Java HashMap uses put method to insert the K/V pair in HashMap . Lets say I have used put method and now HashMap<Integer, Integer> has one entry with key as 10 and value as 17. If I insert 10,20 in this HashMap it simply replaces the the previous entry with this entry due to collision because of same key 10. If the key collides HashMap replaces the old K/V pair with the new K/V pair.
Java HashMap使用put方法在HashMap插入K / V对。 比方说,我已经使用put方法,现在HashMap<Integer, Integer>有一个条目,其中key为10, value 17。 如果我在这个HashMap插入10,20,由于相同的密钥10,它会由于碰撞而简单地用此条目替换以前的条目。 如果密钥发生冲突, HashMap新的K / V对替换为新的K / V对。 所以我的问题是什么时候HashMap使用Chaining碰撞解析技术? 为什么它没有形成一个linkedlist其中键为
I see how Java's AtomicInteger works internally with CAS (Compare And Swap) operation. Basically when multiple threads try to update the value, JVM internally use the underlying CAS mechanism and try to update the value. If the update fails, then try again with the new value but never blocks. In Java8 Oracle introduced a new Class LongAdder which seems to perform better than AtomicInteger
我看到Java的AtomicInteger如何与CAS(比较和交换)操作内部协同工作。 基本上,当多线程尝试更新值时,JVM内部使用底层CAS机制并尝试更新值。 如果更新失败,则再次尝试使用新值但不会阻止。 在Java8中,Oracle引入了一个新的Class LongAdder,它在高争用情况下似乎比AtomicInteger更好。 一些博客文章声称LongAdder通过维护内部单元格表现更好 - 这是否意味着LongAdder在内部聚合值并在稍后更新? 你能否帮我理解LongAdd
I did some profiling on my application and one of the results turned out that about 18% of memory on the heap is used by objects of type Double . It turns out these objects are the values in Map s, where I cannot use the primitive type. My reasoning is that the primitive type of double consumes less memory than it's object Double . Is there a way to have a map like data structure, that wo
我在我的应用程序上做了一些分析,其中一个结果表明,堆中大约18%的内存被Double类型的对象使用。 原来这些对象是Map中的值,我不能使用原始类型。 我的理由是,基本类型的double消耗更少的内存比它的对象Double 。 有没有办法有一个像地图数据结构,将接受任何类型的键以及一个原生double的价值观? 主要业务是: 插入(可能只有一次) 查找(包含按键) 复原(按键) 迭代 我有的典型地图是: HashMap<T,
Possible Duplicate: Is there a good way to have a Map<String, ?> get and put ignoring case? How to ignore case sensitive when searching a key in the java.util.Map? I want to know whether we can look up for a key in the map by ignoring the case. Example, Map<String, Integer> lookup = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); lookup.put("one", 1); lookup.put("two", 2);
可能重复: 有没有一种好的方法来让Map <String,?>获取并忽略大小写? 如何在java.util.Map中搜索键时忽略大小写? 我想知道我们是否可以通过忽视案例来查找地图中的关键字。 Example, Map<String, Integer> lookup = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); lookup.put("one", 1); lookup.put("two", 2); lookup.put("three", 3); 用户输入可能是“一个”或“一个”。 在这种情况下,
Possible Duplicates: difference between compare() and compareTo() Java: What is the difference between implementing Comparable and Comparator? What are the keys differences between Comparable and Comparator. and which is preferred over the other in what scenarios? Thanks Updated - GOOD LINK WITH EXAMPLE!! Wh
可能重复: compare()和compareTo()之间的区别 Java:实现Comparable和Comparator有什么区别? Comparable和Comparator之间的关键区别是什么? 并且在哪些情况下比哪一个更受欢迎? 谢谢 更新 - 以良好的链接与例子! 当您的类实现Comparable时,类的compareTo方法将定义该对象的“自然”排序。 该方法在合同中有义务(尽管不是
I've always loved trees, that nice O(n*lg(n)) and the tidiness of them. However, every software engineer I've ever known has asked me pointedly why I would use a TreeSet . From a CS background, I don't think it matters all that much which you use, and I don't care to mess around with hash functions and buckets (in the case of Java ). In which cases should I use a HashSet over
我一直都很喜欢树木,那个漂亮的O(n*lg(n))和它们的整洁。 然而,我所知道的每一位软件工程师都尖锐地问我为什么要使用TreeSet 。 从CS背景来看,我认为它并不重要,而且我不关心哈希函数和存储区(以Java )。 在哪种情况下,我应该在TreeSet使用HashSet ? HashSet比TreeSet快很多(对于大多数操作(例如add,remove和contains),常量时间与日志时间比较),但不提供TreeSet等顺序保证。 HashSet的 类为基本操作提
This question already has an answer here: Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap 16 answers So, based on what I can see, there is a direct correlation between the userNameArray and passwordArray , meaning that the value at n in the userNameArray corresponds to the value at n in the passwordArray This means your entire search can be boiled down to a single if statement... for
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: HashMap,LinkedHashMap和TreeMap之间的区别16个答案 因此,基于我所看到的,存在有直接关系userNameArray和passwordArray ,这意味着在价值n在userNameArray在对应于值n在passwordArray 这意味着您的整个搜索可以归结为单个if语句... for (int index = 0; index < userNameArray.length; index++) { if (str1.equals(userNameArray[index]) && str2.equals(passwordArray[in
This question already has an answer here: Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap 16 answers TreeMap is a binary search tree implementation of the Map interface. Therefore any lookup operation requires O(logN) time. On the other hand, HashMap uses the hashCode() of the key to locate the bin that contains the key in constant time. Since each bin has an expected number of entr
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: HashMap,LinkedHashMap和TreeMap之间的区别16个答案 TreeMap是Map接口的二叉查找树实现。 因此,任何查找操作都需要O(logN)时间。 另一方面, HashMap使用密钥的hashCode()在定时中定位包含密钥的bin。 由于每个bin都有一个期望数量的条目,这些条目由一个小常量绑定,所以查找需要O(1)次,这比O(logN)快。 就像HashMap put / get方法使用hashCode()和equals()方法一样简单,而TreeMap
This question already has an answer here: Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap 16 answers 如果您使用LinkedHashMap,则顺序将保持不变(即,默认情况下,键将始终按照插入到Map中的顺序迭代)。 If the keys and values are always the same, the map size is the same, and the HashMap is initialized in the same way, then yes. However for guaranteed iteration order, use a LinkedHashMap .
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: HashMap,LinkedHashMap和TreeMap之间的区别16个答案 如果您使用LinkedHashMap,则顺序将保持不变(即,默认情况下,键将始终按照插入到Map中的顺序迭代)。 如果键和值始终相同,则映射大小相同,并且HashMap以相同方式初始化,然后是。 但是,对于有保证的迭代顺序,请使用LinkedHashMap 。
This question already has an answer here: Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap 16 answers For the performance part: Hashmap and LinkedHashMap supports O(1) get/put operations complexity time. LinkedHashMap preserves the order of the inserted items. TreeMap supports O(log n) get/put operations complexity time. Since it has a mechanism to preserver natural order of the it
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: HashMap,LinkedHashMap和TreeMap之间的区别16个答案 对于演出部分: Hashmap和LinkedHashMap支持O(1)get / put操作的复杂时间。 LinkedHashMap保留插入项目的顺序。 TreeMap支持O(log n)获取/放置操作的复杂时间。 由于它具有使用Comparable或Comparator保存项目的自然顺序的机制。