I am looking for a Java implementation of the Generalized Suffix Tree (GST) with the following features: After the creation of the GST from say 1000 strings I would like find out how many of these 1000 strings contains some other string 's'. The search must be quiet fast, as I need to apply the search on about 100'000 candidate strings of average length 10. Try The Semantic Disc
我正在寻找具有以下功能的通用后缀树(GST)的Java实现: 在从1000条字符串创建GST之后,我想知道这1000个字符串中有多少字符串包含其他字符串。 搜索必须很安静,因为我需要对平均长度为10的大约100000个候选字符串进行搜索。 尝试语义发现工具包。 它在text / src / java / org / sd / text / radixtree上实现 非常规后缀树的Java实现可在以下位置获得:http://illya-keeplearning.blogspot.com/2009/04/suffix-trees-j
So I am wondering when objects (or primitives) are created inside a for loop, how does that contribute to the space complexity ? For instance, heres a code example: public boolean checkUnique(String p){ int term = -1; int len = p.length(); for (int i =0; i<len; i++) { char c = p.charAt(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(p.substring(0, i)); sb.append
所以我想知道什么时候在for循环中创建对象(或基元),这是如何影响空间复杂性的? 例如,继承人一个代码示例: public boolean checkUnique(String p){ int term = -1; int len = p.length(); for (int i =0; i<len; i++) { char c = p.charAt(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(p.substring(0, i)); sb.append(p.substring(i+1, len)); String str = sb.toString();
This question already has an answer here: What does O(log n) mean exactly? 32 answers Lets assume n = 1000 . How many iteration it'll take until i = 0 ? Each time you divide it by 2. So we'll get the following table: Iteration | i ----------|-------- 0 | 1000 1 | 500 2 | 250 ... | ... ... | ... 10 | 0 <-- Here we stop Does
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: O(log n)是什么意思? 32个答案 让我们假设n = 1000 。 在i = 0之前需要多少迭代? 每次你将它除以2.所以我们会得到下面的表格: Iteration | i ----------|-------- 0 | 1000 1 | 500 2 | 250 ... | ... ... | ... 10 | 0 <-- Here we stop 这有助于你弄清楚复杂性吗? (它应该 - 提示:什么是~log(1000),O(n)是什
Can someone explain this to me? First of all, I know why this code String getName(){ for(;;){} } will violate a return type method: it's infinite, but why does this code need a final return value ? String getName(){ for(;i < limit; i++){// i is already defined if(someArrayList.get(i).isDead) continue; return someArrayList.get(i).name; } //nee
谁可以给我解释一下这个? 首先,我知道为什么这个代码 String getName(){ for(;;){} } 将违反return类型的方法:它是无限的,但为什么这个代码需要最终的返回值 ? String getName(){ for(;i < limit; i++){// i is already defined if(someArrayList.get(i).isDead) continue; return someArrayList.get(i).name; } //needs a final return } 返回值存在于循环中并返回ge
specifically I need to represent the following: The tree at any node can have an arbitrary number of children Each parent node (after the root) is just a String (whose children are also Strings) I need to be able to get parent and list out all the children (some sort of list or array of Strings) given an input string representing a given node Dynamically populating the tree structure base
具体而言,我需要表示以下内容: 任何节点上的树都可以有任意数量的子节点 每个父节点(在根之后)只是一个字符串(其子节点也是字符串) 我需要能够获取父节点并列出所有子节点(某些列表或字符串数组),并给出表示给定节点的输入字符串 根据父和子之间的引用关系动态填充树结构。 给出的例子是我有一个member1赞助另一个member2,member2赞助成员3等等。 已经有表格记录关系 有没有可用的结构? 我的数据来自
In Java, is Tree the best structure to represent a tree with such properties: all nodes are unique int s; the depth of a tree is given by int d > 0 there is no restriction on how many children a node could have Operations I need todo: iterate over the children located on the first level down only of any node add nodes remove a subtree, that is a node with all its children all the
在Java中, Tree是表示具有以下属性的Tree的最佳结构: 所有节点都是唯一的 int s; 树的深度由int d > 0 节点可以有多少个孩子没有限制 我需要的操作: 迭代仅位于任何节点上的第一级儿童 添加节点 删除一个子树,这是一个包含所有子节点的节点 提取一个子树,即在单独的树中定位并复制(克隆) 我不需要的操作: 编辑节点 属性对于Tree是完美的,所以也许在性能方面有一些超级实现。 XMLTree或其他。
In Java 8 the lambda expression is introduced to help with the reduction of boilerplate code. If the interface has only one method it works fine. If it consists of multiple methods, then none of the methods work. How can I handle multiple methods? We may go for the following example public interface I1() { void show1(); void show2(); } Then what will be the structure of the main fu
在Java 8中引入了lambda表达式来帮助减少样板代码。 如果接口只有一个方法,它可以正常工作。 如果它由多个方法组成,那么这些方法都不起作用。 我如何处理多种方法? 我们可以参考下面的例子 public interface I1() { void show1(); void show2(); } 那么主要函数的结构将在主体中定义方法的结构是什么? Lambda表达式只能用于Eran所说的功能接口,但如果您真的需要接口中的多个方法,则可以将修饰符更改为def
I'm trying to improve the performance of a Java-function I have that is determining whether a given search string contains >0 of the strings in a collection. This could look like premature optimization but the function is called A LOT so any speed up would be very beneficial. The code currently looks like this: public static boolean containsAny(String searchString, List<String> s
我试图提高Java函数的性能,我确定给定的搜索字符串是否包含集合中的字符串> 0。 这可能看起来像过早的优化,但功能称为很多,所以加快速度将是非常有益的。 代码目前看起来像这样: public static boolean containsAny(String searchString, List<String> searchCollection) { int size = searchCollection.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String stringInCollection = searchCollec
I have a 500GB collection of XML documents that I'm indexing. I'm currently only able to index 6GB of this collection with 32GB of RAM. My index structure is a HashMap<String, PatriciaTrie<String, Integer>> , where the first string represents a term and the second string is of the format filepath+XPath , with the final integer representing the number of occurrences. I use
我有一个500GB的索引XML文档集合。 目前我只能使用32GB的RAM索引6GB的这个集合。 我的索引结构是一个HashMap<String, PatriciaTrie<String, Integer>> ,其中第一个字符串表示一个术语,第二个字符串的格式为filepath+XPath ,最后一个整数表示出现次数。 我使用了一个trie来减少共享前缀,因为我需要对数据进行排序。 压缩有点帮助,但这还不够。 在这个数据结构中, filepath+XPath字符串的总集合在1TB到4
The following is the spring config Date Source <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${rwos.dataSource.driverClassName}" /> <property name="url" value="${rwos.dataSource.url}" /> <property name="username" value="${rwos.dataSource.user}" /> <property name="password" value="${rwos
以下是spring配置 日期来源 <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${rwos.dataSource.driverClassName}" /> <property name="url" value="${rwos.dataSource.url}" /> <property name="username" value="${rwos.dataSource.user}" /> <property name="password" value="${rwos.dataSource.password}