Is there way one can convert JAXB class (not its object) to xml template. For example Below code is taken from public static void main(String[] args) throws JAXBException { ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory(); UserT user = factory.createUserT(); user.setUserName("Sanaulla"); ItemT
有没有办法可以将JAXB类(不是它的对象)转换为xml模板。 例如 以下代码摘自 public static void main(String[] args) throws JAXBException { ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory(); UserT user = factory.createUserT(); user.setUserName("Sanaulla"); ItemT item = factory.createItemT(); it
I have a third party jar that ships with a jaxb-impl.jar and includes it in its manifest classpath. The problem is, it seems as though supplying your own version of JAXB (regardless of which version it may be) seems to break the SoapFaultBuilder in JAX-WS. According to the Unofficial JAXB Guide, it seems as though Sun deliberately changed the package name when it folded JAXB into the JDK in or
我有一个第三方jar,它附带一个jaxb-impl.jar并将它包含在其清单类路径中。 问题是,似乎提供您自己的JAXB版本(不管它可能是哪个版本)似乎打破了JAX-WS中的SoapFaultBuilder。 根据非官方JAXB指南,Sun似乎在将JAXB折叠到JDK中时故意更改包名,以避免与独立版本冲突。 然而,JDK附带的SoapFaultBuilder(我相信JAX-WS的一部分)明确依赖于新的内部包名。 如果您添加了独立的JAXB jar(即使它与JAXB的版本号相同),这会在
有人可以向我解释使用Java代码(伪)例子时Reentrant lock和deadlock是如何相互关联的? A reentrant locking mechanism allows the thread holding the lock to re-enter a critical section. This means that you can do something like this: public synchronized void functionOne() { // do something functionTwo(); // do something else // redundant, but permitted... synchronized(this) {
有人可以向我解释使用Java代码(伪)例子时Reentrant lock和deadlock是如何相互关联的? 一个可重入的锁定机构允许持有锁的线重新进入关键部分。 这意味着你可以做这样的事情: public synchronized void functionOne() { // do something functionTwo(); // do something else // redundant, but permitted... synchronized(this) { // do more stuff } } public synchronized void
任何人都可以告诉我Java中的守护线程是什么? A daemon thread is a thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting when the program finishes but the thread is still running. An example for a daemon thread is the garbage collection. You can use the setDaemon(boolean) method to change the Thread daemon properties before the thread starts. A few more points (Reference: Java Concurrency in Practi
任何人都可以告诉我Java中的守护线程是什么? 守护进程线程是一个线程,当程序完成但线程仍在运行时,该线程不会阻止JVM退出。 守护线程的一个例子就是垃圾收集。 您可以使用setDaemon(boolean)方法在线程启动之前更改Thread守护程序属性。 还有几点(参考:实践中的Java并发) 当一个新线程被创建时,它会继承其父进程的守护进程状态。 普通线程和守护进程线程在退出时会发生什么变化。 当JVM暂停任何剩余的守护进程
I am using in my code at the moment a ReentrantReadWriteLock to synchronize access over a tree-like structure. This structure is large, and read by many threads at once with occasional modifications to small parts of it - so it seems to fit the read-write idiom well. I understand that with this particular class, one cannot elevate a read lock to a write lock, so as per the Javadocs one must rel
我在我的代码中使用ReentrantReadWriteLock来同步树状结构的访问。 这个结构很大,可以一次读取多个线程,偶尔修改它的一小部分 - 所以它似乎很适合读写的习惯用法。 我明白,对于这个特定的类,不能提升读写锁,因为每个Javadocs必须在获得写锁之前释放读锁。 我以前在非重入上下文中成功使用了此模式。 然而我发现,我无法可靠地获得写入锁而不会永久阻止。 由于读锁是可重入的,我实际上是这样使用它,简单的代码 lock.
Is there a good reason why there is no Pair<L,R> in Java? What would be the equivalent of this C++ construct? I would rather avoid reimplementing my own. It seems that 1.6 is providing something similar ( AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V> ), but this looks quite convoluted. In a thread on , Hunter Gratzner gives some arguments against the presence of a Pair constr
为什么在Java中没有Pair<L,R>是否有充分的理由? 什么是这个C ++构造的等价物? 我宁愿避免重新实现我自己的。 似乎1.6提供了类似的东西( AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V> ),但这看起来相当复杂。 在一个线程中,Hunter Gratzner给出了一些反对在Java中使用Pair构造的论点。 主要的观点是,类Pair没有传达关于两个值之间关系的任何语义(你怎么知道“第一”和“第二”是什么意思?)。 一
I am working in an online radio streaming project, where I am playing audio with mediaplayer from an URL. The music is playing and working fine. But I am stuck with the play,pause functionality regarding to the state of the player activity. I want such that when the app will be exited by home button press then music will keep playing, but when a phone call rings then the music will be paused a
我在一个在线广播流媒体项目中工作,在那里我通过URL从mediaplayer播放音频。 音乐播放和工作正常。 但是我坚持玩,暂停与玩家活动状态有关的功能。 我希望这样,当通过主页按钮退出应用程序时,音乐将继续播放,但是当电话响起时,音乐将被暂停,并且在电话呼叫之后,音乐将恢复。 而且当用户打开另一个应用时,音乐将继续在后台播放。 (作为Android的默认音乐播放器) 但是,我所做的仍然是我想要的命运,但还是缺少了
I want to test the new type-checking bytecode verifier with classes created by scalac . scalac currently outputs version 49.0 class files, but the new type-checking verifier is only mandatory since version 51.0. I tried to "preverify" the classes with ProGuard (which in fact converted them to version 50.0), but I' not sure if the new verifier just fell back to the old type-infer
我想用scalac创建的类来测试新的类型检查字节码验证器。 scalac目前输出版本49.0的类文件,但是新的类型检查验证器仅在版本51.0以后才是必需的。 我试图用ProGuard(实际上已将其转换为版本50.0)对类进行“预校验”,但我不确定新的验证器是否会自动回退到旧的类型推理验证器。 如何将类文件转换为版本51.0(或者,如何在加载版本50.0的类文件时找出使用哪个验证器)? 看起来像FJBG(NSC用来生成字节码的库)在支持Stack
My project is based on spring framework 2.5.4. And I try to add aspects for some controllers (I use aspectj 1.5.3). I've enabled auto-proxy in application-servlet.xml, just pasted these lines to the end of the xml file: <aop:aspectj-autoproxy /> <bean id="auditLogProcessor" class="" /> Created aspect: package
我的项目是基于Spring框架2.5.4。 我尝试为某些控制器添加方面(我使用aspectj 1.5.3)。 我已经在application-servlet.xml中启用了自动代理,只是将这些行粘贴到xml文件的末尾: <aop:aspectj-autoproxy /> <bean id="auditLogProcessor" class="" /> 创建方面: package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.aspectj.lang.ann
I am trying to find out the Ad Junk present (Files which are Downloaded by the AD SDK of other apps). This is what I have been able to find out till now - I am loading the list of all the files in the devices and them checking them and grouping them like this if (file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".temp") ) { //Temp Files found } else if (file.get
我正在尝试查找Ad Junk礼物(由其他应用程序的AD SDK下载的文件)。 这是我至今能够发现的东西 - 我正在加载设备中所有文件的列表,然后检查它们并将它们分组 if (file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".temp") ) { //Temp Files found } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".apk") && file.canWrite()) { //Apk Files found } 还有许多其