Obtaining the wav file from ServletInputStream

Our current project requires us to send an audio file to the server and then use the audio file for further computation. Using the Java sound api, I was able to capture the recording and save it as a wav file in my system. Then in order to pass the audio wav to the server, I am using Apache Commons HttpClient to post a request to the server. (I am using InputstreamEntity provided by apache an


我们目前的项目要求我们发送音频文件到服务器,然后使用音频文件进行进一步计算。 使用Java声音API,我能够捕获录制内容并将其保存为我的系统中的wav文件。 然后,为了将音频wav传递给服务器,我使用Apache Commons HttpClient向服务器发送请求。 (我正在使用由apache提供的InputstreamEntity并将数据作为块发送)。 当我尝试在服务器上重新创建/检索wav文件时,会出现问题。 据我所知,我将不得不使用AudioSystem.write

Deprecations On Overriding Method

I found something weird in Eclipse IDE. Let's say I have the following classes: public class Super { @Deprecated public void doNotUseThisMethod() { // do magic } } public class Sub extends Super{ @Override public void doNotUseThisMethod() { // why is this not deprecated? } } Surely overriding a deprecated method should result in a warning (because t


我在Eclipse IDE中发现了一些奇怪的东西。 假设我有以下类: public class Super { @Deprecated public void doNotUseThisMethod() { // do magic } } public class Sub extends Super{ @Override public void doNotUseThisMethod() { // why is this not deprecated? } } 当然,覆盖已弃用的方法应该会导致警告(因为不使用它的原因同样适用)。 仍然在Eclipse Luna和Mars的全新

Authentication failed for user: null

I have an API "Vignette Collab" that is running on an Apache stack with Java, I inherited a legacy codebase and need to find where this error is coming from apparently the last developer built a feature that wasn't working and that's where the error is, but no more info. It is using the Drupal webservice module and the code sending the call looks like this $node = $variables[


我有一个使用Java的Apache堆栈上运行的API "Vignette Collab" ,我继承了一个遗留代码库,并且需要找到这个错误来自哪里,显然最后一个开发人员构建了一个无法正常工作的功能,这就是错误是,但没有更多的信息。 它使用Drupal的web服务模块,发送调用的代码如下所示 $node = $variables['node']; $service = wsclient_service_load('collab_folders'); if($node->field_oid1): $param1 = $node->fiel

HTTP Put Enum using JAX

I am facing problems in an Jax-RS REST-Service when trying to update an entity containing enumerations via HTTP PUT. I am putting the entity encoded as JSON, so the enumerations I am using in this JSON are delivered as strings. I am getting following error: Exception [EclipseLink-43] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.2.qualifier): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException Exce


尝试通过HTTP PUT更新包含枚举的实体时,我在Jax-RS REST服务中遇到问题。 我将实体编码为JSON,因此我在此JSON中使用的枚举以字符串形式提供。 我收到以下错误: Exception [EclipseLink-43] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.2.qualifier): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [AGENT] of type [class java.lang.String]. Descr

Returning to or starting a Java activity, natively

My application launches its main activity in Java, which in turn launches my purely native activity (ie it enters android_main as provided by android_native_app_glue.h). I would now like to be able to either: - finish the native activity and have it return to my main Java activity, or - start a new Java Activity. How can I do either of these, natively in C++? I also need to be able to pass


我的应用程序在Java中启动它的主要活动,然后启动我纯粹的本地活动(即它进入由android_native_app_glue.h提供的android_main)。 我现在希望能够: - 完成本地活动并让它返回到我的主要Java活动,或者 - 启动一个新的Java活动。 我怎样才能做到这些,本地在C ++? 我还需要能够将我的本地活动的一些数据传递给我的Java活动。 有没有办法做到这一点? 这里是我在这个问题上的谷歌组的帖子。 我最终不得不使用exit()

Android Out of Memory with bitmap

I'm creating a app that gets a image from camera (using CameraKit library), process the image and do a OCR Read using Google Vision Api, And get this error: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com. . , PID: 1938 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 63701004 byte allocation with 16777216 free bytes and 60MB until OOM at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method) at an


我正在创建一个从相机获取图像的应用程序(使用CameraKit库),处理图像并使用Google Vision Api进行OCR读取,并获取此错误: 致命例外:主要过程:com。 。 ,PID:1938 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:在android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Native Method)处的dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)时,未能分配63701004字节分配,其空闲字节数为16777216,在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBit

java.lang.out of memory error Android Bitmap Factory

A've tried to recycle the bitmap and everything else that I found on google, but the problem is still here... Here is my code: final SampleView mainPogled = new SampleView(this); final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565; options.inDither = true; pozadinap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.dr


A've试图回收位图和我在google上发现的所有其他内容,但问题仍然存在......这是我的代码: final SampleView mainPogled = new SampleView(this); final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565; options.inDither = true; pozadinap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.nivoapozadina, options); playBu

Instance of T (generic type) in Java

In short: Why cannot I write the following code in Java? public class Foo<T> { public void foo(Object bar) { if (bar instanceof T) { // todo } } } Yeah, I know, the generics is kinda hacked into Java. Generics wasn't there until Java 1.5, and the generic type is lost during runtime. I also know, there are some patterns for it. For example: publ


简而言之:为什么我不能在Java中编写下面的代码? public class Foo<T> { public void foo(Object bar) { if (bar instanceof T) { // todo } } } 是的,我知道,泛型是有点侵入Java。 直到Java 1.5,泛型才会出现,并且泛型在运行时会丢失。 我也知道,它有一些模式。 例如: public class Foo<T> { Class<T> clazz; public Foo(Class<T> clazz)

Nexmo inbound callback URL

I'm attempting to use Nexmo.com to send and receive text messages. Sending works fine, but I am having some issues receiving messages. My issue is with the Callback URL and what format that page should be in. Nexmo's documentation is here and says this Inbound Message If you have purchased long virtual numbers, you will need to set up a CallBack URL for inbound to which we will sen


我试图使用Nexmo.com发送和接收短信。 发送工作正常,但我有一些问题接收消息。 我的问题是回调URL和该页面应该采用什么格式。Nexmo的文档在这里并且说明了这一点 入站消息 如果您购买了长虚拟号码,则需要为入站设置一个CallBack URL,我们将向每个入站消息发送一个请求。 Nexmo将会预期响应200 OK,否则它会重试。 通过GET(默认)发送到您的URL的请求参数包括以下参数。 我错过了一件非常简单的事情吗 有没有找

How to send Soap Message to activemq queue?

I'm working on a project that sends soap request to a third party webservice, and I'm a very newbie at java development. So far I have a basic code that creates the soap message, sends it and then receive the response; the message contains an xml file as a base64 string file. The code I'm using is working but I need to ensure that the soap request would successfully deliver the me


我正在开发一个向第三方webservice发送soap请求的项目,而且我在java开发中是一个非常新手。 到目前为止,我有一个基本的代码创建soap消息,发送它,然后接收响应; 该消息包含一个xml文件作为base64字符串文件。 我正在使用的代码正在运行,但我需要确保soap请求能够在更短的时间内成功发送消息(我有48小时的时间来保证发送),所以如果出现某种网络故障或webservice不可用我的代码会产生错误并停止程序的其余部分。 // Cre