This question already has an answer here: Converting many 'if else' statements to a cleaner approach 7 answers One of the solution is to use polymorphism to handle triggers differently. For instance, you could declare the Trigger interface and have several implementations. In this case, when you need a new trigger type, you just implement this interface and don't touch the exist
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 将许多'if else'语句转换为更清晰的方法7个答案 其中一个解决方案是使用多态性以不同的方式处理触发器。 例如,你可以声明Trigger接口并有几个实现。 在这种情况下,当您需要新的触发器类型时,您只需实现此界面并且不要触摸现有的代码: public interface Trigger { TriggerResultInterface execute(TriggerEventHelper eventHelper); } public class MetaTrigger implements
I created Facebook app for login on web site and publish feed to facebook page. Website try to auth user with scope=publish_stream,email,user_birthday,user_location,manage_pages but given access token with scopes: public_profile, email. When authorize with admin of facebook app it will be able to post feed on facebook page, any other user can't. Maybe I missed some facebook app config?
我创建了Facebook应用程序,用于在网站上登录并发布feed到Facebook页面。 网站尝试授权用户 scope=publish_stream,email,user_birthday,user_location,manage_pages but given access token with scopes: public_profile, email. 当与Facebook应用程序的管理员授权时,它将能够在Facebook页面上张贴源,任何其他用户都不能。 也许我错过了一些Facebook应用程序配置? 我使用org.brickred.socialauth.AuthProvider.api()
With Java version 1.6 the output is false true , but with version 1.8 the output changed to true true . Can some one explain why is this happening? Intern method is used to refer the corresponding string constant pool of created objects in the heap, and if the object is not there then it will create a String constant pool. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. public class Intern_
在Java版本1.6中,输出是false true ,但是在1.8版本中,输出变为true true 。 有人能解释为什么会发生这种情况吗? Intern方法用于引用堆中创建对象的相应字符串常量池,如果该对象不存在,则会创建一个String常量池。 如果我的理解错误,请纠正我。 public class Intern_String2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String s1 = new String("durga"); //object crea
I have a rest controller that looks like this: @RequestMapping( value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public ResponseEntity<JsonNode> getFOOs(@Valid Payload payload) { /** some code **/ } The Payload class looks like this: @OneOrTheOther(first = "a", second = "b") public final class Payload { private final String userName; private final St
我有一个看起来像这样的休息控制器: @RequestMapping( value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public ResponseEntity<JsonNode> getFOOs(@Valid Payload payload) { /** some code **/ } Payload类看起来像这样: @OneOrTheOther(first = "a", second = "b") public final class Payload { private final String userName; private final String a; private fin
I have been trying to implement basic text bubbles for a small game I am developing. Not wanting to go too fancy, I started with a basic rounded rectangle with a border containing some text : Then, I decided that text bubbles should fade out after a preset time. And this is where I stumbled upon a problem : when I tried to display the bubbles in a test window, everything worked fine, but when
我一直在试图为我正在开发的一款小游戏实现基本的文本泡泡。 不想过于花哨,我从一个基本的圆角矩形开始,边框包含一些文本: 然后,我决定文本泡泡应该在预设时间后淡出。 这就是我偶然发现的一个问题:当我试图在测试窗口中显示气泡时,一切运行良好,但是当我将它们展示在游戏中时,泡泡消失时出现了扭曲。 我测试了一些,调试了一下,发现两种情况之间唯一的区别是在测试窗口中我用paintComponent方法的Graphics画了泡
I have a buffered image with the sizes of my frame: public BufferedImage img; public static int WIDTH = 800; public static int HEIGHT = 600; img=new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); How can I draw it so I can see just a black image filling the frame? without using Canvas I want to use only the drawImage function from graphics without using the paint or paintComponent
我有我的框架大小的缓冲图像: public BufferedImage img; public static int WIDTH = 800; public static int HEIGHT = 600; img=new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); 我如何绘制它,以便只能看到填充框架的黑色图像? 而不使用Canvas 我只想使用图形中的drawImage函数,而不使用paint或paintComponent函数 如果可能的话,我怎样才能为该图像分配一维数组[WIDTH * HEIGHT]? 简单:我想创建
I'm working on a project that takes video input from a webcam and displays regions of motion to the user. My "beta" attempt at this project was to use the Java Media Framework to retrieve the webcam feed. Through some utility functions, JMF conveniently returns webcam frames as BufferedImages, which I built a significant amount of framework around to process. However, I soon real
我正在开发一个项目,该项目从网络摄像头获取视频输入并向用户显示运动区域。 我在这个项目上的“测试”尝试是使用Java媒体框架来检索网络摄像头源。 通过一些实用功能,JMF可以方便地将网络摄像头帧作为BufferedImages返回,从而构建了大量的框架进行处理。 但是,我很快意识到JMF不再受Sun / Oracle的支持,并且一些较高的网络摄像头分辨率(720p)无法通过JMF接口访问。 我想继续将帧处理为BufferedImages,并使用OpenCV(
In my application I am submitting two kinds of tasks to the commonPool at different rates. task-1: ForkJoinPool.managedBlock( //... Uninterruptibles.putUninterruptibly(blockingQueueQithMaxSize50, "a") //... ); task-2: List<String> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); ForkJoinPool.managedBlock( //... Queues.drainUninterruptibly(blockingQueueWithMaxSize50, list, 1, 1, SECONDS); //... ); In som
在我的应用程序中,我以不同的速率向commonPool提交两种任务。 任务1: ForkJoinPool.managedBlock( //... Uninterruptibles.putUninterruptibly(blockingQueueQithMaxSize50, "a") //... ); 任务2: List<String> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); ForkJoinPool.managedBlock( //... Queues.drainUninterruptibly(blockingQueueWithMaxSize50, list, 1, 1, SECONDS); //... ); 在某些情况下,当task-1类型的任务提交
I have an ExecutorService created as follows - ExecutorService executorSer = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(SIZE); I have a list of elements(LIST) and a operation(called A) which i need to apply on every element in this list. The list can contain contain any number of elements between 1 to 1000. The operation is of type Callable. Inside the Operation-A, it makes calls to 2 other services B and
我有一个ExecutorService创建如下 - ExecutorService executorSer = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(SIZE); 我有一个元素列表(LIST)和一个操作(称为A),我需要应用这个列表中的每个元素。 该列表可以包含1到1000之间的任意数量的元素。该操作的类型为Callable。 在Operation-A内部,它调用2个其他服务B和C.B和C也作为异步操作运行并提交给相同的线程池。 我为每个人创建了一个异步任务,并行执行如下: CompletionServ
The Java Doc for getModifiers() is as follows: int getModifiers() Returns the Java language modifiers for the member or constructor represented by this Member, as an integer. The Modifier class should be used to decode the modifiers in the integer. and Java Docs also provide the list of different modifiers and their corresponding int values: public static final int ABSTRACT 1024 public
getModifiers()的Java Doc如下所示: int getModifiers() 以整数形式返回此Member所表示的成员或构造函数的Java语言修饰符。 修饰符类应该用于解码整数中的修饰符。 Java Docs还提供了不同修饰符及其对应的int值列表: public static final int ABSTRACT 1024 公共静态最终诠释16 公共静态最终int INTERFACE 512 public static final int NATIVE 256 公共静态最终诠释私人2 公共静态最终int保护4 publi