I'd like to set up eclipse with a bunch of plugins and DB connection configurations, etc and re-zip it up so my team-mates and new starters can all be working on the same platform easily. It seems that installing plugins is fine, but when I add in custom jars (eg ivy2, ojdbc, etc) they all save with full, absolute paths which probably dont exist on others machines (particularly if they unzi
我想用一堆插件和数据库连接配置等来设置eclipse,并重新压缩它,这样我的团队成员和新手都可以轻松地在同一个平台上工作。 似乎安装插件是好的,但是当我添加自定义jar(例如ivy2,ojdbc等)时,它们都会保存完整的绝对路径,这些路径可能不存在于其他机器上(特别是如果它们在与我不同的位置解压缩) 。 无论如何,我希望这个想法不是愚蠢的,并且正在工作,如果这种过程被记录在某个地方,或者任何人有一般的任何提示。
I've seen a lot of examples which use getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(...) to set some "magic" description. What is the use of this description? Where can it be seen and how should it support accessibility? Why setDescription(...) is not used? Additionally, what is your opinion / experience with Java accessibility stuff? I haven't actually used Swing
我见过很多使用的例子 getAccessibleContext方法()。setAccessibleDescription(...) 设置一些“魔术”的描述。 这个描述有什么用处? 在哪里可以看到,它应该如何支持可访问性? 为什么不使用setDescription(...) ? 另外,你对Java的可访问性有什么看法/经验? 我实际上并没有在我的应用程序中使用Swing的可访问性设施(我可能应该),但我认为它将有助于使用屏幕阅读器和其他技术来提高应用程序的可访问性。
I'm making a database application, and my program works and I've understood most of the tutorial I've been following. However, one aspect remains unclear to me. There is an inner class of MyDBHelper extending SQLiteOpenHelper. Outer variables include the SQLiteDatabase called d. The code for the MyDBHelper is: private static class MyDBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { My
我正在制作一个数据库应用程序,并且我的程序能够正常工作,并且我已经了解了我一直遵循的大部分教程。 但是,我仍然不清楚一个方面。 有一个扩展SQLiteOpenHelper的MyDBHelper内部类。 外部变量包括名为d的SQLiteDatabase。 MyDBHelper的代码是: private static class MyDBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { MyDBHelper(Context c) { super(c, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION); } @Ove
I have a view and animation for that. I scaled up this view on 3X and 3Y . pivotX and pivotY -> center of View And i want to find a point(left,top), already scaled values, before i scale the view. How can i find this point? ->()------------------------ | ______________ | | | | |
我有一个观点和动画。 我放大了3X和3Y观点。 pivotX和pivotY - > View的中心 我想在缩放视图之前找到一个点(左边,顶部),已经缩放的值。 How can i find this point? ->()------------------------ | ______________ | | | | | | | 100x50 | |
I have a certain view in an android app that has a left arrow and right arrow button. The left arrow is on the left edge of the screen and the right button is on the right side. When either button is pressed, the text in a centered text view is supposed to change. That is all. I did not set any animations or anything. However, in testing, when either button is pressed, both buttons move a li
我有一个具有左箭头和右箭头按钮的Android应用程序的特定视图。 左边的箭头在屏幕的左边,右边的按钮在右边。 当按下任一按钮时,居中文本视图中的文本应该改变。 就这些。 我没有设置任何动画或任何东西。 然而,在测试中,当按下其中一个按钮时,两个按钮在其各自的方向上移动一点,直到它们离开屏幕。 这就像魔术一样。 以下是活动的代码: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(sa
I want to use regions for code folding in Eclipse ; how can that be done in Java? An example usage in C#: #region name //code #endregion There's no such standard equivalent. Some IDEs - Intellij, for instance, or Eclipse - can fold depending on the code types involved (constructors, imports etc.), but there's nothing quite like #region . Jet Brains IDEA has this feature. You can
我想在Eclipse中使用区域进行代码折叠; 这怎么可以在Java中完成? C#中的示例用法: #region name //code #endregion 没有这样的标准等价物。 一些IDE(例如Intellij或Eclipse)可以根据涉及的代码类型(构造函数,导入等)进行折叠,但没有什么比#region更像。 喷气大脑IDEA具有此功能。 您可以使用热键环绕(ctrl + alt + T)。 这只是IDEA功能。 这里的地区看起来像这样: //region Description Some code //e
I realised this might be relatively niche, but maybe that's why this is good to ask anyway. I'm looking at a hardware multiple input recording console (such as the Alesis IO 26) to take in an Adat lightpipe 8 channel input to do signal processing. As I have yet to acquire the device and need to work out whether this is feasible (budgetary concerns), I'd like to ask if anyone has any
我意识到这可能是相对适当的,但也许这就是为什么问这个问题。 我正在研究一个硬件多输入录音控制台(如Alesis IO 26),以接收Adat Lightpipe 8声道输入信号进行信号处理。 由于我尚未获得该设备,需要确定这是否可行(预算问题),我想问问任何人是否有经验在Java中使用所有这8个数据输入? 我已经看到了很多使用Javax.sound.sampled库来录制声音的例子,但是我找不到多于2的多声道信息。我感兴趣的是将8个声道单独作为单声
I'm evaluating Terracotta to help me scale up an application which is currently RAM-bounded. It is a collaborative filter and stores about 2 kilobytes of data per-user. I want to use Amazon's EC2, which means I'm limited to 14GB of RAM, which gives me an effective per-server upper-bound of around 7 million users. I need to be able to scale beyond this. Based on my reading so-far
我正在评估兵马俑,以帮助我扩大目前RAM-bound的应用程序。 它是一个协作过滤器,每个用户存储大约2千字节的数据。 我想使用亚马逊的EC2,这意味着我仅限于14GB的内存,这使得我有效的服务器上限约为700万用户。 我需要能够扩展到这个范围之外。 根据我的阅读结果,我发现Terracotta可以拥有比每台服务器上的可用RAM更大的群集堆。 拥有30GB或更高的有效群集堆是否可行?每台服务器只支持14GB? 每个用户数据(其中大部
Which JSON rewriter is the best for applications written in Java? Criteria may vary. I'm personally most interested in stability and performance. I am using the one from http://www.json.org. The direct link to the Java code is this: http://www.json.org/java/index.html. The nice thing about it is that it does not require any dependencies. You just need to add seven source files to your
哪个JSON重写器对于用Java编写的应用程序是最好的? 标准可能会有所不同。 我个人最感兴趣的是稳定性和性能。 我使用的是http://www.json.org。 直接链接到Java代码是这样的:http://www.json.org/java/index.html。 它的好处是它不需要任何依赖关系。 你只需要添加七个源文件到你的项目中,并且你已经有了一个JSON构建器。 这一个工作得很好:http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/ 这个JsonTools库非常完整。 你可以在B
I have a library containing beans that are passed between the server and the client application. It also contains a custom exception class: public class MyServiceException extends Exception{ private int code; private String description; public MyServiceException(int code, String description){ super(code + ": " + description); this.code = code; this.description = description;
我有一个包含在服务器和客户端应用程序之间传递的bean的库。 它还包含一个自定义异常类: public class MyServiceException extends Exception{ private int code; private String description; public MyServiceException(int code, String description){ super(code + ": " + description); this.code = code; this.description = description; } public int getCode() { return code; } pub