How to import and run ivy+ant project in eclipse juno

this is my first use of ivy+ant and after building the project from command line, i want to import it into eclipse juno. the project folder (trunk) contains the following folders/files: build dist src WebContent build.xml ivy.settings.xml ivy.xml i tried to import the trunk folder that contains the above files/folder using import existing projects into workspac

如何在eclipse juno中导入并运行ivy + ant项目

这是我第一次使用ivy + ant,并且在从命令行构建项目之后,我想将它导入到eclipse juno中。 项目文件夹(中继)包含以下文件夹/文件: 建立 DIST SRC 网页内容 build.xml文件 ivy.settings.xml 的ivy.xml 我试图导入包含上述文件/文件夹使用导入现有项目到工作区,但我得到没有找到项目的错误的干线文件夹。 请告知如何导入此项目。 更新 :我尝试使用以下命令在导入之前配置项目为ecli

Convert Existing Eclipse Project to Maven Project

For a project at work, we're considering using the Maven plugin for Eclipse to automate our builds. Right now the procedure is far more complicated than it ought to be, and we're hoping that Maven will simplify things to a one-click build. My question is, is there a wizard or automatic importer for converting an existing Eclipse Java project to a Maven project, using the Maven plugin?


对于工作中的项目,我们正在考虑使用Eclipse的Maven插件来自动化我们的构建。 现在这个过程比它应该更加复杂,我们希望Maven能够将事物简化为一次构建。 我的问题是,有没有使用Maven插件将现有Eclipse Java项目转换为Maven项目的向导或自动导入器? 或者我应该创建一个新的Maven项目并手动复制所有源文件,库文件等 如果你只是想创建一个默认的POM并启用m2eclipse功能:所以我假设你目前没有你想要导入的替代自动构建设置

BufferedIterator implementation

Does someone know of an open source BufferedIterator, where the next N elements are eagerly fetched on a background thread? Here is an implementation from a TechRepublic article, but I assume it has not been thoroughly tested. Iterators.buffer(Iterator toBuffer, int bufferSize) would be a nice addition to Guava, has that been considered? The linked implementation appears to have been written


有人知道开源的BufferedIterator,后面的N个元素是在后台线程上热切地获取的吗? 这是TechRepublic文章的一个实现,但我认为它还没有经过彻底的测试。 Iterators.buffer(Iterator toBuffer,int bufferSize)对Guava来说会是一个很好的补充,有没有被考虑过? 链接的实现似乎是为Java 4编写的,可以使用guava和java.util.concurrent稍微简化一下: import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQ

Strange behavior of ant script that call another ant script, why?

I am very new to Ant (I came from Maven) and I am finding many problem to do the following operation. I have a main project named CrystalIceGUI that use another dependency project named ShellExtBridge . The dependency project ShellExtBridge have an own build.xml file that compile the project and pack it into a jar file putted into a direcotry named Release The main project CrystalIceGUI hav


我对Ant非常陌生(来自Maven),我发现很多问题需要做以下操作。 我有一个名为CrystalIceGUI的主项目,它使用另一个名为ShellExtBridge的依赖项目。 依赖项目ShellExtBridge有一个自己的build.xml文件,用于编译该项目并将其打包成一个jar文件,放入一个名为Release的目录中 主项目CrystalIceGUI的build.xml ant文件包含一个名为init的目标,该目标尝试执行ShellExtBridge依赖项目的build.xml文件以构建此项目,稍后在其他

How to compile a GWT module contained in the test source with gwt

I am trying to run GWT compile with maven through the plugin: gwt-maven-plugin, but the GWT module is contained in the test source path, namely: src/test/java. And the plugin complaints that it can't find the GWT module. However, the module works fine when using it through an Eclipse launch file, using GWT class DevMode. Why can't the gwt maven plugin find the GWT module ? The proje


我试图通过插件运行GWT编译maven-plugin,但GWT模块包含在测试源路径中,即:src / test / java。 和插件投诉,它无法找到GWT模块。 但是,使用GWT类DevMode通过Eclipse启动文件使用该模块时,该模块可以正常工作。 为什么gwt maven插件不能找到GWT模块? 该项目包含2个Gwt模块,1个包含在主源中的GwtTotalProd和一个包含在测试源中的GwtTotalTest。 gwt maven插件能够构建GwtTotalProd,但不能构建GwtTotalTest,为什么

Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete

Since I use Maven I have been able to build and install in my local repository projects that have incomplete Javadoc tags (for example, a missing parameter). However, since I migrated to Java 8 (1.8.0-ea-b90) Maven is absolutely strict about missing documentation tags and show me lots of Javadoc errors related to Javadoc problems when I try to build or install a project where the Javadoc is not

当Javadoc标签不完整时,Maven在Java 8中不工作

由于我使用Maven,我已经能够在我的本地存储库项目中构建和安装Javadoc标签不完整(例如缺少参数)。 然而,自从我迁移到Java 8(1.8.0-ea-b90)以来,Maven对于缺失的文档标签是绝对严格的,并且当我尝试构建或安装Javadoc不是Javadoc的项目时,显示出与Javadoc问题相关的大量Javadoc错误“完善”。 我试图编译并安装在本地存储库中的一些项目是我无法控制的第三方项目。 所以,在所有这些项目中修复所有Javadoc的解决方法在

sources jars almost empty? (Needed for GWT)

The current version of the Google Guava libraries (10.0.1) are nicely deployed on Maven Central here My GWT compiler keeps complaining eg "GWT Module not found in project sources or resources." which is no surprise, given it can't find the sources anywhere. There are -sources jar in Ma

来源罐子几乎空? (需要GWT)

当前版本的Google Guava图书馆(10.0.1)很好地部署在Maven Central这里 我的GWT编译器不断抱怨,例如“在项目源或资源中找不到GWT模块”。 这并不奇怪,因为它无法在任何地方找到来源。 Maven Central也有源代码jar,但它们不包含源代码。 只有一些shell脚本和GWT模块定义。 为什么源代码没有源代码,是否有另外一种让GWA

Spring Data JPA + Hibernate +PostgreSQL

i was following some tutorial to implement email verification ( ). for that, i need to make the spring data+hibernate working (never used both) i'm implementing that to the current proj where previously i implemented CRUD manipulation manually. tried this proj as sample -

Spring数据JPA + Hibernate + PostgreSQL

我正在按照一些教程来实现电子邮件验证(。 为此,我需要使Spring数据+休眠工作(从来没有使用过)我正在执行到当前proj手动执行CRUD操作。 尝试这个项目样本 -样本一切正常。 这是我目前的配置: 实体类: import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import java

Spring Data JPA: Implementing Custom Repository Behavior with Specifications

I would like to create a Spring Data JPA repository with custom behavior, and implement that custom behavior using Specifications. I have gone through the Spring Data JPA documentation for implementing custom behavior in a single repository to set this up, except there is no example of using a Spring Data Specification from within a custom repository. How would one do this, if even possible?

Spring Data JPA:使用规范实现自定义存储库行为

我想创建一个具有自定义行为的Spring Data JPA存储库,并使用规范实现该自定义行为。 除了在自定义存储库中没有使用Spring Data Specification的示例之外,我已经通过Spring Data JPA文档在单个存储库中实现自定义行为进行设置。 如果可能的话,如何做到这一点? 我没有看到一种方法将注入的东西注入需要规范的自定义实现中。 我认为我会很棘手,并将库的CRUD存储库部分注入到自定义部分,但这会导致循环实例化依赖关系。

JPA versus JPA: What's the difference?

I am bit confused about the difference between Spring Data-JPA and JPA. I know about JPA that it is a specification for persisting the Java Objects to a relational database using popular ORM technology ie In other words JPA provides interfaces and other ORM technologies, implements those interfaces known as JPA provider eg Hibernate. Now what exactly is Spring Data JPA. Is Spring Data JPA has


我对Spring Data-JPA和JPA之间的差异感到有点困惑。 我知道JPA,它是一个使用流行的ORM技术将Java对象持久化到关系数据库的规范,换言之,JPA提供了接口和其他ORM技术,实现了称为JPA提供程序的接口,例如Hibernate。 现在Spring Data JPA到底是什么。 Spring Data JPA是否已经通过JPA添加了一些更多功能(接口),并且仍然只是指定它,或者它也是JPA提供者? 我看到Spring Data JPA在存储库中工作(DAO层:如果我没有错的