I want to perform histogram equalization for an RGB image. For this , at first I generate the histogram using the following steps : 1)Map the intensity in the range [0,255] , by taking the gray value as val=img.getRGB(j, i) & 0xFF; 2)count the number of pixels corresponding to each intensity value(0-255) 3)Plot the histogram. 4)perform equalization 5)Now the problem I am concerned
我想为RGB图像执行直方图均衡。 为此,我首先使用以下步骤生成直方图: 1)通过将灰度值作为val = img.getRGB(j,i)&0xFF;映射范围[0,255]中的强度; 2)对与每个强度值(0-255)对应的像素数进行计数, 3)绘制直方图。 4)执行均衡 5)现在我关心的问题是,映射到对应于均衡直方图的RGB图像。 我怎么做? 都是灰色的。任何解决方案? 我曾经用Java做过一次。 输入是一个灰度值缓冲图像bi。 bi的直方图将被
I want to convert an image to a gray scale image where pixel intensities are between 0-255 . I was able to convert images to a gray scale images with the following Java method. public void ConvertToGrayScale(BufferedImage bufImage, int ImgWidth, int ImgHeight) { for (int w = 0; w < ImgWidth; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < ImgHeight; h++) { Color color = new Color(bu
我想将图像转换为像素亮度在0-255之间的灰度图像。 我能够使用以下Java方法将图像转换为灰度图像。 public void ConvertToGrayScale(BufferedImage bufImage, int ImgWidth, int ImgHeight) { for (int w = 0; w < ImgWidth; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < ImgHeight; h++) { Color color = new Color(bufImage.getRGB(w, h)); int ColAvgVal = ((color.getRed() + color.getGreen(
I'm a beginner to OpenCV. I'm trying to do a sample android application to match a template image in a given image using OpenCV Template matching. I searched in the internet and I couldn't find a proper android or java code which satisfy my requirement. But I have C++ code. I dont know how to translate it. http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/
我是OpenCV的初学者。 我试图做一个示例Android应用程序来匹配使用OpenCV模板匹配的给定图像中的模板图像。 我在互联网搜索,我无法找到一个合适的Android或Java代码,满足我的要求。 但我有C ++代码。 我不知道如何翻译它。 http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.html 你能帮我找到一个合适的java或android代码。 或者请帮助我将这个C ++代码翻译成java,我可
We have many pages implemented using angular JS. We have created offline snapshot html and store it for web crawlers. Now when a web crawler asks for a particular page, based on user agent value we redirect the request to a JAVA servlet which returns appropriate snapshot page to crawler. When the request comes in to the servlet from a crawler (like Endeca), I just get the url till #.. and ev
我们有很多使用angular JS实现的页面。 我们创建了离线快照HTML并将其存储到网络抓取工具中。 现在,当一个web爬虫要求一个特定的页面时,根据用户代理值,我们将请求重定向到一个JAVA servlet,该servlet将合适的快照页面返回给爬虫。 当请求从一个爬虫(比如Endeca)进入servlet时,我只是得到了url直到#..并且URL中的#之后的所有内容都丢失了,因此servlet无法返回相应的快照。 我知道它不可能通过http请求发送完整
Hi I am trying to develop REST api using Spring boot + Spring Data JPA + Spring Data REST I want to expose only writable part of my User ( basically no GET or GET ALL ) entity which is as below @Entity(name = "User") public class User implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO) int id; @Column String login; @Column String password
您好,我正在尝试使用Spring引导+ Spring数据JPA + Spring Data REST开发REST API 我只想公开我的用户的可写部分(基本上没有GET或GET ALL),如下所示 @Entity(name = "User") public class User implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO) int id; @Column String login; @Column String password; @Column String username; @Column
I have a JPA entity class with a @Version field for optimistic locking. I need to merge() a detached entity instance that has its version field uninitialized over an existing entity instance in the persistence context. When doing this the managed instance has its version field overwritten which leads to an OptimisticLockException later on. I could manually copy contents of the version field f
我有一个带有@Version字段的JPA实体类,用于乐观锁定。 我需要merge()一个分离的实体实例,该实例的版本字段在持久化上下文中的现有实体实例上未初始化。 在执行此操作时,托管实例的版本字段被覆盖,这会导致稍后出现OptimisticLockException。 我可以在合并之前手动将版本字段的内容从托管副本复制到分离的实体,但我觉得这有点尴尬。 有没有更好的选择或最佳做法来处理这种情况? 如果版本字段未初始化,则合并不起作
Currently I have a Spring Boot application using Spring Data REST. I have a domain entity Post which has the @OneToMany relationship to another domain entity, Comment . These classes are structured as follows: Post.java: @Entity public class Post { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; private String author; private String content; private String title; @OneToMan
目前我有一个使用Spring Data REST的Spring Boot应用程序。 我有一个域名实体Post ,它具有@OneToMany关系到另一个域实体, Comment 。 这些类的结构如下: Post.java: @Entity public class Post { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; private String author; private String content; private String title; @OneToMany private List<Comment> comments; // Standard ge
I'm using Spring (3.2.4.RELEASE) and Hibernate (4.2.8.Final) in my project, and using JPA configuration. <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> ... <property name="jpaVendorAdapter"> <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"> ... </
我在我的项目中使用Spring(3.2.4.RELEASE)和Hibernate(4.2.8.Final),并使用JPA配置。 <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> ... <property name="jpaVendorAdapter"> <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"> ... </bean> </proper
Well the question pretty much says everything. Using JPARepository how do I update an entity? JPARepository has only a save method, which does not tell me if it's create or update actually. For example, I insert a simple Object to the database User, which has three fields: firstname and lastname and age: @Entity public class User { private String firstname; private String lastname
那么这个问题几乎可以说明一切。 使用JPARepository如何更新实体? JPARepository只有一个保存方法,它不会告诉我它是否实际创建或更新。 例如,我向数据库用户插入一个简单的对象,该用户有三个字段:名字和姓氏以及年龄: @Entity public class User { private String firstname; private String lastname; //Setters and getters for age omitted, but they are the same as with firstname and lastname.
How does @Version annotation work in JPA? I found various answers whose extract is as follows: JPA uses a version field in your entities to detect concurrent modifications to the same datastore record. When the JPA runtime detects an attempt to concurrently modify the same record, it throws an exception to the transaction attempting to commit last. But I am still not sure how it works. A
@Version注释如何在JPA中工作? 我找到了各种答案,其摘录如下: JPA在您的实体中使用版本字段来检测对同一数据存储区记录的并发修改。 当JPA运行时检测到试图同时修改同一记录时,它会向尝试提交最后的事务抛出异常。 但我仍然不确定它是如何工作的。 同样来自以下几行: 您应该考虑版本字段不可变。 更改字段值有未定义的结果。 这是否意味着我们应该将我们的版本字段声明为final ? 但我仍然不确定它是如何工