in other remote env which i dont have any access, I dont know what is the issue in my env, the same project is working in other remote env. My Env Details are:- Java1.7 Tomcat7.x Eclipse Juno,Build id: 20120614-1722 Plugin Details: M2E - Maven Integration for Eclipse The below error is coming while importing the project and after sel
我有一个在maven中工作正常的其他远程env中的项目,我没有任何访问权限,我不知道在我的env中是什么问题,同一个项目在其他远程env中工作。 我的Env详情是: - Java1.7 Tomcat7.x Eclipse Juno,编号:20120614-1722插件详细信息:M2E - 适用于Eclipse的Maven集成 导入项目时以及选择pom.xml后,下面的错误即将到来。 找不到处理maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2的市场条目:在Eclipse中编译 转到窗口>首选项> Mave
How can I create a simple maven project in eclipse. Every time I create it gives an error while creating the project. errors Description Resource Path Location Type CoreException: Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-comp
我如何在eclipse中创建一个简单的maven项目。 每次创建时,都会在创建项目时出错。 错误描述资源路径位置类型CoreException:无法计算构建计划:Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2或其某个依赖项无法解析:无法读取组织的工件描述符。 apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:jar:2.3.2:ArtifactResolutionException:无法从http://repo1.maven传输org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-c
I have setup a webitem in my atlassian-plugin.xml and defined an xwork action. But when I try to call this action which will render a velocity template, Bamboo always says, that an action for package and contextpath is not defined and that the action is not allowed. See small stacktrace and error log beneath. It is the only action I have defined therefor the package name is unique. [INFO] [
我在我的atlassian-plugin.xml中设置了webitem并定义了xwork操作。 但是当我试图调用这个将会渲染速度模板的动作时,Bamboo总是说,包和上下文路径的动作没有被定义,并且这个动作是不允许的。 请参阅下方的小堆栈跟踪和错误日志。 这是我为此定义的唯一行为,包名称是唯一的。 [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2018-02-01 18:42:35,210 ERROR [http-nio-6990-exec-7] [BambooStrutsUnknownHandler] There is no Action mapp
I am looking for a way to convert a long string (from a dump), that represents hex values into a byte array. I couldn't have phrased it better than the person that posted the same question here: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/Java/Q_21062554.html But to keep it original, I'll phrase it my own way: suppose I have a string "00A0BF" that I w
我正在寻找一种方法来将表示十六进制值的长字符串(来自转储)转换为字节数组。 我无法比在这里发布相同问题的人更好地表达它: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/Java/Q_21062554.html 但为了保持它的原创性,我会用我自己的方式来描述它:假设我有一个字符串“00A0BF”,我想将它解释为字节[] {0x00,0xA0,0xBf},我应该怎么做? 我是一名Java新手,最终使用BigInteger并注意领先的十
I have a LinkedList of Nodes that contain Integer Objects. LinkedList listOfInts = new LinkedList(); And I add the Objects ; list.add(new Integer(8)); list.add(new Integer(5)); list.add(new Integer(3)); list.add(new Integer(4)); with the following Node class: class Node { private Object data; private Node next; public Node(Object data) { this.data = data; this.next = next; }
我有一个包含Integer对象的Nodes LinkedList 。 LinkedList listOfInts = new LinkedList(); 我添加Objects ; list.add(new Integer(8)); list.add(new Integer(5)); list.add(new Integer(3)); list.add(new Integer(4)); 与以下Node类: class Node { private Object data; private Node next; public Node(Object data) { this.data = data; this.next = next; } public Object getData() { return
I have a byte array filled with hex numbers and printing it the easy way is pretty pointless because there are many unprintable elements. What I need is the exact hexcode in the form of: 3a5f771c From the discussion here, and especially this answer, this is the function I currently use: private final static char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray(); public static String bytesToHex(by
我有一个用十六进制数字填充的字节数组,打印它的简单方法是毫无意义的,因为有许多不可打印的元素。 我需要的是以下形式的确切十六进制码: 3a5f771c 从这里的讨论,特别是这个答案,这是我目前使用的功能: private final static char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray(); public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) { char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2]; for ( int j = 0; j < by
I have an ArrayList<Double> , the values of which are converted into slices of an Arc2D.Pie graph based on size (ie, an array of {1d,1d,2d,4d} would create a graph with four slices, two of which occupy an eighth of the graph each, one of which occupies a fourth, and one of which occupies a half; together, the slices would be arranged to form a full circle). Each of these slices is colored
我有一个ArrayList<Double> ,其值根据大小转换成Arc2D.Pie图的切片(即, {1d,1d,2d,4d}的数组将创建一个包含四个切片的图形,其中两个它占据了每个图的八分之一,其中一个占据第四个,其中一个占据一半;一起,这些切片将被布置成形成一整圈)。 这些切片中的每一个都有不同的颜色,以允许将切片简单地映射到其他指示器(名称等)并避免温和。 我选择颜色的算法最初很简单: public Color getColor(int index, int tot
Sorry, if this is a lame question, I am quite new to Java development and regex patterns. Basically I have a long string which has multiple occurrences of substrings like InstanceId: i-1234XYAadsadd, and I want to extract out the i-1234XYAadsadd part in an ArrayList using regex. Please help with the correct regular expression here. //instanceResultString is the actual string containing occure
对不起,如果这是一个蹩脚的问题,我对Java开发和正则表达式模式很陌生。 基本上我有一个很长的字符串,它有多个像InstanceId: i-1234XYAadsadd,这样的子字符串InstanceId: i-1234XYAadsadd,我想用正则表达式在ArrayList提取出i-1234XYAadsadd部分。 请在这里提供正确的正则表达式。 //instanceResultString is the actual string containing occurences of pattern List<String> instanceIdList = new ArrayList<St
I want to extract substring from a url string. This is the url: https://test.tech.com/public/pi?id=635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657 I want to start extracting from id= 635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77 until dash (-), and then extract the remaining substring M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657 Note tha
我想从一个url字符串中提取子字符串。 这是网址: https://test.tech.com/public/pi?id=635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657 我想从id =开始提取 635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77 直到破折号( - ),然后提取剩余的子字符串 M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657 请注意,确切的域名不是上面的那个,这只是一个例子。 有