Currently I have taglibs set up and working correctly using the following tag at the top of my JSP pages: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> In Maven I have the dependencies: <dependency> <groupId>cglib</groupId> <artifactId>cglib</artifactId> <version>2.2.2</version> </dependency>
目前,我已经使用JSP页面顶部的以下标记正确设置了taglib: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> 在Maven中我有依赖关系: <dependency> <groupId>cglib</groupId> <artifactId>cglib</artifactId> <version>2.2.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet&
I have seen a weird problem while using custom tag libraries. In one of my jsp pages the relative uri path of the custom tld file is wrong. Taglib is included in jsp page like below <%@ taglib prefix="aaa" uri="WEB-INF/bbb.tld" %> Location of bbb.tld is : StoresWebContentWEB-INFbbb.tld This taglib is included in a parent jsp file, and not there jsp file is imported/
在使用自定义标签库时,我看到了一个奇怪的问题。 在我的一个jsp页面中,自定义tld文件的相对uri路径是错误的。 Taglib包含在jsp页面中,如下所示:<%@ taglib prefix =“aaa”uri =“WEB-INF / bbb.tld”%> bbb.tld的位置是:Stores WebContent WEB-INF bbb.tld 此taglib包含在父级jsp文件中,而不是从父级导入/包含jsp文件。 我的应用程序有几个其他的jsp文件,其中相同的taglib与正确的路径一起使用。 相同的
I have a web application deployed as a WAR file in Tomcat 7. The application is build as a multi-module project: core - packaged as JAR, contains most of the backend code core-api - packaged as JAR, contains interfaces toward core webapp - packaged as WAR, contains frontend code and depends on core customer-extensions - optional module, packaged as JAR Normally, we can put our JSP files
我在Tomcat 7中将一个Web应用程序部署为WAR文件。该应用程序构建为一个多模块项目: 核心 - 打包为JAR,包含大部分后端代码 core-api - 打包成JAR,包含面向核心的接口 webapp - 打包成WAR,包含前端代码并取决于核心 客户扩展 - 可选模块,打包为JAR 通常,我们可以将我们的JSP文件放入webapp项目中,并相对于上下文来引用它们: /WEB-INF/jsp/someMagicalPage.jsp 问题在于我们如何处理特定于客户扩展项目的JSP
I have a maven build that is copying a bunch of jars that it should not be into WEB-INF/lib for my war project. The jars do not show up in the output of mvn dependency:tree but mvn package puts these (among other) jars into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the generated war file: maven-artifact, maven-artifcat-manager, maven-profile, maven-project, maven-settings... Where are these coming from?
我有一个maven构建,它正在复制一堆不应该放入我的战争项目的WEB-INF / lib中的jar。 这些jar不会显示在mvn dependency:tree的输出中mvn dependency:tree但是mvn package会将这些(以及其他)jar放入生成的war文件的WEB-INF / lib目录中: maven-artifact,maven-artifcat-manager,maven-profile,maven-project,maven-settings ... 这些来自哪里? 什么(除了依赖:树)可能会告诉我是什么导致这些罐子被包括在内?
I'm having a lib folder inside the maven project. I'm adding each of the jars to the dependencies like, <dependency> <groupId>abcd</groupId> <artifactId>abcd</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${basedir}/lib/abcd.jar</systemPath>
我在maven项目中有一个lib文件夹。 我将每个jar添加到依赖关系中, <dependency> <groupId>abcd</groupId> <artifactId>abcd</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${basedir}/lib/abcd.jar</systemPath> </dependency> 将项目打包为war时,这些ja
I have a maven web project that has packaging as "war". the package generates war file that confirms to war format. But, i like to package the project as a "jar" as well along with the default "war" format. So, I am trying to use "maven jar" plugin to achieve that. I am using the following jar plugin configuration. <plugin> &l
我有一个Maven网站项目,其包装为“战争”。 该包会生成确认为战争格式的战争文件。 但是,我喜欢将该项目打包为“jar”以及默认的“war”格式。 所以,我正在尝试使用“maven jar”插件来实现这一点。 我正在使用下面的jar插件配置。 <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId> <executions&
I want to use Primefaces library as osgi bundle in JSF application. I created WAB package with JSF pages. I also deployed promefaces.jar as OSGI bundle. I saw into the primefaces.jar that the MANIFEST file is exporting the packages to be visible for other bundles. The question is how I can use the primefaces tags into the the WAB bundle? I'm sure that I need to add configuration into the
我想在JSF应用程序中使用Primefaces库作为osgi包。 我使用JSF页面创建了WAB包。 我还将promefaces.jar作为OSGI包部署。 我看到了primefaces.jar中的MANIFEST文件正在导出软件包,以便其他软件包可见。 问题是我如何使用primefaces标签到WAB包中? 我确定我需要将配置添加到POM.xml文件中,但我不知道如何去做。 通过将.jar文件放入WEB-INF / lib目录,我成功测试了将primefaces.jar包含到WAB中,但是我想将Primefaces作为
I have a very specific questions about using JSF and component libraries. I tested to build WAB (OSG-fied WAR) package with Primefaces. It turns out that there are problems in integrating JSF and Primefaces when using OSGI. There are several ways to integrate JSF and Primefaces which I want to ask how to atchieve: I can build Primefaces.jar as OSGI bundle. I can export the Java methods as
我有一个关于使用JSF和组件库的非常具体的问题。 我测试了用Primefaces构建WAB(OSG-fied WAR)包。 事实证明,在使用OSGI时集成JSF和Primefaces时存在问题。 有几种方法可以整合JSF和Primefaces,我想问如何实现: 我可以将Primefaces.jar构建为OSGI包。 我可以将Java方法导出为服务,但存在xml配置文件等,我认为我不能在单独的OSGI包中使用。 这是正确的还是我错了? 是否可以使用集成的Primefaces组件来定制Mojar
I have in my layout, a TextView , the id is textView1 . In my java class I have this piece of code: TextView link1 = (TextView) findViewById(; link1.setText(""); Linkify.addLinks(link1, Linkify.ALL); What this does is, initialize the textView , set the text of it, and linkifies it. It works just fine, but what I would like to do is, make the textVi
我在我的布局中,一个TextView ,id是textView1 。 在我的java类中,我有这段代码: TextView link1 = (TextView) findViewById(; link1.setText(""); Linkify.addLinks(link1, Linkify.ALL); 它的作用是什么,初始化textView ,设置它的文本,它linkifies。 它工作得很好,但我想要做的是,使textView成为“链接”和方向成为代码中的链接,但我不知道如何。 更新:我想用link
When I add the stax-api-1.0-2.jar in my Android project, I get the following error: Dx trouble processing "javax/xml/stream/EventFilter.class" Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 Now I have searched the site and found this "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" on external JAR and a lot of other similar questions and have tried out the solutions presented in th
当我在Android项目中添加stax-api-1.0-2.jar时,出现以下错误: Dx trouble processing "javax/xml/stream/EventFilter.class" Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 现在我已经搜索了该网站,发现这个“转换为Dalvik格式失败,出现错误1”,外部JAR和其他许多类似的问题,并尝试了其中提供的解决方案。 不幸的是,这些解决方案不适合我。 我得出结论,问题在于使用这个罐子本身。 我的问题有两方面: 为什么