Creating A List View Of Objects from Parse Class

App crashes when i try to put objects from parse on a List view, note that objects are present as toast would loop through and give the names, just cant put it in a list view. Here is my code,on create method, please help, what could i have missed? my Logs error 03-03 12:20:52.352 27230-27230/com.parse.starter E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.parse.starter, PID: 27230 jav


应用程序崩溃时,我尝试将对象从解析列表视图,请注意,对象是作为吐司会循环并提供名称,只是不能把它放在列表视图中。 这里是我的代码,关于创建方法,请帮助,我可以错过什么? 我的日志错误 03-03 12:20:52.352 27230-27230 / com.parse.starter E / AndroidRuntime:致命异常:主进程:com.parse.starter,PID:27230 java.lang.NullPointerException:尝试调用虚拟方法'java。在

I'm trying to populate a listview by using an intent

This question already has an answer here: What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? 12 answers There must be at least one null value in the array that you passed in ArrayAdapter . Please log the values of the variables Name and Comments in MainActivity class before initializing the ArrayAdapter .


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是NullPointerException,以及如何解决它? 12个答案 您在ArrayAdapter传递的数组中必须至少有一个空值。 在初始化ArrayAdapter之前,请记录MainActivity类中变量Name和Comments的值。

Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView

This is a very common scenario: displaying images in a ListView which have to be downloaded from the internet. Right now I have a custom subclass of ArrayAdapter which I use for the ListView. In my getView() implementation of the ArrayAdapter, I spawn a separate thread to load an image. After the loading is done, it looks up the appropriate ImageView and sets the image with ImageView.setImage


这是一种非常常见的情况:在ListView中显示必须从互联网上下载的图像。 现在我有一个用于ListView的ArrayAdapter自定义子类。 在ArrayAdapter的getView()实现中,我生成了一个单独的线程来加载图像。 加载完成后,它会查找合适的ImageView并使用ImageView.setImageDrawable()设置图像。 所以我使用的解决方案与此类似:在ListView中延迟加载图像 我遇到的问题是,只要我在ImageView上调用setImageDrawable(),ListV

How to create LIFO executor?

I would like to create a thread pool which will execute the most recently submitted task. Any advice on how to accomplish this? Thank you You could probably just implement your own BlockingQueue wrapper that maps offer/poll to a stack. Then use this as the BlockingQueue implementation you pass to a ThreadPoolExecutor . My suggestion would be to wrap one of the existing Deque implementation


我想创建一个线程池,它将执行最近提交的任务。 有关如何完成此任务的任何建议? 谢谢 你可能只需实现你自己的BlockingQueue包装器,它将提供/轮询映射到堆栈。 然后将其用作传递给ThreadPoolExecutor的BlockingQueue实现。 我的建议是打包一个现有的Deque实现,如ArrayDeque 。 这不是同步的,所以你需要用同步程序包装每个BlockingQueue方法(如果不是更奇特的话)。 您还需要为阻塞操作引入wait / notify条件。

Getting out

This question already has an answer here: Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object 40 answers Can get a scaled bitmap or try other options like inSampleSize , do check how your solution affects the quality of your image too. Esp for "..loading ALL the images at once, even the ones that aren't seen on the first tab.."(i have done the following for a


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 将图像加载到位图对象时出现奇怪的内存不足问题40个答案 可以获取缩放的位图或尝试像inSampleSize这样的其他选项,检查解决方案如何影响图像质量。 Esp为 “..一次加载所有图像,即使是在第一个标签上看不到的图像。”(我已经做了以下类似的实现): 您可以使用inSampleSize加载所有图像,并用原始图像替换可见的选项卡图像(即选定选项卡),动态加载图像,而不使用BitmapFactory的inSampl

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

Possible Duplicate: Android: Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object I am getting following error when I load bitmap on imageview in AsyncTask: Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget Is there any help? It could be helpful to watch the memory management session of this year's google i/o: Memory management for Android Apps Here


可能重复: Android:将图像加载到Bitmap对象时出现内存不足的问题 当我在AsyncTask中的imageview上加载位图时出现以下错误: Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget 有什么帮助吗? 观看今年谷歌I / O的内存管理会话可能会有帮助:Android应用程序的内存管理在此,Patrick Dubroy解释了一些可能导致内存泄漏的情况(特别是通过静态成员保留对应用程序上下文的长期引用)。 他还谈到垃

Clear explanation of the OutOfMemoryError message

My Android app triggers an OutOfMemoryError like this: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 74649612 byte allocation with 1048576 free bytes and 63MB until OOM Can anyone explain what each of those values mean (" byte allocation ", " free bytes " and " until OOM ")? The message is a little bit confusing for me. Details : As far as I understand: there


我的Android应用程序触发了这样的OutOfMemoryError: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 74649612 byte allocation with 1048576 free bytes and 63MB until OOM 任何人都可以解释每个值的含义(“ 字节分配 ”,“ 空闲字节 ”和“ 直到OOM ”)吗? 这个消息对我来说有点混乱。 详细信息 :据我所知:有63MB直到出现OutOfMemoryError异常,我们尝试分配74649612字节,但我们只有1048576个空闲字节。 (如果我

Native heap android OOM hardware acceleration

first off I'm using a Nexus 7 (the 2013 one with the 1080p screen) running android 4.4(kitkat) and using eclipse with the adb pluggin for windows(64bit I think). My apps minSdkVersion is set to 11 and only operates in the landscape orientation. The problem is I keep getting a OOM error after leaving my app run for a while. My dalvik heap remains constant at around 25~MB but using

本机堆android OOM硬件加速

首先,我使用的是运行Android 4.4(kitkat)的Nexus 7(2013年的1080p屏幕),并使用eclipse和Windows的adb插件(64位,我认为)。 我的应用程序minSdkVersion设置为11,只能在横向模式下运行。 问题是我离开我的应用程序运行一段时间后不断收到OOM错误。 我的dalvik堆保持不变,大约在25MB左右,但使用Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize()和Debug.getNativeHeapSize()它表示我的本机堆大小不断增加,直到应用程序崩溃从

Android and running OOM with free heap space left

I have an app running OOM with plenty of free heap space free and available to grow on a stock Galaxy S3. The app runs fine on other devices. Knowing that in traditional Java this can be caused by being OOM within the permanent generation space, I tried looking into how Dalvik handles this, but couldn't find anything definitive. Androids SDK seems to be missing both MemoryUsage and Manage


我有一个应用程序运行OOM,有大量免费堆空间,可用于在Galaxy S3上增长。 该应用在其他设备上运行良好。 了解到在传统的Java中,这可能是由永久代中的OOM造成的,我试图研究Dalvik如何处理这个问题,但找不到任何确定性的东西。 Androids SDK似乎缺少了MemoryUsage和ManagementFactory,所以我无法像使用Java那样获取它们。 我试图找出Android是否具有永久生成空间,我可以检查它的内容,我如何获得大小和空闲,Dalvik是否

Google map inflate exception

I'm trying to use Google map into fragment on Android 4.4.2(19 API) On API 20+ it works fine but on 19 API I have this exception: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #18: Error inflating class fragment fragment_map.xml: ... <fragment xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/map" android:name="


我试图在Android 4.4.2(19 API)上使用谷歌地图fragment 。在API 20+上它工作正常,但是在19 API上我有这个例外: android.view.InflateException:二进制XML文件行#18:错误膨胀类的片段 fragment_map.xml: ... <fragment xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/map" android:name=""