I have gone through the following article regarding the logging frameworks available for Java: http://michaelandrews.typepad.com/the_technical_times/2011/04/java-logging-reconsidered.html The author has mentioned using SLF4J with Logback. How is that different from using Logback directly. Wouldn't it be better if one uses Logback directly rather than going for SLF4J, since Logback is buil
我已阅读了以下关于Java可用的日志框架的文章:http://michaelandrews.typepad.com/the_technical_times/2011/04/java-logging-reconsidered.html 作者曾提到将SLF4J与Logback结合使用。 这与直接使用Logback有何不同。 如果一个人直接使用Logback而不是SLF4J,会不会更好,因为Logback是建立在SLF4J之上的。 SLF4J为Logback增加了零开销,因为它仅仅是由Logback实现的接口,没有任何额外的层。 你应该使用SLF4J,因为..
We are using SLF4J+Logback combination at our project for a while now and are quite happy with it, but our logging strategy is fairly simple, using straightforward class based loggers and no fancy stuff like MDC or Markers. What I want to know is if anybody in the community actually uses these features and how they are used to improve logging/filtering. I am specially interested in where, why
我们在项目中使用SLF4J + Logback组合已经有一段时间了,对此我们感到非常满意,但我们的日志记录策略相当简单,使用基于类的直接记录器,并且没有像MDC或Markers这样的花哨的东西。 我想知道的是,如果社区中的任何人实际使用这些功能以及它们如何用于改进日志记录/过滤。 我特别感兴趣的是在哪里,为什么以及如何使用[1]标记进行记录。 他们认为我是一个非常整洁的功能,可以将日志语境添加到日志中 - 例如,当一个类可能
I am using logback/slf4j to do my logging. I want to parse my log file to analyze some data, so instead of parsing a great big file (mostly consisting of debug statements) I want to have two logger instances which each log to a separate file; one for analytics and one for all purpose logging. Does anyone know if this is possible with Logback, or any other logger for that matter? It's ver
我使用logback / slf4j来做我的日志记录。 我想解析我的日志文件来分析一些数据,所以我不想分析一个伟大的大文件(主要由调试语句组成),而是希望有两个记录器实例,每个记录器实例都记录到一个单独的文件中; 一个用于分析,另一个用于所有目的日志记录。 有谁知道这是可能的与Logback,或任何其他记录器的事情? 在logback中这样做很有可能。 这是一个示例配置: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>
This (should) be a rather simple thing to do, however I am struggling. I want a table to be generated like this: id organizationNumber name However, when I look in the database, I see that the ordering is wrong. Does anybody know how I can force hibernate/jpa to generate the table with correct ordering? desc Organization; +--------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-----
这(应该)是一件相当简单的事情,但我正在挣扎。 我想要这样生成一个表格: id organizationNumber name 但是,当我查看数据库时,发现排序错误。 有谁知道我可以如何强迫hibernate / jpa以正确的顺序生成表格吗? desc Organization; +--------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------
We are using log4j behind a selfmade wrapper. We plan to use much more features of it now. Should we update to logback ? (I mean the framework not a facade like SLF4J) Logback natively implements the SLF4J API. This means that if you are using logback, you are actually using the SLF4J API. You could theoretically use the internals of the logback API directly for logging, but that is high
我们使用自制包装器后面的log4j。 我们现在计划使用更多功能。 我们应该更新到logback吗? (我的意思是框架不像SLF4J那样) Logback本地实现SLF4J API。 这意味着如果你使用的是logback,你实际上正在使用SLF4J API。 您理论上可以直接使用logback API的内部进行日志记录,但是非常不鼓励。 所有logback文档和记录器示例都是根据SLF4J API编写的。 所以通过使用logback,你实际上会使用SLF4J,如果因为某种原因想要
I am creating an application which connects to the server using username/password and I would like to enable the option "Save password" so the user wouldn't have to type the password each time the application starts. I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values/settings i
我正在创建一个使用用户名/密码连接到服务器的应用程序,我希望启用“保存密码”选项,这样用户在每次启动应用程序时都不必输入密码。 我正在尝试使用共享首选项来执行此操作,但我不确定这是否是最佳解决方案。 我将不胜感激任何有关如何在Android应用程序中存储用户值/设置的建议。 一般来说,SharedPreferences是存储偏好的最佳选择,所以通常我会推荐这种方法来保存应用程序和用户设置。 这里唯一关心的问题就是你正在
First of all let me say that this questions is slightly connected to another question by me. Actually it was created because of that. I have the following code to write a bitmap downloaded from the net to a file in the sd card: // Get image from url URL u = new URL(url); HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(u.toURI()); HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = (Htt
首先让我说,这个问题与我的另一个问题略有关联。 其实它是因为这个而创建的。 我有以下代码来写入从网络下载到SD卡中的文件的位图: // Get image from url URL u = new URL(url); HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(u.toURI()); HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) httpclient.execute(httpRequest); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); BufferedHttpEntit
I'm trying to launch an image which is written to my application directory with the builtin Android image viewer. This image has been written in a different part of the app to the app directory. When getting the following file: super.getFilesDir() + "/current.png" File.exists() returns true. How can i launch the builtin Android image viewer to view this file? Currently i
我试图用内置的Android图像查看器启动一个写入我的应用程序目录的图像。 该图像已经被写入到应用程序目录的不同部分。 获取以下文件时: super.getFilesDir() + "/current.png" File.exists()返回true。 我如何启动内置Android图像查看器来查看此文件? 目前我在做: File f = new File(super.getFilesDir()+"/current.png"); uri = Uri.parse("file://"+super.getFilesDir()+"/current.png"); startActi
I've been trying to format a gregorian calendar to a specific format as to fulfill a webservice but I don't know how to make it elegant. Right now I'm trying to format by getting the hour of minute and parsing them but it looks horrible. I need to format it as xsd:dateTime 2001-10-26T21:32:52, 2001 Any helps appreciated. Thanks! 应该直接调整格式以满足您的需求......这会产生“2013-06
我一直在试图格式化一个格式化的日历到一个特定的格式,以实现一个web服务,但我不知道如何使它优雅。 现在我试图通过获取分钟和解析它们的格式来进行格式化,但看起来很可怕。 我需要格式化为xsd:dateTime 2001-10-26T21:32:52,2001任何帮助赞赏。 谢谢! 应该直接调整格式以满足您的需求......这会产生“2013-06-08T20:56:25Z” SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); time
I think I'm missing some subtlety here because everything I'm reading says this should work. I need to get the months and days between two dates in Android. That is to say, how many whole months plus any additional days. I need this as numeric output, not a printed string. Here's what I'm doing, using Joda: void method(DateTime begin, DateTime end) { Period period = Perio
我想我在这里错过了一些微妙之处,因为我正在阅读的所有内容都说这应该起作用。 我需要获取Android中两个日期之间的月份和日期。 也就是说,整整几个月加上任何额外的日子。 我需要这个数字输出,而不是一个打印的字符串。 我在做什么,使用乔达: void method(DateTime begin, DateTime end) { Period period = Period period = new Period(begin, end); final int months = period.getMonths(); final int add