I just read RabbitMQ's Java API docs, and found it very informative and straight-forward. The example for how to set up a simple Channel for publishing/consuming is very easy to follow and understand. But it's a very simple/basic example, and it left me with an important question: How can I set up 1+ Channels to publish/consume to and from multiple queues? Let's say I have a Rabbi
我只是阅读RabbitMQ的Java API文档,并发现它非常翔实和直截了当。 如何设置用于发布/消费的简单Channel的示例非常易于理解。 但这是一个非常简单/基本的例子,它给我留下了一个重要的问题: 我如何设置1+个Channels来发布/消费多个队列? 比方说,我有一个RabbitMQ服务器,上面有3个队列: logging , security_events和customer_orders 。 所以我们要么需要一个Channel才能够发布/使用所有3个队列,或者更有可能有3个独立
I would like to convert an array to a Set in Java. There are some obvious ways of doing this (ie with a loop) but I would like something a bit neater, something like: java.util.Arrays.asList(Object[] a); Any ideas? Like this: Set<T> mySet = new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(someArray)); In Java 9+, if unmodifiable set is ok: Set<T> mySet = Set.of(someArray); In Java 10+, the
我想将数组转换为Java中的Set。 有一些明显的方法可以做到这一点(即用一个循环),但我想要一些整洁的东西,比如: java.util.Arrays.asList(Object[] a); 有任何想法吗? 喜欢这个: Set<T> mySet = new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(someArray)); 在Java 9+中,如果不可修改集合可以: Set<T> mySet = Set.of(someArray); 在Java 10+中,泛型类型参数可以从数组元素类型中推断出来: var mySet = Set
I hope this question is not considered too basic for this forum, but we'll see. I'm wondering how to refactor some code for better performance that is getting run a bunch of times. Say I'm creating a word frequency list, using a Map (probably a HashMap), where each key is a String with the word that's being counted and the value is an Integer that's incremented each time a
我希望这个问题不被视为这个论坛的基础,但我们会看到。 我想知道如何重构一些代码以获得更好的性能,而这些代码正在运行很多次。 假设我使用一个Map(可能是一个HashMap)创建一个词频列表,其中每个键都是一个字符串,并且该字符被计数,并且该值是一个整数,每当找到该单词的一个标记时该值就会递增。 在Perl中,递增这样一个值将非常简单: $map{$word}++; 但在Java中,它更复杂。 这是我目前正在做的事情: int cou
I need to create simple pagination of objects, but when I read manual I found out that query.setRange(5, 10); will fetch 10 objects, even when only 5 objects are needed. Is there anyway to fetch just needed objects? EDIT: I started bounty, so fi you can show me simple example code in Java that works, then I will accept you answer. How about this: List<Employee> results = (List<Em
我需要创建简单的对象分页,但是当我阅读手册时,我发现query.setRange(5,10); 将获取10个对象,即使只需要5个对象。 无论如何只能抓取需要的对象吗? 编辑:我开始赏金,所以你可以告诉我简单的示例代码在Java中的作品,然后我会接受你的答案。 这个怎么样: List<Employee> results = (List<Employee>) query.execute(); // Use the first 20 results... Cursor cursor = JPACursorHelper.getCursor(re
I have a application server for network operations written with Java based on Apache Mina. Recently I encounter a strange behavior in my log files. I noticed that the log file is full of @^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^.... characters. I mean those unexpected characters are vast amount of as such the log file gets hundreds of GB in a couple of hours! I have no clue about this problem and it is almost
我有一个应用服务器,用于使用基于Apache Mina的Java编写的网络操作。 最近我在我的日志文件中遇到了一个奇怪的行为。 我注意到日志文件是充满@ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ ^ @ @ @ ^ @ ^ ....字符。 我的意思是那些意外字符数量很大,因为日志文件在几个小时内就会得到数百GB的数据! 我不知道这个问题,谷歌几乎是不可能的。 可能是什么原因? 这些角色是否对任何人都熟悉? 如果需要,我可以提供关于应用程
I have a (java.util.List) List returned to the jag. That should be printed as a json . var storeForum = Packages.org.wso2.carbon.forum.registry.RegistryForumManager; var forum = new storeForum(); var start = request.getParameter('start'); var count = request.getParameter('count'); var array =forum.fetchForumTopics(start,count, tenantDomainsArr, -1234, user.username); forum.fe
我有一个(java.util.List)List返回给jag。 应该打印为json。 var storeForum = Packages.org.wso2.carbon.forum.registry.RegistryForumManager; var forum = new storeForum(); var start = request.getParameter('start'); var count = request.getParameter('count'); var array =forum.fetchForumTopics(start,count, tenantDomainsArr, -1234, user.username); forum.fetchForumTopics方法返回
This is my index.html <form action="submitForm" method="get"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="submit" onclick="" /> </form> This is my web.xml `<servlet> <servlet-name>submitForm</servlet-name> <servlet-class>student.StudentSurveyFormSubmit</servlet-class> </servlet> &l
这是我的index.html <form action="submitForm" method="get"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="submit" onclick="" /> </form> 这是我的web.xml `<servlet> <servlet-name>submitForm</servlet-name> <servlet-class>student.StudentSurveyFormSubmit</servlet-class> </servlet> <serv
When I run my project, I get numerous outputs of this error: Sep 9, 2009 8:22:23 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Jersey threw exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class SpringFactory at com.point2.prospect.persistence.hibernate.HibernateTransactionInterceptor.doFilter(HibernateTrans actionInterceptor
当我运行我的项目时,我得到了这个错误的许多输出: Sep 9, 2009 8:22:23 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Jersey threw exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class SpringFactory at com.point2.prospect.persistence.hibernate.HibernateTransactionInterceptor.doFilter(HibernateTrans actionInterceptor.java:17)
I have the following servlet code public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){ Backup bup = new Backup(); bup.doBackup(); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out; try { out = response.getWriter(); out.println("You backed up your data - well hopefully"); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e)
我有以下的servlet代码 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){ Backup bup = new Backup(); bup.doBackup(); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out; try { out = response.getWriter(); out.println("You backed up your data - well hopefully"); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //
My question kind of says it all. I am currently using Uploadify (Flash + Ajax) to the Servlet (Commons Upload w/ OWASP ESAPI overlay) with success, but I was wondering how I would go about building in HTML5 support, or rather HTML5 with flash support. I know how to get the HTML5 DnD working, but I can't quite figure out the mechanics of a Java Servlet connection and/or backend. I have sea
我的问题就是这样说的。 我目前使用Uploadify(闪存+阿贾克斯)给Servlet(下议院上传W / OWASP ESAPI叠加)成功,但我不知道我怎么会去建于HTML5的支持,或者说HTML5与Flash的支持。 我知道如何让HTML5 DnD工作,但我无法弄清楚Java Servlet连接和/或后端的机制。 我搜索了很多地方,但我找不到任何答案,所以任何帮助都是值得赞赏的。 我知道如何让HTML5 DnD工作,但我无法弄清楚Java Servlet连接和/或后端的机制。 这