JGit get pulled files

I have one repository in two different folders ( folder1 and folder2 ). Within repositories has a "oldFile" file In the folder1 I do the following steps: echo 123 > oldFile touch newFile git add newFile oldFile git commit -m "Change the oldFile from folder1 and add the newFile" oldFile newFile git push origin master After that, in the folder2 I do next steps: echo zxc > oldF


我在两个不同的文件夹( folder1和folder2 )中有一个存储库。 仓库中有一个"oldFile"文件 在folder1我执行以下步骤: echo 123 > oldFile touch newFile git add newFile oldFile git commit -m "Change the oldFile from folder1 and add the newFile" oldFile newFile git push origin master 之后,在文件folder2我执行下列步骤: echo zxc > oldFile; git add oldFile; git commit oldFile -m "Change

Spring 4 MVC updates entity before modifying post request

Controller: @PreAuthorize("@securityService.isAdminForSurvey(principal.user, #survey)") @RequestMapping(value = "/service-management/surveys/{survey}/edit", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String editSurvey(@PathVariable Survey survey, Model model) { model.addAttribute("survey", survey); @PreAuthorize("@securityService.isAdminForSurvey(principal.user, #survey)") @RequestMapping(value =

Spring 4 MVC在修改post请求之前更新实体

控制器: @PreAuthorize("@securityService.isAdminForSurvey(principal.user, #survey)") @RequestMapping(value = "/service-management/surveys/{survey}/edit", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String editSurvey(@PathVariable Survey survey, Model model) { model.addAttribute("survey", survey); @PreAuthorize("@securityService.isAdminForSurvey(principal.user, #survey)") @RequestMapping(value = "/

Spring MVC preview implementation

I have following task: implement "preview" functionality using Spring MVC. And it will be good to know the best way to implement it: It is straight forward task to 1. Populate new form and save this form in the DB: In order to do this on jsp page we have a spring form, we pass this from to controller and save this from. 2. Edit some form data: So, In order to do that we pass object

Spring MVC预览实现

我有以下任务:使用Spring MVC实现“预览”功能。 知道实现它的最佳方式将是一件好事: 这是直接的任务1.填充新的表单并将该表单保存在数据库中:为了在jsp页面上做到这一点,我们有一个弹簧形式,我们将其从控制器传递并保存。 2.编辑一些表单数据:所以,为了做到这一点,我们将对象ID传递给控制器​​,控制器从DB读取所需数据 - >用户有可能编辑该数据并再次保存在数据库中。 但它看起来没有实现“预览”功能的直接机制。

Multiple Spring @RequestMapping annotations

Is it possible to use multiple @RequestMapping spring annotations in a method? Like: @RequestMapping("/") @RequestMapping("") @RequestMapping("/welcome") public String welcomeHandler(){ return("welcome"); } @RequestMapping有一个String[]值参数,所以你应该能够像这样指定多个值: @RequestMapping(value={"", "/", "welcome"}) From my test (spring 3.0.5), @RequestMappi

多个Spring @RequestMapping注释

是否有可能在一个方法中使用多个@RequestMapping spring注释? 喜欢: @RequestMapping("/") @RequestMapping("") @RequestMapping("/welcome") public String welcomeHandler(){ return("welcome"); } @RequestMapping有一个String[]值参数,所以你应该能够像这样指定多个值: @RequestMapping(value={"", "/", "welcome"}) 从我的测试(spring 3.0.5),@ @RequestMapping(value={"&

Data binding of @ModelAttribute annotated parameters

I have a Spring 2.5 annotated Controller in which I have a method annotated with @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET), which performs some logic to fill the model. I also have a method annotated with @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.POST) which performs the request. This method has a @ModelAttribute annotated parameter that contains my own form pojo, let's call it MyForm. I also


我有一个Spring 2.5注释的Controller,其中有一个用@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)注解的方法,它执行一些逻辑来填充模型。 我也有一个用@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)注解的方法来执行请求。 这个方法有一个@ModelAttribute注释参数,它包含我自己的表单pojo,我们称之为MyForm。 我也有一个MyForm的初始化方法,也用@ModelAttrribute注解。 到目前为止,所有的工作都如预期的那样:在P

How to decompress gzip data?

I have a byte array and I want to decompress this byte array. When I run below code it gives; java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format I get this byte array from a soap webservice. When I call this webservice from soap UI it returns; <size>491520</size> <studentData> <dataContent>Uy0xMDAwMF90MTAwMDAtVXNlciBTZWN1cml0eSBB........</dataContent> </stude


我有一个字节数组,我想解压缩这个字节数组。 当我运行下面给出的代码时; java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format 我从soap web服务中获取这个字节数组。 当我从soap UI调用这个web服务时,它返回; <size>491520</size> <studentData> <dataContent>Uy0xMDAwMF90MTAwMDAtVXNlciBTZWN1cml0eSBB........</dataContent> </studentData> 数据来自Web服务或我的解压缩方法有

Decompressing Bitmap from Base64 and GZIP

In my application I get a profile picture for user then I save it to a serialized class as string. I do the GZIP compress and Base64 using the code below, but I can not do the reverse thing as you see in the getProfilePicture() method further down: private void saveBitmap(){ ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressForma


在我的应用程序中,我得到一个用户的个人资料图片,然后将其保存为串行化类作为字符串。 我使用下面的代码来做GZIP压缩和Base64,但是我不能做相反的事情,就像你在getProfilePicture()方法中看到的那样: private void saveBitmap(){ ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream); byte[] byteArray =

Return substring starting from the N occurrence

How to use this function in QueryDsl in Querying JPA SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count) Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim . UPDATE 1 : After trying @MaciejDobrowolski solution like this : QAcheteur ach = new QAcheteur("ach"); new JPAQuery(entityManager).from(ach) .list( Expressions.stringTemplate("SUBSTRING_INDEX({0},',',1)", ach.ancestors)


如何在QueryDsl中查询JPA中使用此函数 SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count) 返回从字符串的子str前count分隔符的出现delim 。 更新1:在尝试@MaciejDobrowolski解决方案之后: QAcheteur ach = new QAcheteur("ach"); new JPAQuery(entityManager).from(ach) .list( Expressions.stringTemplate("SUBSTRING_INDEX({0},',',1)", ach.ancestors) ); 我得到这个错误: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data type for nod

DBUnit PostgresqlDataTypeFactory does not recognizes enum list

I'm using DBUnit for an integration test, and before executing the test code I'm running into this error: badges.track_types data type (2003, '_text') not recognized and will be ignored. See FAQ for more information. org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException: badges.TRACK_TYPES - (Non-uppercase input column: track_types) in ColumnNameToIndexes cache map. Note that the map's column names

DBUnit PostgresqlDataTypeFactory不识别枚举列表

我使用DBUnit进行集成测试,在执行测试代码之前,我遇到了这个错误: badges.track_types data type (2003, '_text') not recognized and will be ignored. See FAQ for more information. org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException: badges.TRACK_TYPES - (Non-uppercase input column: track_types) in ColumnNameToIndexes cache map. Note that the map's column names are NOT case sensitive. 被忽略的列是枚举列表。

Why does LinkedHashMap class implement Map interface?

This question already has an answer here: Why do many Collection classes in Java extend the abstract class and implement the interface as well? 10 answers You are right: dropping Map<K,V> from linked hash map's declaration would not change anything. Although LinkedHashMap<K,V> would implement Map<K,V> simply because it extends HashMap<K,V> , the fact that linked


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 为什么Java中的许多Collection类扩展抽象类并实现接口? 10个答案 你是对的:从链接哈希映射的声明中删除Map<K,V>不会改变任何东西。 尽管LinkedHashMap<K,V>实现Map<K,V>仅仅是因为它扩展了HashMap<K,V> ,但链接哈希映射从常规哈希映射派生的事实是实现细节,而不是硬性要求。 另一方面,实现Map<K,V>接口是一项基本要求。 如果设计人员决定从头开始实施