When I downloaded the Git project OsmAnd and went to compile it, Eclipse returned these errors: [Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded [OsmAnd] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded Google and Stackoverflow said that I must change -Xms40m -Xmx384m in eclipse.ini . Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unabl
当我下载Git项目OsmAnd并去编译它时,Eclipse返回了这些错误: [Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded [OsmAnd] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded Google和Stackoverflow说我必须更改eclipse.ini -Xms40m -Xmx384m 。 转换为Dalvik格式失败:无法执行dex:Java堆空间。 我清理了项目并重新启动了Eclipse,但它没有帮助
I have added a 2.45mb jar file to my Android eclipse project and now I continue to get "Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space" no matter what I do. I have researched online, and was informed to update my eclipse.ini to increase my Java VM heapsizes. I have done this for all the values in eclipse.ini and I continue to get the build error. Any ide
我已经添加了一个2.45mb的 jar文件到我的Android eclipse项目,现在我继续得到“转换为Dalvik格式失败:无法执行dex:Java堆空间”,无论我做什么。 我在网上进行了研究,并被通知更新我的eclipse.ini以增加我的Java VM heapsizes。 我已经完成了eclipse.ini中的所有值,并且继续发生构建错误。 有任何想法吗? 修改eclipse.ini的-XmsAm和-XmxBm参数,使它们足够大。 默认值是-Xms40m -Xmx384m 。 尝试将它们都更改为-Xms
I've been working with SQLite on android and I would like to add an arraylist to a column in a table, and then fetch the data back as an arraylist. The arraylist is a list of Longs. I've noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS, however it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a byte[] first before being able to store it as a blob in my SQLite database. If anyone has a
我一直在Android上使用SQLite,我想在表中添加一个ArrayList到列中,然后作为一个ArrayList返回数据。 arraylist是一个Longs列表。 我注意到SQL有一个用于存储BLOBS的选项,但是它看起来像我需要先将数组列表转换为byte [],然后才能将它作为blob存储在我的SQLite数据库中。 如果任何人有解决如何将数据列表保存到SQLite数据库,将不胜感激。 或者还有其他的选择来保存我的数据,我应该考虑一下吗? 插入: ArrayList<
This question already has an answer here: Ship an application with a database 16 answers NOTE: Before trying this code, please find this line in the below code: private static String DB_NAME ="YourDbName"; // Database name DB_NAME here is the name of your database. It is assumed that you have a copy of the database in the assets folder, so for example if your database name is ordersDB, the
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 用数据库发送应用程序16个答案 注意:在尝试此代码之前,请在以下代码中找到此行: private static String DB_NAME ="YourDbName"; // Database name DB_NAME这里是你的数据库的名称。 假设您在assets文件夹中有一个数据库副本,例如,如果您的数据库名称是ordersDB,那么DB_NAME的值将是ordersDB, private static String DB_NAME ="ordersDB"; 将数据库保留在资产文件夹中 ,然后按照以
Im working on web application using the following stack of technologies: Spring, Hibernate, JSP. I have a task to make one of user social element - messages. As standard of implementation message system i take facebook system. On of the problem i faced is a polling server every 1-5 seconds (what period i have to take?) to retrieve an information about unread messages. Also i want to polling s
我正在使用以下技术堆栈来处理Web应用程序:Spring,Hibernate,JSP。 我有一项任务是制作用户社交元素之一 - 消息。 作为实现消息系统的标准,我带facebook系统。 关于我面临的问题是每隔1-5秒(我必须采取什么措施?)轮询服务器以检索关于未读消息的信息。 此外,我想轮询服务器检索对话页面上的新消息(如聊天)。 我做了什么: get count未读消息的示例代码。 服务器端: @RequestMapping(value = "/getCountUserU
I am going to create a webservice (I think in java) which role is to treat a picture (IN) and to return a result (OUT). I would like to use that web service from my Joomla website. The process will be : 1- upload of a picture from the website 2- we call the web service to treat the picture 3- we receive the result and display it in a new page I really don't know how to proceed to do
我将创建一个webservice(我认为在java中)哪个角色是处理图片(IN)并返回结果(OUT)。 我想从我的Joomla网站使用该Web服务。 该过程将是: 1-从网站上传图片 我们称之为网络服务来处理图片 3-我们收到结果并将其显示在新页面中 我真的不知道如何继续完成这3个步骤。 我的第一个问题是:我如何使用Joomla(2.5)调用Web服务? 谢谢 你总是可以使用一个包装器,这基本上意味着外部网站出现在文章/组件通常所在的
I have two entities - user and accessgroup. When getting user entity from MySQL database using RowMapper in JdbcTemplate I have NullPointerException. When not using setter for accessgroup in UserRowMapper I dont have NPE but have null in AccessGroup accessGroup. Table CREATE TABLE `users` ( `USER_ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `USER_EMAIL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
我有两个实体 - 用户和访问组。 当在JdbcTemplate中使用RowMapper从MySQL数据库获取用户实体时,我有NullPointerException。 在UserRowMapper中不使用setter作为accessgroup时,我没有NPE,但在AccessGroup accessGroup中有空。 表 CREATE TABLE `users` ( `USER_ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `USER_EMAIL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `USER_NAME` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `U
I'm trying to push "Arraylist" to oracle stored procedure and after making necessary modification, the object it is returned back. I have an oracle stored procedure with an inout parameter which is "AS TABLE OF TYPE". I'm able to make the call using Mybatis by implements TypeHandler and overrides its method public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Obje
我试图将“Arraylist”推送到oracle存储过程,并在进行必要的修改后将其返回。 我有一个带有inout参数的oracle存储过程,它是“AS TABLE TYPE”。 我能够通过实现TypeHandler使用Mybatis进行调用,并覆盖其方法public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps,int i,Object parameter,JdbcType jdbcType)throws SQLException 但我在检索对象时遇到问题。 检索我覆盖下面的方法。 public Object getResult(CallableSt
I'm converting a Java application from PostGresSQL to Derby ( The PG database has many procedures that ideally will transfer to Derby procedures. One of the PG stored procedures passes an array of Timestamps, similar to this Procedure/SQL: CREATE FUNCTION getDownloads(_download_array timestamp without time zone[]) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE mycurs refcursor; BEGIN
我将Java应用程序从PostgreSQL转换为Derby(。 PG数据库有许多程序,理想情况下将转移到德比程序。 其中一个PG存储过程传递一个Timestamps数组,类似于这个Procedure / SQL: CREATE FUNCTION getDownloads(_download_array timestamp without time zone[]) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE mycurs refcursor; BEGIN SELECT * FROM download_time d WHERE d.downloadtime = ANY(_download
I've got curious case. How can I get com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Lock request time out period exceeded. on getMoreResults() ? What could cause such case? Stacktrace: ... Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Lock request time out period exceeded. at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.j
我有好奇的情况。 我如何获得com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Lock request time out period exceeded. 在getMoreResults() ? 什么会导致这种情况? 堆栈跟踪: ... Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Lock request time out period exceeded. at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.java:197) at com.mi