Our current Web Application Architecture consists of following : Java 6, JBOss 5, MySQL 5.6 Presentation Layer (ZK Framework) Delegate + Service + DAO Layers (Spring & Hibernate) Packaging : Single War file containing all the above layers Business Requirement : Create mobile app for few modules of above mentioned web application, using HTML5 and Native iOS library.The mobile app w
我们目前的Web应用程序架构包括以下内容 Java 6,JBOss 5,MySQL 5.6 表示层(ZK框架) 委托+服务+ DAO层(Spring&Hibernate) 包装:包含所有上述图层的单一战争文件 业务需求: 使用HTML5和Native iOS库为上述Web应用程序的几个模块创建移动应用程序。移动应用程序将能够执行CRUD,下载/上传文件和发送电子邮件。 题 : 我们正在确定上述业务需求的架构。 请记住以下属性 数据逻辑共享(使用Hibernate在DA
I just want to know that I want to web host my web site with cheapest plan. In java plan prices are according to the mainly on heap size(64mb, 128mb, 256mb etc..) how much we want. Now before starting my application I just need to know is there will be any effect on memory if I develop web site using spring and hibernate instead of simple jsp/servlet? If yes than how much? Is it possible to
我只想知道我想用最便宜的方案来网站托管我的网站。 在Java计划价格是根据堆大小(64MB,128MB,256MB等),主要是我们想要多少。 现在在开始我的应用程序之前,我只需要知道,如果我使用spring和hibernate而不是简单的jsp / servlet开发网站,是否会对内存产生任何影响? 如果是比多少? 是否有可能用64mb的spring和hibernate部署中型Web应用程序? 当我刚刚在本地tomcat运行我的启动阶段应用程序时,我感到困惑,当我
For a certain Hibernate entity we have a requirement to store its creation time and the last time it was updated. How would you design this? What data types would you use in the database (assuming MySQL, possibly in a different timezone that the JVM)? Will the data types be timezone-aware? What data types would you use in Java ( Date , Calendar , long , ...)? Whom would you make responsib
对于某个Hibernate实体,我们需要存储它的创建时间和上次更新的时间。 你会如何设计? 你会在数据库中使用哪些数据类型(假设MySQL可能与JVM在不同的时区)? 数据类型是否可以识别时区? 你将在Java中使用哪些数据类型( Date , Calendar , long ,...)? 你会为谁设置时间戳 - 数据库,ORM框架(Hibernate)还是应用程序员? 你会用什么注释来进行映射(例如@Temporal )? 我不仅在寻找一个可行的解决方案,而
Please don't say EHCache or OSCache, etc. Assume for purposes of this question that I want to implement my own using just the SDK (learning by doing). Given that the cache will be used in a multithreaded environment, which datastructures would you use? I've already implemented one using LinkedHashMap and Collections#synchronizedMap, but I'm curious if any of the new concurrent colle
请不要说EHCache或OSCache等。为了这个问题的目的,假设我想用我自己的SDK来实现(边干边学)。 鉴于缓存将在多线程环境中使用,您将使用哪种数据结构? 我已经使用LinkedHashMap和Collections#synchronizedMap实现了一个,但是我很好奇新的并发集合是否更好。 更新:当我发现这块金块时,我正在阅读Yegge的最新消息: 如果您需要恒定时间的访问权限并希望维护插入顺序,那么您无法比LinkedHashMap做得更好,这是一个非常
I am considering creating my own website using Java and am trying to decide what framework to use. However, doing a quick search for Java frameworks returns more than 50 to choose from! My website is just going to be for my own enjoyment of building it in the beginning, but if it becomes popular, it would be good for it to have some scalability, or to at least be able to redesign for that. W
我正在考虑使用Java创建自己的网站,并试图决定使用哪种框架。 但是,快速搜索Java框架将返回超过50个选项! 我的网站一开始就是为了我自己的欣赏而创建的,但如果它变得流行起来,那么它有一定的可扩展性,或者至少可以为此重新设计。 更流行的框架之间的主要区别是什么? 是否存在一个显着优于其他实例的情况? 例如,高流量的企业应用程序与低流量的小应用程序。 我也想知道是否有人比其他人更容易学习和使用。 有
My application has a custom view which contains other custom views of a different type. The subviews have their own click listeners (which I can't change, as these are in 3rd party libraries). How can I intercept a user's click at the level of my view to do some processing, and then pass the click on to the proper subview? 贾斯汀,你可以玩dispatchTouchEvent()或onInterceptTouchEvent(
我的应用程序有一个自定义视图,其中包含其他类型的自定义视图。 子视图有他们自己的点击监听器(我不能改变,因为它们在第三方库中)。 我如何拦截用户在视图级别的点击以进行一些处理,然后将点击传递给适当的子视图? 贾斯汀,你可以玩dispatchTouchEvent()或onInterceptTouchEvent()。 我不完全确定这一点,但在Java中,我会做的是在我的主视图中定义各种子视图对象,并简单地将这些对象发送到绘图/绘制函数。 这样
Java: How do I perform list operations with different definitions of equals? I have two lists of generic POJOs. I need to perform some set operations on the lists based on different ways of comparing the POJOs within the lists. For example, if my POJO had the following structure: public class GenericPojo { private String id; private String address; private String city; priva
Java:我如何使用equals的不同定义执行列表操作? 我有两个通用POJO列表。 我需要根据比较列表中的POJO的不同方式对列表执行一些设置操作。 例如,如果我的POJO具有以下结构: public class GenericPojo { private String id; private String address; private String city; private String country; private String extraDetails; } (有适当的获得者和安装者) 给定List1<GenericPojo>和Li
One and only one of my hundreds of users has trouble starting my Java desktop app. It only starts for him about one-third of the time. The other two-thirds of the time a NullPointerException is thrown at startup: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:394) at javax.swing.JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType
我的数百个用户中只有一个在启动我的Java桌面应用程序时遇到问题。 大约三分之一的时间只有他开始。 其他三分之二的时间在启动时引发NullPointerException: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:394) at javax.swing.JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType(JEditorPane.java:1327) at javax.swing.JEditorPane.registerEdi
I would create a data binding code generator for a specified programming language and for a specified serialization format: given a specification for the structure of data to be serialized or deserialized, the intended code generator should generate the classes (in the specified programming language) that represent the given vocabulary as well as the methods for serialization and deserialization
我将为指定的编程语言和指定的序列化格式创建一个数据绑定代码生成器:给定一个要序列化或反序列化的数据结构的规范,目标代码生成器应该生成类(使用指定的编程语言)代表给定的词汇以及使用指定格式的序列化和反序列化方法。 预期的代码生成器可能需要以下输入: 目标编程语言,即用于生成代码的编程语言; 目标序列化格式,即数据的序列化格式; 要序列化或反序列化的数据结构的规范。 因为最初我想创建一个简单的代码
I seem to be struggling with the AST->StringTemplate side of things, probably cause I'm coming from writing parsers by hand -> LLVM. What I'm looking for is a way to automatically match up a parsing rule to an AST class that can represent it and contains a method to generate the target language output. (probably using StringTemplate, in this case.) In pseudo code, given this ex
我似乎正在苦于AST-> StringTemplate方面的事情,可能是因为我是通过手动编写解析器 - > LLVM。 我在寻找的是一种将解析规则自动匹配到可以表示它的AST类并包含生成目标语言输出的方法的方法。 (在这种情况下可能使用StringTemplate。) 在伪代码中,给出这个例子语法: numberExpression : DIGIT+ ; 我想要它映射到这个AST类: class NumberExpressionAST extends BaseAST { private double value;