This question already has an answer here: Difference between wait() and sleep() 33 answers In your case using .wait(1000), is totally wrong. That's what the exception also tells you. Exactly for your usecase there's waitFor(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) : p.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Below is the complete example of the solution. A separate thread switches a flag for the main
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: wait()和sleep()之间的差异33个答案 在你的情况下使用.wait(1000),是完全错误的。 这也是例外也告诉你的。 确切地说,你的用例有waitFor(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) : p.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 以下是解决方案的完整示例。 一个单独的线程切换主线程的标志来终止然后输出收集的行: private static boolean triggerToClose = false; public static void main(Str
This question already has an answer here: Difference between wait() and sleep() 33 answers Difference between wait and sleep in Java : wait release lock on object while waiting while sleep doesn't release lock while waiting. wait is normally done on condition, Thread wait until a condition is true while sleep is just to put your thread on sleep. wait is called from synchronized cont
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: wait()和sleep()之间的差异33个答案 Java中的等待和睡眠差异: 在等待期间等待对象释放锁定,而等待期间睡眠不释放锁定。 等待通常在条件下完成,线程等待,直到一个条件为真,而睡眠只是让你的线程进入睡眠状态。 只有在可以在没有同步块的情况下调用睡眠时,才从同步上下文调用等待。 请参阅为什么等待和通知需要从同步方法调用以获取更多详细信息。 在线程上调用睡眠时,等待
This question already has an answer here: Difference between wait() and sleep() 33 answers Both sleep() and wait() are used to put the current thread on hold, but they were designed for different use cases: sleep() is usually used when you know exactly how long you want your thread to be inactive. After the given timeout, it will wake up automatically, without interference from outside. T
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: wait()和sleep()之间的差异33个答案 sleep()和wait()都用于保持当前线程,但它们是针对不同的用例设计的: sleep()通常用于确切知道线程闲置多长时间。 在给定的超时后,它会自动唤醒,不受外部干扰。 如果发生紧急事件(在这种情况下, sleep()的调用将以InterruptedException结束sleep() ,仍然有人可能会提前唤醒线程。 例如,用户决定在线程休眠时关闭应用程序,或者类似的东西。
This question already has an answer here: Difference between wait() and sleep() 33 answers One is used to synchronize Threads together while the other one is used to sleep for a given amount of time. If you want to synchronize Threads together, user wait/notify. If you want to sleep for a known amount of time, use Thread.sleep. No, Object.wait() will only ever cause the current thread to
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: wait()和sleep()之间的差异33个答案 一个用于同步线程,另一个用于睡眠给定时间。 如果你想同步线程在一起,用户等待/通知。 如果你想睡一段已知的时间,使用Thread.sleep。 不, Object.wait()只会导致当前线程阻塞。 主要区别在于sleep()指示当前线程休眠一段时间,而wait()指示当前线程释放一个监视器,然后休眠直至通知监视器。 换句话说, wait()是线程之间的协调原语,而sle
This question already has an answer here: Where to find source code for java.lang native methods? [closed] 2 answers You can download OpenJdk source code here. In the folder jdksrcshare you can get source code. jdksrcsharenative is the natice method souce write in c and c++. jdksrclinux source for linux. jdksrcwindows source for windows. jdksrcsolaris souce for solaris. jdsrcshar
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在哪里可以找到java.lang本地方法的源代码? [已关闭] 2个答案 您可以在这里下载OpenJdk源代码。 在jdksrcshare文件夹中,您可以获取源代码。 jdksrcsharenative是在c和c ++中编写的natice方法。 适用于Linux的jdksrclinux源码。 jdksrcwindows源代码。 jdksrcsolaris souce for solaris。 jdsrcshare源码。 例如:System.arrayCopy(); int file hotspotsrcsharevmoopsobjA
I would like to see what a method in the Java API does. So I want the JDK Source Code. Before I re-installed Linux I had the package with all the official source code in it. I just had to tell Eclipse where this file is and I could see the code. But now I don't have the file anymore... So the question is: Where can I find it? You haven't said which version you want, but an
我想看看Java API中的一种方法。 所以我想要JDK源代码。 在我重新安装Linux之前,我有src.zip软件包,其中包含所有官方源代码。 我只需告诉Eclipse这个文件在哪里,我可以看到代码。 但现在我没有这个文件了... 所以问题是: 我在哪里可以找到它? 您还没有说明您想要哪个版本,但可以在这里下载JDK 8源代码的存档,以及JDK 7和JDK 6。 此外,您可以浏览或克隆Mercurial存储库:8,7,6。 您已经获得了JDK的源代码的
I'm vaguely familiar with the JNI, and I'm curious to see my machine-specific implementation for some native methods in the java.lang package. Thread#currentThread() , for example. I've found a bunch of DLLs in [JDK_HOME]/jre/bin, but like I said I'm trying to find the source code. Does anyone know where the native source code can be found? Is it even available, or is it cla
我对JNI非常熟悉,我很好奇地看到我的机器特定实现java.lang包中的一些本地方法。 例如, Thread#currentThread() 。 我在[JDK_HOME] / jre / bin中发现了一堆DLL,但就像我说过的,我试图找到源代码。 有谁知道本地源代码可以找到的地方? 它是否可用,还是被Sun分类(哎呀我的意思是“我们就是为了赢得它”Oracle)? 对于JDK6,您可以从java.net下载源代码。 对于java.lang ,故事从j2se/src/share/native/java/lang/
This question already has an answer here: What is the native keyword in Java for? 11 answers These methods are either Intrinsic or written outside Java in "native" code, that is, specific to the given machine. The ones you mention are Intrinsic and part of the JDK but you can also write native methods yourself using the Java Native Interface (JNI). This would normally use C to w
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Java中的native关键字是什么? 11个答案 这些方法或者是内部的,或者是在“本机”代码之外编写的,也就是说,特定于给定的机器。 您提到的是Intrinsic和JDK的一部分,但您也可以使用Java Native Interface(JNI)自己编写本机方法。 这通常使用C来编写方法,但是很多其他语言(如python)允许您以相当简单的方式编写方法。 代码是以这种方式编写的,无论是为了性能,还是因为它需要访问平台
Thread currentThread=Thread.currentThread(); public void run() { while(!shutdown) { try { System.out.println(currentThread.isAlive()); Thread.interrupted(); System.out.println(currentThread.isAlive()); if(curren
Thread currentThread=Thread.currentThread(); public void run() { while(!shutdown) { try { System.out.println(currentThread.isAlive()); Thread.interrupted(); System.out.println(currentThread.isAlive()); if(curren
This question already has an answer here: Why does Thread implement Runnable? 2 answers "The Runnable interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread. [...] This interface is designed to provide a common protocol for objects that wish to execute code while they are active. For example, Runnable is implemented by class Thread."
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 为什么线程实现可运行? 2个答案 “Runnable接口应该由其实例旨在由线程执行的任何类实现[...]该接口旨在为希望在活动时执行代码的对象提供通用协议,例如, Runnable由Thread类实现。“ oracle文档 但我认为你正在寻找的是这里。 给出的答案是“向后兼容”。 有时Java需要做出选择,而且他们总是选择处理向后兼容性的解决方案。 如果Thread类没有实现Runnable,那么Thread类将不会有run