As some background: I have a connection to a server with a SocketChannel, SelectionKey...etc. On the client end, if I want to send something to the server, I just write my data into a ByteBuffer and send it through the socket channel. If all of it was written, I'm done and can return to OP_READ. If not all of it was written, I take the bytes left over, store them in a "to send"
作为一些背景: 我有一个与SocketChannel,SelectionKey等的服务器连接。 在客户端,如果我想将某些内容发送到服务器,我只需将我的数据写入ByteBuffer并通过套接字通道发送。 如果全部写完了,我就完成了,可以返回到OP_READ。 如果不是全部写入,我将剩余的字节存储在某个地方的“发送”缓冲区中,并在该按键上标记OP_WRITE(是否将OP_READ替换为唯一写入?)。 因此,下次我调用selectNow()时,我假设它会识别OP_WRITE
I can send data from io client(using just socket not socket channel), but it was not possible to send data from nio server(using socket channel). What is the problem? Is there a difference between the way to read/write through I/O stream and bytebuffer? public class Server { // this is equivalent to the server socket in the non nio world ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel;
我可以从io客户端发送数据(只使用套接字而不是套接字通道),但无法从nio服务器发送数据(使用套接字通道)。 问题是什么? 通过I / O流和bytebuffer进行读写的方式有什么不同? public class Server { // this is equivalent to the server socket in the non nio world ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel; // this is the multiplexer which multiplexes the messages received from // differen
I'm trying to write a simple client server model using NIO (to learn how it works). There are 2 types of messages that can be sent Connection (which is a message the server sends to a client when it connects giving it info like its client id) and Ping. If a client has not been pinged for a time period of > 4 seconds the server will ping the client and the client will respond with a pong
我正在尝试使用NIO编写简单的客户机服务器模型(以了解它如何工作)。 有两种类型的消息可以发送Connection(这是服务器发送给客户端的消息,当它连接给它的信息时,如客户端ID)和Ping。 如果客户端没有被ping超过4秒的时间段,服务器将ping客户端,客户端将响应乒乓。 当我初始化我的服务器时,我这样做: try{ selector =; selector.wakeup(); serverChannel =
I have a server app. Java NIO I have Runnable class - EventHandler - that process incoming messages. If message == "Bye" -> EventHandler close related SocketServer and SelectorKey I have one Runnable object - Acceptor - that is activated on OP_ACCEPT events. It creates new SocketChannel and new EventHandler to process messages from this channel I have a problem. First clien
我有一个服务器应用程序。 Java NIO 我有Runnable类 - EventHandler - 处理传入消息。 如果message ==“Bye” - > EventHandler关闭相关的SocketServer和SelectorKey 我有一个Runnable对象 - Acceptor - 在OP_ACCEPT事件上激活。 它创建新的SocketChannel和新的EventHandler来处理来自此频道的消息 我有个问题。 第一个客户连接。 发送信息。 断开。 一切都好 第一个客户端断开第二个客户端连接 这里问题开
I am testing using the Java QPID broker. I was able to send and receive messages using the proton client but with anonymous authentication. I am interested in testing with authentication turned on and understand the proton client does not support (yet). I therefore downloaded the rabbitMQ client jars. I am using password file authentication (that came with QPID). I set my RabbitMQ client co
我正在使用Java QPID代理进行测试。 我能够使用质子客户端发送和接收消息,但使用匿名身份验证。 我有兴趣测试打开验证和了解质子客户端不支持(还)。 因此我下载了rabbitMQ客户端jar。 我正在使用密码文件身份验证(与QPID一起提供)。 我设置了我的RabbitMQ客户端连接工厂,如下所示: connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); connectionFactory.setHost("localhost"); connectionFactory.setUserna
This may be a very basic question. But I am bit confused. I know RabbitMQ is a AMQP broker (meaning RabbitMQ implements / uses AMQP ). I used client libraries (jars) provided by RabbitMQ. Does it mean I used AMQP protocol which is used "internally" by RabbitMQ client APIs / libraries to connect to the RabbitMQ broker? Anything else I need to know about using AMQP ? Or is there a
这可能是一个非常基本的问题。 但我有点困惑。 我知道RabbitMQ是AMQP经纪人(意思是RabbitMQ实现/使用AMQP )。 我使用了RabbitMQ提供的客户端库(jar)。 这是否意味着我使用了由RabbitMQ客户端API /库“内部”使用的AMQP协议来连接到RabbitMQ代理? 还有什么我需要了解使用AMQP ? 或者我需要遵循不同的路线来使用AMQP ? 除了使用像RabbitMQ,Apache QPid等任何Message Broker的API之外,开发人员如何关心使用AMQP ?
I am trying to understand what JMS and how it is connected to AMQP terminology. I know JMS is an API and AMQP is a protocol. Here are my assumptions (and questions as well) RabbitMQ uses AMQP protocol (rather implements AMQP protocol) Java clients need to use AMQP protocol client libraries to connect / use RabbitMQ Where does JMS API come into play here? JMS API should use AMQP client l
我想了解JMS以及它如何连接到AMQP术语。 我知道JMS是一个API,AMQP是一个协议。 这是我的假设(以及问题) RabbitMQ使用AMQP协议(而非实现AMQP协议) Java客户端需要使用AMQP协议客户端库来连接/使用RabbitMQ JMS API在哪里发挥作用? JMS API应该使用AMQP客户端库连接到RabbitMQ? 通常我们使用JMS来连接Message Broker,比如RabbitMQ,ActiveMQ等等。那么这里使用的默认协议是什么而不是AMQP? 上面的一些可能
Using spring amqp (rabbitmq): My consumer takes quite a lot of time to process message sometimes my business logic takes more than 2 hours but then after the processing when I try to acknowledge the rabbitmq for "basic ack" it throws connection timeout exception. What should I do ? Should I make connection live forever or use heartbeats ? If your logic definitely is based on MANU
使用spring amqp(rabbitmq): 我的消费者需要花费大量的时间来处理消息,有时我的业务逻辑需要2个多小时,但在处理完毕后,当我尝试确认rabbitmq是否为“基本ack”时,它会引发连接超时异常。 我该怎么办 ? 我应该永远连接还是使用心跳? 如果你的逻辑绝对基于MANUAL ack,那么除非让你的连接长久生活,否则你确实没有选择。 无论如何,心跳应该在默认情况下存在。 否则,考虑使用AUTO ack解决方案,并在发生错误后,
Basing my architecture off of this example: RabbitMQ - Work Queues Setup: Workers get one message at a time each Worker downloads a document, takes a few seconds once a Worker successfully downloads a doc, it acknowledges the message if a worker fails to download a document, it noAcks the message for re-queueing (max of three re-tries) I'm looking into bottlenecks in my implemen
基于这个例子我的架构: RabbitMQ - 工作队列 建立: 工人一次只能收到一条消息 每个工人下载一个文件,需要几秒钟 一旦工作人员成功下载文档,它会确认该消息 如果工作人员未能下载文档,则不会删除重新排队的消息(最多三次重新尝试) 我正在研究导致速度下降的实施中的瓶颈。 因为我使用noAck来重新排队失败的工人。 为了在我的工作线程中均匀地启用这个功能,我将prefetch设置为1.查看这个问题:RabbitMQ工
I have an amqp-backed channel <int-amqp:channel> to temporarily persist messages coming from a JDBC inbound adapter. when no exception is thrown, the message is ack'd and removed from the rabbit queue. when an exception occurs, the message is returned to the queue and is reprocessed continuosly. There are some circumstances where I'd like the request to go back to the queue, but
我有一个支持amqp的通道<int-amqp:channel>来临时保存来自JDBC入站适配器的消息。 当没有异常抛出时,该消息被删除并从兔子队列中移除。 当发生异常时,该消息被返回到队列并且被连续地重新处理。 在某些情况下,我希望请求返回队列,但在大多数情况下,我只想记录错误并确认请求(从兔子队列中删除)。 我已经实现了一个errorHandler来处理抛出的异常,并允许日志记录和“成功”完成,但是即使在处理之后,原始请求也