I'm putting together a Swing application where I often want to replace the contents of a JPanel. To do this, I'm calling removeAll() , then adding my new content, then calling revalidate() . However I'm finding that the old content is still actually visible (though obscured by the the new content). If I add a call to repaint() in addition to revalidate() , it works as expected.
我正在放置一个Swing应用程序,我经常想要替换JPanel的内容。 为此,我调用removeAll() ,然后添加我的新内容,然后调用revalidate() 。 不过,我发现旧内容实际上仍然可见(虽然被新内容遮蔽了)。 如果我除了revalidate()之外还调用了repaint() revalidate() ,它将按预期工作。 我确信在其他场合我经历过,只是调用revalidate()就足够了。 所以基本上我的问题是 - 我是否需要调用这两个函数,如果不是,我应该什么时
I have a JPanel to which I'd like to add JPEG and PNG images that I generate on the fly. All the examples I've seen so far in the Swing Tutorials, specially in the Swing examples use ImageIcon s. I'm generating these images as byte arrays, and they are usually larger than the common icon they use in the examples, at 640x480. Is there any (performance or other) problem in using t
我有一个JPanel,我想添加我生成的JPEG和PNG图像。 我在Swing教程中看到的所有示例,特别是Swing示例中使用ImageIcon的示例。 我将这些图像生成为字节数组,并且它们通常比它们在示例中使用的常用图标大640x480。 在使用ImageIcon类来显示JPanel大小的图像时是否存在任何(性能或其他)问题? 通常的做法是什么? 如何在不使用ImageIcon类的情况下将图像添加到JPanel? 编辑 :对教程和API的更仔细的检查表明,您不
I know that it isn't the most vital of issues, but I just realised that I can put the javadoc comment block before or after the annotation. What would we want to adopt as a coding standard? /** * This is a javadoc comment before the annotation */ @Component public class MyClass { @Autowired /** * This is a javadoc comment after the annotation */ private MyOtherClas
我知道这不是最重要的问题,但我意识到我可以在注释之前或之后放置javadoc注释块。 我们希望采用什么作为编码标准? /** * This is a javadoc comment before the annotation */ @Component public class MyClass { @Autowired /** * This is a javadoc comment after the annotation */ private MyOtherClass other; } 在注解之前,由于注释是“属于”类的代码。 在官方文档中查看javadoc的示例。
I am trying to use https://github.com/Ardesco/Powder-Monkey/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lazerycode/selenium/graphs/LineChart.java code to test tooltip values for highchart graph. But I am getting the error: "Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"g.
我正在尝试使用https://github.com/Ardesco/Powder-Monkey/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lazerycode/selenium/graphs/LineChart.java代码来测试Highchart图形的工具提示值。 但是我收到错误: “线程中的异常”main“org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:无法找到元素:{”method“:”css selector“,”selector“:”g.highcharts-series-group> g:nth-child(1 ) “}” WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); St
As per the below screenshot I have a bar chart on the left which, when I click on, opens the bar chart on the right. What this then does is open up another bar graph, and I want to click on an element on that. The problem is that the className is "Highcharts-series-group", the same as the previous element locator I used. I've attached a screenshot below of the option I am trying
根据下面的屏幕截图,我在左边有一张条形图,当我点击时,打开右边的条形图。 这样做是打开另一个条形图,我想点击一个元素。 问题在于className是“Highcharts-series-group”,与我之前使用的元素定位器相同。 我在下面选择了我想要选择的选项(它是右边的图) 请参阅下面的HTML,因为我认为上面没有清楚 <div id="controller-breakdown" class="two-by-two-chart" style="display: block;" data-highcharts-chart="1"&
I'm after some help when running a Selenium test in java where I have SVG high chart images on a page. The issue I have is that I am having trouble getting selenium to recognise each element on the high chart, and in turn clicking on them to fire off another event. I've attached a screenshot below, which I hope highlights what I am trying to do I don't think the HTML snippet is c
在Java中运行Selenium测试时,我有一些帮助,其中在页面上有SVG高图表图像。 我遇到的问题是,我很难让硒元素识别高图表上的每个元素,并依次点击它们来发射另一个事件。 我附上了下面的截图,我希望强调我正在尝试做的事情 我不认为HTML代码片段在屏幕截图上是清晰的,所以我在下面概述了这一点: <div id="status-action-counts" class="two-by-two-chart" data-highcharts-chart="0"> <div id="hig
I have an SVG object with a few circle and rectangle elements. Using webdriver, I can click on the main svg object, but not any of the elements within it. The problem only seems to be with clicking (or any mouse interaction), as I can use getAttribute() to return the value(s) of width, ID, x/y, text, etc, for anything under it. Here is an example of the HTML: <div id="canvas">
我有一个带有几个圆形和矩形元素的SVG对象。 使用webdriver,我可以点击主要的svg对象,但不是其中的任何元素。 这个问题似乎只是点击(或任何鼠标交互),因为我可以使用getAttribute()来返回宽度,ID,x / y,文本等的值,以便为它下面的任何东西。 这里是一个HTML的例子: <div id="canvas"> <svg height="840" version="1.1" width="757" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="overflow: h
I just want to set some flags when my orientation is in landscape so that when the activity is recreated in onCreate() i can toggle between what to load in portrait vs. landscape. I already have a layout-land xml that is handling my layout. public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration _newConfig) { if (_newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { thi
我只想在我的方向处于横向时设置一些标志,以便在onCreate()中重新创建活动时,我可以在纵向与横向之间切换要加载的内容。 我已经有了一个处理布局的layout-land xml。 public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration _newConfig) { if (_newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { this.loadURLData = false; } if (_newConfig.orientation == Configurat
I am trying to extract text from pdf and write it into a json file. While extracting unicode characters the Json converts all & to u0026. For example my actual String is ش . (which represents ش). It prints correctly to a .txt file, to console etc. But when I try to print this string to a Json file it shows u0026#1588; . I am using Java, and the code is Gson gson = new Gson();
我试图从pdf中提取文本并将其写入json文件。 在提取unicode字符时,Json会将所有&转换为 u0026。 例如我的实际字符串是ش 。 (代表ش)。 它正确地打印到.txt文件,控制台等等。但是当我尝试打印这个字符串到一个Json文件时,它显示了u0026#1588; 。 我使用的是Java,代码是 Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = gson.toJson(pdfDoc); 注意: pdfDoc是一个对象,它包含输入PDF文档中所有字符的详细信息(位
I have a question using an Enum inside a switch statement in java: I declare an Enum in Java and use a variable of that type in a switch statement, where all possible cases for enum values are covered. In the example each case initializes a variable that was not initialized before the switch, but the compiler still gives me an error because javac does not recognize that all possible cases are
我有一个问题,在java中使用switch语句中的枚举: 我在Java中声明Enum,并在switch语句中使用该类型的变量,其中涵盖了枚举值的所有可能情况。 在这个例子中,每个例子初始化一个在开关之前未初始化的变量,但是编译器仍然给我一个错误,因为javac不能识别出所有可能的情况都被覆盖了: public class EnumSwitchTest { public enum MyEnum { FOO, BAR } public static void main(String[] arg