I want to open my excel file with Apache POI. I don't know if a file is xls or xlsx. I have only something like this: InputStream myExcelFile = new ByteArrayInputStream(file.getData()); This way I can open xls file: HSSFWorkbook hsf = new HSSFWorkbook(myxls); And this way I can open xlsx file: XSSFWorkbook xsf = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); How can I open both types of files if I don'
我想用Apache POI打开我的excel文件。 我不知道一个文件是xls还是xlsx。 我只有这样的东西: InputStream myExcelFile = new ByteArrayInputStream(file.getData()); 这样我可以打开xls文件: HSSFWorkbook hsf = new HSSFWorkbook(myxls); 这样我可以打开xlsx文件: XSSFWorkbook xsf = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); 如果我不知道格式,如何打开这两种类型的文件? 这将完成这项工作: Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.c
This question already has an answer here: What is a correct mime type for docx, pptx etc? 4 answers I think this is not application/xls but rather application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet as seen in this answer. EDIT The syntax of the Content-Disposition header is incorrect: The filename should be in double quotes. response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","att
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是docx,pptx等的正确MIME类型? 4个答案 我认为这不是application/xls ,而是 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 正如在这个答案中所见。 编辑 Content-Disposition标头的语法不正确:文件名应该用双引号引起来。 response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=""+ accountNumber+ ".xlsx"");
I've set up a simple Eclipse 3.5/Jetty 6.1 web app which returns hello world. It works. This is on Windows and uses the "Jetty Generic Server Adapter". I have auto deployment working so that it deploys after changes periodically. How do I go about setting it up so that if I change any static content it doesn't have to redeploy ie I can just hit F5 to see the changes straigh
我建立了一个简单的Eclipse 3.5 / Jetty 6.1 web应用程序,它返回hello world。 有用。 这是在Windows上并使用“Jetty通用服务器适配器”。 我有自动部署工作,以便定期更改后部署。 我如何设置它,以便如果我改变任何静态内容,它不必重新部署,即我可以打F5直接看到变化。 对于较小的HTML更改,部署需要20-30秒才能使用。 我之前没有使用过Jetty,所以我无法从经验中了解到,如果长时间的部署时间是正常的,以及如何优化
If I have something like: @PUT @Path("/login") @Produces({"application/json", "text/plain"}) @Consumes("application/json") public String login(@FormParam("login") String login, @FormParam("password") String password) throws Exception { String response = null; response = new UserManager().login(login, password); return response; } How can I enter the both parameters to Test my REST s
如果我有类似的东西: @PUT @Path("/login") @Produces({"application/json", "text/plain"}) @Consumes("application/json") public String login(@FormParam("login") String login, @FormParam("password") String password) throws Exception { String response = null; response = new UserManager().login(login, password); return response; } 如何输入这两个参数来测试我的REST服务(在“内容”字段中)?
I am a new comer in terms of web services. I am tasked to convert an existing software component to a web service. I did some research and I decided to use JAX-RS. I am having a difficulty to decide when to use @QueryParam and when to use @Consume because they seems to be able to achieve the same goal. For example, let say I have a method named read() and it takes a book as an argument. pub
在网络服务方面,我是新来者。 我负责将现有的软件组件转换为Web服务。 我做了一些研究,并决定使用JAX-RS。 我很难决定何时使用@QueryParam以及何时使用@Consume,因为他们似乎能够实现相同的目标。 例如,假设我有一个名为read()的方法,它将一本书作为参数。 public class AReader { public void read(Book book){...} } public class Book { public String author; public String name; } 使用JAX-RS注释翻译时,我
We have huge web application and we are adding new functionality to it. As it's web application, it's using Struts2, Spring frameworks. I have googled a lot, couldn't find any tutorial of Jboss Drools usage in Web Application. Can any one please show me working Drools Tutotial based on Web Application/Project. Is it possible to configure Drools such that if user selects few opt
我们有巨大的网络应用程序,我们正在为它增加新的功能。 因为它是Web应用程序,所以它使用Struts2,Spring框架。 我搜索了很多,在Web应用程序中找不到任何Jboss Drools使用教程。 任何人都可以根据Web应用/项目向我展示Drools Tutotial的工作。 是否可以配置Drools,以便如果用户在JSP中根据选定的选项选择几个选项,我可以启动Drools引擎吗? 通过开火,我应该能够动态地改变视图。 假设购物车[查看页面]中有三种产
How do we handle server responses on the client side? A simple example is, say for example, a delete operation has failed on an entity - currently JHipster is returning void . This may not be ideal in a practical scenario. I looked at this SO post which describes similar question: REST API error return good practices Am planning to implement an error DTO and return something like what Twitt
我们如何处理客户端的服务器响应? 一个简单的例子是,例如,一个实体的delete操作失败 - 目前JHipster返回void 。 这在实际情况下可能并不理想。 我看了这个SO帖子,其中描述了类似的问题:REST API错误返回良好实践 我计划实现一个错误DTO并返回类似于Twitter所做的事情: {"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, your delete operation failed due to following business constraint...","code":100}]} 问题仍然存在,我们如
For an audit log, i need to know the differences between 2 objects. Those objets may contains others objets, list, set of objects and so the differences needed maybe recursive if desired. Is there a api using reflection (or other) already for that ? Thanks in advance. Regards It's a pretty daunting problem to try and solve generically. You might consider pairing a Visitor pattern,
对于审计日志,我需要知道两个对象之间的差异。 那些objets可能包含其他objets,列表,对象集合等,如果需要,所需的差异可能会递归。 是否有一个使用反射(或其他)的API已经? 提前致谢。 问候 试图一般地解决这个问题是一个相当艰巨的问题。 您可以考虑将访问者模式配对,该模式允许您使用责任链模式向对象图添加功能,该模式允许您将执行任务的责任分离为多个对象,然后将请求动态路由到正确的处理器 如果你这
A very simple java code inside a doGet() servlet is getting more than a second of cpu time on GAE. I have read some quota related documentation and apparently I am not doing anything wrong. //Request the user Agent info String userAgent = req.getHeader("User-Agent"); I wanted to know what was using the CPU the most, I use a google help recommendation. //The two lines below will get the CP
一个非常简单的doGet()servlet中的java代码在GAE上获得的CPU时间超过了一秒。 我已经阅读了一些与配额有关的文档,显然我没有做错任何事情。 //Request the user Agent info String userAgent = req.getHeader("User-Agent"); 我想知道最常用的是什么,我使用谷歌帮助推荐。 //The two lines below will get the CPU before requesting User-Agent Information QuotaService qs = QuotaServiceFactory.getQuotaServ
i need to create a github directory in my local machine and i'm trying to clone it with my remote github repository.I tried in a lot of ways to clone a repo with jGit using the below code: package github; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileRepositoryBuil
我需要在我的本地机器上创建一个github目录,并且试图用我的远程github repository克隆它。我尝试了很多方法来用jGit使用下面的代码克隆一个repo: package github; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileRepositoryBuilder; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.UsernamePassword