How to find difference between two Joda

Below is the method I wrote: public List<Map<String, Object>> loadNotYetInEmployee(int shift, Date date, int transitionVal, String type, User user) { DateTime datetime = new DateTime(date); datetime = datetime .plus(Period.minutes(shiftTiming.getSession1InTime())); List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object&


以下是我写的方法: public List<Map<String, Object>> loadNotYetInEmployee(int shift, Date date, int transitionVal, String type, User user) { DateTime datetime = new DateTime(date); datetime = datetime .plus(Period.minutes(shiftTiming.getSession1InTime())); List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

Find the difference in days between a java.util.Date and a Joda

是否有可能找到java.util.Date和Joda-Time DateTime之间的差异(最好用天数表示)? class ReminderInterval{ //it will return a last login date(java.util.Date) Date lastDate=Obj.getAccepted(); //it is Joda-Time type DateTime currentDate=new DateTime(); } Just convert Date to DateTime and then use Days#daysBetween() . The DateTime has a constructor taking the time in millis and the Dat


是否有可能找到java.util.Date和Joda-Time DateTime之间的差异(最好用天数表示)? class ReminderInterval{ //it will return a last login date(java.util.Date) Date lastDate=Obj.getAccepted(); //it is Joda-Time type DateTime currentDate=new DateTime(); } 只是转换Date ,以DateTime ,然后用Days#daysBetween() DateTime有一个构造函数以毫秒为单位, Date有一个返回exaclty的getter。 DateTime

Difference in days between two dates in Java?

I need to find the number of days between two dates : one is from a report and one is the current date. My snippet: int age=calculateDifference(agingDate, today); Here calculateDifference is a private method, agingDate and today are Date objects, just for your clarification. I've followed two articles from a Java forum, Thread 1 / Thread 2. It works fine in a standalone program althou


我需要找到两个日期之间的天数 :一个来自报告,另一个来自当前日期。 我的片段: int age=calculateDifference(agingDate, today); 这里calculateDifference是一个私有方法, agingDate和today是Date对象,仅供您澄清。 我已经从Java论坛中发表了两篇文章,即Thread 1 / Thread 2。 它可以在独立程序中正常工作,但是当我将这些内容包含在我的逻辑中以便从报告中读取时,我会发现数值上的差异。 为什么会发生这种情况

Differences between Java 8 Date Time API (java.time) and Joda

I know there are questions relating to java.util.Date and Joda-Time. But after some digging, I couldn't find a thread about the differences between the java.time API (new in Java 8, defined by JSR 310) and Joda-Time. I have heard that Java 8's java.time API is much cleaner and can do much more than Joda-Time. But I cannot find examples comparing the two. What can java.time do that J

Java 8 Date Time API(java.time)和Joda之间的区别

我知道有关于java.util.Date和Joda-Time的问题。 但经过一番挖掘,我找不到关于java.time API(由JSR 310定义的Java 8中的新增内容)与Joda-Time之间的差异的线索。 我听说Java 8的java.time API比Joda-Time更干净,可以做得更多。 但是我找不到比较两者的例子。 java.time能做什么Joda-Time不能做什么? java.time能比Joda-Time做得更好吗? java.time的性能更好吗? 共同特征 a)这两个库都使用不可变类型。 Jo

How i can convert a date object into a calender object

Possible Duplicate: Date object to Calendar [Java] I have a Java Date object like Date A = Mon Nov 07 00:00:00 CET 2011; I want to get the year ,month and day. But i saw like these getYear ,getMonth and getDay is deprecated. So how can i extract the above from the above date object. 您可以使用Calendar.setTime() 。 尝试以下操作: Date a = new Date(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstan


可能重复: 日历对象到日历[Java] 我有一个Java Date对象 Date A = Mon Nov 07 00:00:00 CET 2011; 我想得到年,月和日。 但我看到这些getYear,getMonth和getDay已被弃用。 那么如何从上面的日期对象中提取上述内容。 您可以使用Calendar.setTime() 。 尝试以下操作: Date a = new Date(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(a); 尝试这样的事情: Date d = new Date(); Calendar c =

Date() object inconsistency

Right now is 3/15/11 and when I'm calling a new date object: Date now = new Date(); I'm getting in return the month as 2 (getMonth()), the day as 2 (getDay()) and the year (getYear()) as 111. Is there a reason for this convention? Straight from the class's documentation: A year y is represented by the integer y - 1900. A month is represented by an integer from 0 to 11; 0 is J


现在是3/15/11,当我打电话给一个新的日期对象时: Date now = new Date(); 我将2月(getMonth()),2月(getDay())和year(getYear())的月份换算为111.这个约定有什么原因吗? 直接从课程文档中获取: y年用整数y - 1900表示。 一个月由0到11之间的一个整数表示; 0是1月,1是2月,等等; 因此11月是12月。 日期(月中的一天)以通常的方式表示为从1到31的整数。 至于getDay() : 返回此日期所代表的星

Time: what's the difference between Period, Interval and Duration?

In Joda-Time 2, what is the difference between the three kinds of time spans: Period Interval Duration Why do we need three classes? Which one performs better? Why is dividing a Period or Duration or Interval instance not implemented? Eg p = p.divideBy(2); 3 classes are needed because they represent different concepts so it is a matter of picking the appropriate one for the job rat


在Joda-Time 2中,三种时间跨度有什么区别: 期 间隔 持续时间 为什么我们需要三班? 哪一个表现更好? 为什么划分Period或Duration或Interval实例没有实现? 例如p = p.divideBy(2); 需要3个班级,因为他们代表了不同的概念,所以这是一个选择适当的工作而不是相对表现的问题。 从我用斜体添加的注释文档中: 在约达时间的时间间隔表示时间从一毫秒时刻到另一时刻的间隔。 这两个时刻都是在日期时间连续体中

Calculating the difference between two Java date instances

I'm using Java's java.util.Date class in Scala and want to compare a Date object and the current time. I know I can calculate the delta by using getTime(): (new java.util.Date()).getTime() - oldDate.getTime() However, this just leaves me with a long representing milliseconds. Is there any simpler, nicer way to get a time delta? The JDK Date API is horribly broken unfortunately. I r


我在Scala中使用Java的java.util.Date类,想要比较Date对象和当前时间。 我知道我可以使用getTime()来计算增量: (new java.util.Date()).getTime() - oldDate.getTime() 但是,这只会让我有很long代表毫秒。 有没有更简单,更好的方法来获得时间增量? 不幸的是,JDK Date API非常糟糕。 我建议使用乔达时间库。 乔达时间有一个时间的概念间隔: Interval interval = new Interval(oldTime, new Instant()); 编辑

Java code to calculate number of mid nights (00:00:00) in a date range

I am trying to write a java block to find the number of mid-nights in a particular date range. For example: begin date: 05/01/2014 00:00:00 end date : 05/03/2014 00:00:00 this range has 3 mid-nights in it. or begin date : 05/01/2014 00:00:00 end date : 05/02/2014 23:59:59 this has only one. It basically has to tell me how many times the time "00:00:00" occurrs in the date


我正在尝试编写一个Java块来查找特定日期范围内的半夜数。 例如: 开始日期:05/01/2014 00:00:00结束日期:05/03/2014 00:00:00 这个范围有3个半夜。 要么 开始日期:05/01/2014 00:00:00结束日期:05/02/2014 23:59:59 这只有一个。 它基本上必须告诉我在日期范围内发生了多少次“00:00:00”。 请帮助我。 我尝试了很多方法,但没有一个正确。 使用乔达时间的答案是不正确的。 正如@khriskooper已经注意到了

Joda time find difference between Hours

I have a date String: Thu, 15 Jan 2015, 9:56 AM I convert it into a date variable: Thu Jan 15 09:56:00 GMT+05:30 2015 using: String pattern = "EEE, d MMM yyyy, hh:mm a"; try { date = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).parse(getPref("refresh", getApplicationContext())); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackT


我有一个日期字符串: Thu, 15 Jan 2015, 9:56 AM 我将它转换成日期变量: Thu Jan 15 09:56:00 GMT+05:30 2015 使用: String pattern = "EEE, d MMM yyyy, hh:mm a"; try { date = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).parse(getPref("refresh", getApplicationContext())); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();