How to access website via IPv6 with Groovy or Java

I'm trying to access a webpage via IPv6 but always get a "NoRouteToHostException: No route to host". I tried the following: println 'http://[2001:4810:0:0:0:0:0:110]:80/'.toURL().text results in: Caught: No route to host No route to host at then I tried: def authSite = n


我试图通过IPv6访问网页,但总是得到一个“NoRouteToHostException:没有路由到主机”。 我尝试了以下内容: println 'http://[2001:4810:0:0:0:0:0:110]:80/'.toURL().text 结果是: Caught: No route to host No route to host at 然后我试着: def authSite = new 'http://[

jni can't find method from native lib?

This question already has an answer here: What is the effect of extern “C” in C++? 12 answers The format of method names used in JNI is different to regular C and C++ if you don't specify extern 'C' JNI will be unable to find the function to match your Java native declarations. alternatively you can try RegisterNatives()


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: C ++中extern“C”的效果是什么? 12个答案 如果您未指定extern'C',JNI中使用的方法名称格式与常规C和C ++不同,JNI将无法找到与Java本地声明相匹配的函数。 或者你可以尝试RegisterNatives()

Extend the set of reloadable directories on tomcat

I would like to extend the set of reloadable directories on tomcat 7.0.59. When reloadable attribute within Context is set to true, tomcat monitors classes in: /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib . Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically reload the web application if a change is detected. This feature is very usef


我想扩展tomcat 7.0.59上的可重载目录集。 当Context可重载属性设置为true时,tomcat监视: /WEB-INF/classes/和/WEB-INF/lib 。 如果您希望Catalina监视/ WEB-INF / classes /和/ WEB-INF / lib中的类以进行更改,并设置为true,并在检测到更改时自动重新加载Web应用程序。 此功能在应用程序开发过程中非常有用,但它需要大量的运行时间开销,不建议用于已部署的生产应用程序。 这就是为什么该属性的默认设置为false。 但

Java Streams: distinct() on a pre

As discussed in this question, the implementation of distinct() is able to use a more efficient algorithm when the stream it operates on is known by the runtime to be sorted. How can we achieve a similar result if we know that the stream is sorted (eg because it came from an externally pre-sorted data source, such as an SQL query with an order by clause) but isn't flagged as such? There'

Java Streams:预处理中的distinct()

正如在这个问题中所讨论的,当运行时知道它运行的流被排序时, distinct()的实现能够使用更高效的算法。 如果我们知道流是排序的(例如,因为它来自外部预先排序的数据源,例如带有order by子句的SQL查询),但是没有标记,我们如何才能实现类似的结果? 有一个unordered()操作去除了排序标志,但是据我所知,没有办法告诉系统数据已经从外部排序。 您可以围绕现有的集合创建分割器,例如: List<Integer> list = Ar

Nullable types in kotlin annotation processor

I'm working on annotation processor for Kotlin and because the processed elements are in Java I don't receive nullables as ? instead with a @Nullable annotation and that's fine, but I'm facing a problem with receiving null parameters in types and in higher order functions, for normal parameters. var someNullField: String? = "" I will receive java.lang.String at process with @o


我正在为Kotlin设计注释处理器,并且因为处理过的元素是用Java编写的,所以我没有收到可空字符? 而不是使用@Nullable注释,这很好,但我正在接受类型和高级函数中的空参数问题,对于普通参数。 var someNullField: String? = "" 我将在其注释中使用@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable来接收java.lang.String 。 但是List<String?>例如会返回我java.util.List<java.lang.String>而没有任何注释不在主要元素中

Java, Assertions and the JIT

I'm trying to reason about how the JIT of Hotspot reasons. I'm mostly interested in the latest compilation stage (C2 compiler). Does the JIT in Java rely on assertions for optimisations? If that was the case, I could imagine that there are examples where code could run faster with assertions enabled. For example, in a piece of code like this: static int getSumOfFirstThree(int[] arra


我试图推断如何热点的JIT的原因。 我最感兴趣的是最新的编译阶段(C2编译器)。 Java中的JIT是否依赖断言进行优化? 如果是这样的话,我可以想象有些例子代码可以在启用断言的情况下运行得更快 。 例如,在这样一段代码中: static int getSumOfFirstThree(int[] array) { assert(array.length >= 3); return array[0] + array[1] + array[2]; } 当启用断言时,JIT是否足够聪明以消除对数组访问的边界检查?

Convert boolean to int in Java

在Java中将boolean转换为int最常用的方法是什么? int myInt = myBoolean ? 1 : 0; ^^ PS : true = 1 and false = 0 int val = b? 1 : 0; Using the ternary operator is the most simple, most efficient, and most readable way to do what you want. I encourage you to use this solution. However, I can't resist to propose an alternative, contrived, inefficient, unreadable solution. int boolToInt(Bool


在Java中将boolean转换为int最常用的方法是什么? int myInt = myBoolean ? 1 : 0; ^^ PS:true = 1和false = 0 int val = b? 1 : 0; 使用三元运算符是最简单,最有效和最可读的方式来执行你想要的。 我鼓励你使用这个解决方案。 但是,我无法抗拒提出一种替代性,人为化,低效率,难以解读的解决方案。 int boolToInt(Boolean b) { return b.compareTo(false); } 嘿,人们喜欢投票给这么酷的答案! 编辑 顺便

Check if at least two out of three booleans are true

An interviewer recently asked me this question: given three boolean variables, a, b, and c, return true if at least two out of the three are true. My solution follows: boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) { return true; } else{ return false; } } He said that this can be improved furt


面试官最近问我这个问题:给出三个布尔变量a,b和c,如果三个中至少有两个是真的,则返回true。 我的解决方案是: boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) { return true; } else{ return false; } } 他表示,这可以进一步改善,但如何? 而不是写作: if (someExpression) { return true; } else {

Example images for code and mark

When preparing an MCVE/SSCCE that involves images, it is useful to have direct access to images. The types of images that would cover most questions are - small images in multiple colors or shapes, animated GIFs with/without transparency, JPEGs that are 'pairs' of pictures & can be used in image transitions, tile sets, sprite sheets.. Are there any small (under 30KB), on-site, lic


在准备涉及图像的MCVE / SSCCE时,直接访问图像很有用。 涵盖大多数问题的图像类型是 - 多种颜色或形状的小图像,带有/不带透明度的动画GIF,JPEG图像“对”,可用于图像转换,拼贴集,精灵表。 是否有任何小的(不到30KB),现场的,许可证和免版税的图像,我们可以为这些类型的例子热连接? 以下是常用的一些示例图像,主要来自SO上的现有答案。 图标 使用Java生成的简单几何形状,如本答案中最初所见。 它包含一个基

Naive Bayes Text Classification Algorithm

Hye there! I just need the help for implementing Naive Bayes Text Classification Algorithm in Java to just test my Data Set for research purposes. It is compulsory to implement the algorithm in Java; rather using Weka or Rapid Miner tools to get the results! My Data Set has the following type of Data: Doc Words Category Means that I have the Training Words and Categories for each tr


惠在那里! 我只需要在Java中实现朴素贝叶斯文本分类算法的帮助来测试我的数据集用于研究目的。 在Java中实现算法是强制性的; 而是使用Weka或Rapid Miner工具来获得结果! 我的数据集具有以下类型的数据: Doc Words Category 意味着我有预先知道的每项训练(字符串)的训练单词和类别。 一些数据集如下: Doc Words Category