Xerces dependency and JRE

Due to some classpath issues, I'm removing the Maven dependency to Xerces from my application. As I understand it, that is no longer needed as it is in the JRE. However, when compiling a junit that uses org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat and org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer, those imports are no longer found. Should I add Xerces as "provided" scope or are these classes


由于一些类路径问题,我从我的应用程序中将Maven依赖项移除到Xerces。 据我了解,这不再需要,因为它在JRE中。 但是,在编译使用org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat和org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer的junit时,将不再找到这些导入。 我应该将Xerces作为“提供的”作用域添加还是不在JRE中提供这些类? Xerces和其他库是否打包到JRE中的其他JAR中? 我无法在文件系统上找到它,所以我不确定在Maven提供的依赖关

What exactly is a Maven Snapshot and why do we need it?

我对Maven快照的含义以及为什么我们要构建一个有点困惑? A snapshot version in Maven is one that has not been released. The idea is that before a 1.0 release (or any other release) is done, there exists a 1.0-SNAPSHOT . That version is what might become 1.0 . It's basically " 1.0 under development". This might be close to a real 1.0 release, or pretty far (right after the 0.9 rele


我对Maven快照的含义以及为什么我们要构建一个有点困惑? Maven中的快照版本是尚未发布的版本。 这个想法是, 在 1.0版本(或任何其他版本)完成之前,存在一个1.0-SNAPSHOT 。 该版本可能会变成1.0 。 它基本上是“ 1.0正在开发中”。 这可能接近真正的1.0版本,或者相当远(例如在0.9版本之后)。 “真实”版本和快照版本之间的区别在于快照可能会得到更新。 这意味着今天下载1.0-SNAPSHOT可能会给出与昨天或明天下载文件

NoSuchBeanDefinitionException in DelegatingFilterProxy

I am developing web application using spring mvc. I want to inject spring beans into my Servlet Filter. I refered this tutorial http://www.deadcoderising.com/2015-05-04-dependency-injection-into-filters-using-delegatingfilterproxy/ Following is my file listing @Component("auditFilter") public class AuditFilter implements Filter { @Autowired private AuditHandler audi


我正在使用spring mvc开发web应用程序。 我想将Spring bean注入到我的Servlet过滤器中。 我引用这个教程http://www.deadcoderising.com/2015-05-04-dependency-injection-into-filters-using-delegatingfilterproxy/ 以下是我的文件列表 @Component("auditFilter") public class AuditFilter implements Filter { @Autowired private AuditHandler auditHandler; public void doFilter(S

Separate Spring context for DelegatingFilterProxy

I am attempting to install a filter into a Spring web app using DelegatingFilterProxy. The app is a black box to me. I have no control over it, but I know it uses Spring. I control only my filter. The app itself is configured in web.xml (tomcat 7) in the usual way, with <listener>...ContextLoaderListener...</listener> with the Spring config specified via <context-param> .


我正在尝试使用DelegatingFilterProxy将筛选器安装到Spring Web应用程序中。 该应用程序对我来说是一个黑匣子。 我无法控制它,但我知道它使用Spring。 我只控制我的过滤器。 应用程序本身以通常的方式在web.xml(tomcat 7)中配置,使用通过<context-param>指定的Spring配置文件<listener>...ContextLoaderListener...</listener> <context-param> 。 我的第一个尝试是分享应用程序的上下文。

Spring Framework filter, bean not injected

There are 2 entries for a Servlet Filter, one in web.xml and one in Spring applicationContext.xml I added the filter into applicationContext.xml because I wanted to inject creditProcessor bean into it. The only problem is that the entry in web.xml got picked up by JBoss and then used, so creditProcessor is null. Do I have to use Spring's delegatingFilterProxy or similar so I can inject

Spring Framework过滤器,bean未注入

有两个条目用于Servlet过滤器,一个位于web.xml中,另一个位于Spring applicationContext.xml中 我将过滤器添加到applicationContext.xml中,因为我想将creditProcessor bean注入到它中。 唯一的问题是web.xml中的条目被JBoss拾起并使用,所以creditProcessor为null。 我是否必须使用Spring的delegatingFilterProxy或类似的方法才能将注入的东西插入到bean中,还是可以调整web.xml? web.xml中: <filter> <

GWT Strength compared to other framework?

One of the main strength of GWT is to code in java and everything gets compiled and is loaded by several browsers through gwt deferred binding?? Apart from this, ie working only on a single code base, do GWT has any other advantage compared to other existing framework?? Edit: I'm trying to say why should we use gwt and not another framework?? What is there in GWT that makes it special fo


GWT的主要优点之一是在java中编写代码,一切都被编译,并通过gwt延迟绑定被几个浏览器加载。 除此之外,即仅在单一代码库上工作,与其他现有框架相比,GWT是否具有其他优势? 编辑:我想说为什么我们应该使用gwt而不是另一个框架? GWT中有什么使它对Web应用程序开发特别有用? GWT为我们和另一个框架或工具箱做了什么? 正如我上面所说的GWT使得延期绑定是一个加号,所以我想要它做的其他事情,使它特殊和独特? 我的

Choosing a Java Web Framework now?

we are in the planning stage of migrating a large website which is built on a custom developed mvc framework to a java based web framework which provides built-in support for ajax, rich media content, mashup, templates based layout, validation, maximum html/java code separation. Grails looked like a good choice, however, we do not want to use a scripting language. We want to continue using java

现在选择一个Java Web框架?

我们正在将一个基于自定义开发的mvc框架构建的大型网站迁移到一个基于java的web框架,该框架提供了对ajax,富媒体内容,混搭,基于模板的布局,验证,最大html / java代码分离。 Grails看起来不错,但是,我们不想使用脚本语言。 我们想继续使用java。 基于模板的布局是一个主要关注点,因为我们打算将这个Web应用程序与具有相似功能但外观和感觉完全不同的多个网站一起使用。 基于门户的解决方案是否适合这个问题? 有关

Java based web framework alternatives

I'm trying to pick a web framework that is Java based to start a new project and so far I'm having a bit of trouble deciding. I have been using plain GWT and I have to say that is very good, the architecture, the APIs and the docs are all very good, but I lack the knowledge to apply CSS and prettify my widgets, so I need something that comes with that included, Gwt Ext is ruled out as is


我试图选择一个基于Java的Web框架来开始一个新项目,到目前为止,我有一些麻烦决定。 我一直在使用普通的GWT,我必须说这非常好,架构,API和文档都非常好,但我缺乏应用CSS和美化小部件的知识,所以我需要一些随附的包括,Gwt Ext被排除在外,因为它不是纯粹基于GWT,Ext Gwt是好的,但它们完全从GWT中飘走并再次实施一切(数据存储,事件等),并且还有许可证。 我发现了Vaadin,它看起来很不错,除了它改进了GWT的弱方面(

What exactly is Spring Framework for?

I hear a lot about Spring, people are saying all over the web that Spring is a good framework for web development. What exactly is Spring Framework for? How can I use it for my Web-Java application development? any examples? Basically Spring is a framework for dependency-injection which is a pattern that allows to build very decoupled systems. The problem For example, suppose you need to


我听到很多关于Spring的知识,人们都在网络上说Spring是一个很好的Web开发框架。 Spring框架到底是什么? 我如何将它用于我的Web-Java应用程序开发? 任何例子? 基本上Spring是一个依赖注入的框架,它是一种允许构建非常分离的系统的模式。 问题 例如,假设您需要列出系统的用户并因此声明一个名为UserLister的接口: public interface UserLister { List<User> getUsers(); } 也许一个实现访问数据库来获

How to append text to an existing file in Java

I need to append text repeatedly to an existing file in Java. How do I do that? Are you doing this for logging purposes? If so there are several libraries for this. Two of the most popular are Log4j and Logback. Java 7+ If you just need to do this one time, the Files class makes this easy: try { Files.write(Paths.get("myfile.txt"), "the text".getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND);


我需要将文本反复附加到Java中的现有文件。 我怎么做? 你是否为了记录的目的而这样做? 如果是这样的话,有几个库。 其中两种最受欢迎​​的是Log4j和Logback。 Java 7+ 如果你只需要这样做一次,Files类可以简化这个过程: try { Files.write(Paths.get("myfile.txt"), "the text".getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND); }catch (IOException e) { //exception handling left as an exercise for the reader