XLS/XLSX not opening in IPAD/Safari created with APACHE POI

I developed a download functionality in a web application where a user can download selected records in excel file or in text file. For download in excel I have used Apache POI and using SXSSFWorkbook class for writing. For download in Text file I have used java IO. Everything is working fine in windows (All browsers) but in IPAD (Safari) download in excel functionality is not opening, sayi

XLS / XLSX无法在使用APACHE POI创建的IPAD / Safari中打开

我在一个Web应用程序中开发了一个下载功能,用户可以在Excel文件或文本文件中下载选定的记录。 对于在Excel中下载,我已经使用Apache POI并使用SXSSFWorkbook类进行编写。 在文本文件中下载我已经使用Java IO。 一切工作正常在Windows(所有浏览器),但在IPAD(Safari)下载Excel功能不打开,说无法读取文件(读取文件时发生错误)。 但是,文本下载工作正常。 我瞪着眼睛,发现它可能是由于文件中的一些加密。 然后

Getting the response as PDF in browser

I want to setup response for PDF output. How do I achieve this? I can setup for Excel output and successfully get the desired excel sheet from the browser, but for PDF I could not get the desired output. For Excel the following code works fine String excelContent = "an html table.."; getServletResponse().setContentType("“application/vnd.ms-excel"); getServletResponse().setHeader("Content-Di


我想为PDF输出设置响应。 我如何实现这一目标? 我可以设置Excel输出并成功从浏览器中获得所需的Excel表格,但对于PDF我无法获得所需的输出。 对于Excel,以下代码正常工作 String excelContent = "an html table.."; getServletResponse().setContentType("“application/vnd.ms-excel"); getServletResponse().setHeader("Content-Disposition","inline; filename=" + pageTitle + ".xls"); PrintWriter ps = getServletRe

How can I open an excel from a java jsp javascript?

I have a JSP, with a link: Open EXCEL file . If you click on it, it should open the something.xls with microsoft excel . I tried it with the <a> tag, but it doesn't work: <a href="./something.xls" target="_blank"> Open EXCEL file </a> Could anyone give me some useful code, and help, how to open an xls by excel from jsp? Thank you! NO simply,you cannot open like t

如何从java jsp javascript打开excel?

我有一个JSP,带有一个链接: Open EXCEL file 。 如果你点击它,它应该用microsoft excel打开something.xls 。 我用<a>标签试过了,但它不起作用: <a href="./something.xls" target="_blank"> Open EXCEL file </a> 任何人都可以给我一些有用的代码,并帮助,如何从jsp通过excel打开xls? 谢谢! 不,简单地说,你不能这样打开,因为这些文件可以通过浏览器打开/下载,并且HTML / Javascript不

Opening pdf file from server using android intent

I'm searching on the web how to open pdf file from server with default pdf viewer on android. What I found is download the file first then start it in intent or load it with google docs. I don't want to do all these. I just want to load it directly from server in default pdf viewer from phone. I've tried opening video url with intent and it worked. But opening pdf url with intent

使用android intent从服务器打开pdf文件

我在网上搜索如何使用Android上的默认PDF查看器从服务器打开PDF文件。 我发现的是先下载文件,然后以意向方式启动它,或者使用谷歌文档加载它。 我不想做所有这些。 我只是想从服务器直接从手机中加载默认的PDF查看器。 我试图用意向打开视频网址,它的工作。 但意图打开PDF网址是行不通的。 以下是我的代码; private void openFilePDF(){ try{ Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Opening PDF... ",

Saving and retrieving date in Firebase

I have a model with the following structure public class OfferModel { private String mImageUrl; private String mOfferCode; private String mOfferTitle; private String mOfferDescription; private boolean mIsRunning; private String mCreatorUid; private Date mStartDate; } Everything else works fine on saving. It saves in Firebase Realtime database as startDate date:


我有一个具有以下结构的模型 public class OfferModel { private String mImageUrl; private String mOfferCode; private String mOfferTitle; private String mOfferDescription; private boolean mIsRunning; private String mCreatorUid; private Date mStartDate; } 其他一切工作正常保存。 它将Firebase实时数据库保存为 startDate date: 22 day: 3 hours: 23 minutes: 20

ISO8601 to DateTime with time zone information preserved

Below is a deserialization of an ISO8601 date string that contains time zone information. Notice that the time zone information is lost: scala> val date1 = new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Berlin")) date1: org.joda.time.DateTime = 2013-09-22T18:42:15.348+02:00 scala> date1.getZone() res45: org.joda.time.DateTimeZone = Europe/Berlin scala> val date2 = new DateTime(da


以下是包含时区信息的ISO8601日期字符串的反序列化。 请注意,时区信息丢失: scala> val date1 = new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Berlin")) date1: org.joda.time.DateTime = 2013-09-22T18:42:15.348+02:00 scala> date1.getZone() res45: org.joda.time.DateTimeZone = Europe/Berlin scala> val date2 = new DateTime(date1.toString()) date2: org.joda.time.DateTime = 2013-09-22T19:42

Java Message Service and Haskell

I was wondering if there is any way to receive JMS messages from some provider like ActiveMQ or WebMQ in a Haskell program. I've seen that there is a Haskell client for ActiveMQ but it seems to be unmaintained. Has anybody experience with this or any kind of advise? Looks like the main libraries we currently have are: amqp zero-mq If those aren't suitable, you might use them as


我想知道是否有任何方法可以从Haskell程序中的某个提供程序(如ActiveMQ或WebMQ)接收JMS消息。 我已经看到有ActiveMQ的Haskell客户端,但它似乎没有维护。 有没有人有这种或任何类型的建议经验? 看起来像我们目前拥有的主要图书馆是: AMQP 零MQ 如果这些不适合,可以将它们作为开发自己的图书馆的起点。 如果你正在寻找的只是java / haskell IPC,你可能想看看节俭(见http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/),到

ID to multipart entity

Given we have made a multi part request. We are now needing to ad a content-id. Below is the code that we were trying to use to create the multipart request: MultipartEntity mpEntity = new MultipartEntity(); StringBody body; try { body = new StringBody( xml, "application/xml", Charset.forName( "UTF-8" ) ); byte[] data = getBytesFromFile( image ); ByteArrayBody bab = new ByteArrayBo


鉴于我们提出了多部分请求。 我们现在需要添加内容ID。 以下是我们试图用来创建多部分请求的代码: MultipartEntity mpEntity = new MultipartEntity(); StringBody body; try { body = new StringBody( xml, "application/xml", Charset.forName( "UTF-8" ) ); byte[] data = getBytesFromFile( image ); ByteArrayBody bab = new ByteArrayBody( data, "image/jpeg", "test_image_cid" ); mpEntity.addPart(

Is a point inside or outside a polygon which is on the surface of a globe

How do I determine if a point is inside or outside a polygon that lies on the the surface of the earth? The inside of the polygon can be determined via the right hand rule, ie. the inside of the polygon is on your right hand side when you walk around the polygon. The polygon may Circle either pole Cross the 180 longitude Cover more than 50% of the globe As the globe is a sphere the n


我如何确定一个点是否位于地球表面上的多边形的内部或外部? 多边形的内部可以通过右手规则确定,即。 当你在多边形周围走动时,多边形的内部在你的右侧。 多边形可能 圈出两极 跨越180度的经度 覆盖全球50%以上 由于地球是一个球体,正常的射线穿越算法无法正常工作。 实际上,正常的光线追踪和缠绕规则方法在球体表面上工作得很好,只需稍作调整即可。 在球体的表面上,“直线”是一个大圆,距离是以角度单位

Implementing a filtering class loader

We are extending our java application to support plugins. Part of that includes keeping plugins isolated from our own classes, thus each plugin will live in it's own class loader. We also plan on giving the plugins a java framework to work with, thus it'll have to be exposed to the plugins. This java framework also contains classes that will need to be accessible from our own java cod


我们正在扩展我们的Java应用程序以支持插件。 其中一部分内容包括将插件与我们自己的类隔离开来,因此每个插件都将存在于它自己的类加载器中。 我们也计划给插件一个java框架来处理,因此它必须暴露给插件。 这个java框架还包含需要从我们自己的java代码访问的类,因此它也必须可以被我们自己的java代码访问。 问题是,如果Java框架存在于系统类加载器(我们自己的Java代码所在的地方)中,那么我们不能给插件提供我们想要