I am trying to understand all the implications of switching our java projects from a Snaphot/Release policy to build promotion. One obvious step is that each build ends up creating an artifact that might be going all the way to the production environment, so there's not Snapshot anymore. But then, how should I manage the link from a project to other artifacts, that may or may not be allowe
我试图理解从Snaphot / Release策略切换我们的java项目以构建推广的所有含义。 一个显而易见的步骤是,每个构建最终创建一个可能一直到生产环境的构件,所以不再有Snapshot。 但是,那么,我应该如何管理从项目到其他工件的链接,这些工件可能会或可能不被允许进行生产? 我很难在这个特定主题上找到有价值的信息。 当然,建立促进被谈论了很多,但是依靠迁移来建立促进的依赖管理具有较低的可见性。 我看到两个选择:
Why does this result in a compile error: Optional<Optional<Integer>> a = Optional.of(Optional.of(1)); Optional<Optional<? extends Number>> b = a; whereas the following does not?: Optional<Optional<Integer>> a = Optional.of(Optional.of(1)); Optional<Optional<? extends Number>> c = a.map(x->x); Although Optional<Integer> is a sybtype of O
为什么会导致编译错误: Optional<Optional<Integer>> a = Optional.of(Optional.of(1)); Optional<Optional<? extends Number>> b = a; 而以下不? Optional<Optional<Integer>> a = Optional.of(Optional.of(1)); Optional<Optional<? extends Number>> c = a.map(x->x); 尽管Optional<Integer>是Optional<? extends Number>的sybtype Optional<? exte
i want to use google speech api, i've found this https://github.com/gillesdemey/google-speech-v2/ where everything is explained well, but and im trying to rewrite it into java. File filetosend = new File(path); byte[] bytearray = Files.readAllBytes(filetosend); URL url = new URL("https://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize?output="+outputtype+"&lang="+lang+"&key="+key); HttpURLCon
我想使用谷歌语音api,我发现这个https://github.com/gillesdemey/google-speech-v2/,其中一切都很好解释,但即时通讯尝试将其重写到Java。 File filetosend = new File(path); byte[] bytearray = Files.readAllBytes(filetosend); URL url = new URL("https://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize?output="+outputtype+"&lang="+lang+"&key="+key); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnec
Here is my curl command: curl https://login.xyz.com/v1/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" --data 'client_id=client_id' --data 'client_secret=client_secret' --data 'redirect_uri=redirect_uri' --data 'code=code' I'm trying to post that in java. Here is what i was trying to do: String resourceUrl = "https://login.xyz.com/v1/oauth/token?client_id=<client.id>&client_secret=<
这是我的curl命令: curl https://login.xyz.com/v1/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" --data 'client_id=client_id' --data 'client_secret=client_secret' --data 'redirect_uri=redirect_uri' --data 'code=code' 我试图在java中发布。 这是我想要做的事情: String resourceUrl = "https://login.xyz.com/v1/oauth/token?client_id=<client.id>&client_secret=<client.secret>&redirect_ur
I have a web application with a search engine created internally, based on Lucene indexes. The application allows full text search. The application is built in jsp and java. To index user the Hadoop distributed processing software. The Apache lucene project was customized to our specific case. Mainly the part of full-text search, to add new features of ordering results. The front end u
我有一个基于Lucene索引的内部创建的搜索引擎的Web应用程序。 该应用程序允许全文搜索。 该应用程序使用jsp和java构建。 为用户索引Hadoop分布式处理软件。 Apache lucene项目是根据我们的具体情况定制的。 主要是全文搜索的部分,添加订购结果的新功能。 前端使用hadoop-rpc与后端进行通信,后者又创建了一个内部解决方案(10年前),该方案在Lucene的决策中进行了研究。 代码是遗留的,它需要迁移到另一种类型的
I receive the following error msg when attempting to connect to a derby network server: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost/studentdb;create=true Derby is properly installed and all environment variables set. I am able to start the derby NetworkServerControl from a Windows command prompt with the following command: java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkSe
尝试连接到德比网络服务器时收到以下错误消息: java.sql.SQLException:找不到适用于jdbc的驱动程序:derby:// localhost / studentdb; create = true Derby已正确安装并设置了所有环境变量。 我可以使用以下命令从Windows命令提示符启动derby NetworkServerControl: java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start -h localhost ,我可以从我的系统的目录树中的任何位置执行此操作。 我可以使用以下命令
I need Start and keep up Derby Network Server. I use Derby first time in my project. I am developing now and using Embedded Derby drivers without any problem. But when program ready to distribution it should has Network/Client support. I begin investigate Network Server configuration because of this. Following this article; I don't understand somethings. Let me ask it; 1-) Should i
我需要启动并保持Derby网络服务器。 我第一次在我的项目中使用Derby。 我正在开发并使用Embedded Derby驱动程序,没有任何问题。 但是当程序准备发布时,它应该有网络/客户端支持。 因此,我开始调查Network Server配置。 关于这篇文章; 我不明白一些事情。 让我问一下; 1-)当Host每次通过Windows命令提示符启动程序时,是否需要设置ClassPaths ? 2-)我已经将相关的jar文件添加到我的项目库中。 我应该使用我的
I just start learn Java EE, and I have a problem with connection Database to my project in NetBeans. I installed GlassFish Server 4.0. In Admin Console I made JDBC connection pool with jtds 1.3.1 for my ms sql server database. I set up port, password, name, databaseName, host... My Resource type: javax.sql.DataSource and Datasource Classname: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource I made
我刚开始学习Java EE,并且在NetBeans中,我的项目连接数据库出现问题。 我安装了GlassFish Server 4.0。 在管理控制台中,我使用jtds 1.3.1为我的ms sql服务器数据库创建了JDBC连接池。 我设置了端口,密码,名称,数据库名称,主机... 我的资源类型:javax.sql.DataSource和Datasource Classname:net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource我使ping和ping成功。 之后,我尝试在NetBeans中创建新连接,并选择JavaDB(ne
I've been trying to start the server but I get this error message: 2013-01-23 19:24:18.133 GMT : Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy. 2013-01-23 19:24:18.430 GMT : Could not listen on port 1527 on host localhost: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind On top of that I get a prompt saying: Unable to connect. Cannot establish a co
我一直在试图启动服务器,但我得到这个错误信息: 2013-01-23 19:24:18.133 GMT:使用基本服务器安全策略安装安全管理器。 2013-01-23 19:24:18.430 GMT:无法侦听主机localhost上的端口1527:java.net.BindException:无法分配请求的地址:JVM_Bind 最重要的是,我得到一个提示: 无法连接。 无法使用org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver建立与jdbc:derby:// localhost:1527 / sample的连接(java.net.SocketExc
I'm running this code with a Twitter handle I'm pretty sure doesn't exist in order to test error handling. The breakpoints on the Callback are never hit, neither for success nor failure. Any pointers on why this is? Just as a note, this code works fine with a valid Twitter handle, but doesn't call the Callback either. final Callback<Tweet> actionCallback = new Callback
我正在用一个Twitter句柄运行这个代码,我相当肯定不存在为了测试错误处理。 回调中的断点不会被触及,既不会成功也不会失败。 任何指针为什么这是? 就像注意一样,这段代码对于有效的Twitter句柄工作正常,但不会调用回调函数。 final Callback<Tweet> actionCallback = new Callback<Tweet>() { @Override public void success(Result<Tweet> result) { int x = 1; x++; // T