Passing varargs to another method as different type

I refactored one of my classes. It should be made serializable. It has a method foo with a parameter of type object varargs. It may look like: public class MyClass { public void foo(Object ... param) { // do sth } } And after the refactoring: public class MyClass implements Serializable { public void foo(Serializable ... param) { // do sth } } Now, there is another metho


我重构了我的一个类。 它应该是可序列化的。 它有一个方法foo,其参数的类型为object varargs。 它可能看起来像: public class MyClass { public void foo(Object ... param) { // do sth } } 在重构之后: public class MyClass implements Serializable { public void foo(Serializable ... param) { // do sth } } 现在,还有另一种方法调用foo并传递其对象可变参数。 public void bar(Object ...

Java vararg pass lambda and values

I'm trying to unite lambdas and simple values in varag. public static void Log(String format, Object ... args) { final Object[] fmt = new Object[ args.length ]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) fmt[i] = args[i] instanceof Supplier ? ( (Supplier) args[i] ).get() : args[i]; final String s = String.format( format, fmt


我试图在varag中联合lambdas和简单的值。 public static void Log(String format, Object ... args) { final Object[] fmt = new Object[ args.length ]; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) fmt[i] = args[i] instanceof Supplier ? ( (Supplier) args[i] ).get() : args[i]; final String s = String.format( format, fmt );

Java, 3 dots in parameters

以下方法中的3个点是什么意思? public void myMethod(String... strings){ // method body } It means that zero or more String objects (or an array of them) may be passed as the argument(s) for that method. See the "Arbitrary Number of Arguments" section here: In your example, you could call it as any of the f


以下方法中的3个点是什么意思? public void myMethod(String... strings){ // method body } 这意味着可以传递零个或多个String对象(或它们的一个数组)作为该方法的参数。 请参阅此处的“任意数量的参数”部分: 在您的示例中,您可以将其称为以下任何一项: myMethod(); // Likely useless, but possible myMethod("one", "two", "three")

Cannot convert from to

I'm doing my first Android app, and wanted to get straight into the ICS API. I have so far created an app using an ActionBar, with swipeable tabs using Viewpager and Fragments. I do however experience some errors that I keep returning to. Depending on how I implement it, it always keep going back to an "Type mismatch" error: "cannot convert from


我正在做我的第一个Android应用程序,并想直接进入ICS API。 到目前为止,我使用ActionBar创建了一个应用程序,其中使用Viewpager和Fragments的可滑动选项卡。 但是,我确实遇到了一些我不断返回的错误。 根据我如何实现它,它总是会回到“类型不匹配”错误:“无法从转换为”。 我已经尝试删除所有导入引用,并且当我仅在TabListener,FragmentActivity和我的两个片段中

Triads not showing up to fight? (Java Set missing an item)

I have code from two companies asoft and bsoft. I cannot change either. This is a simplified version of my situation which I'm pretty sure has enough information to the find what's causing the problem. bsoft provides IGang , which represents a gang that can battle other gangs. package bsoft; public interface IGang { /** @return negative, 0, or positive, respectively *

黑社会没有出现打架? (Java集遗漏了一个项目)

我有两个公司asoft和bsoft的代码。 我也无法改变。 这是我的情况的一个简化版本,我很确定有足够的信息来找到导致问题的原因。 bsoft提供了IGang ,它代表了一个可以与其他帮派作战的帮派。 package bsoft; public interface IGang { /** @return negative, 0, or positive, respectively * if this gang is weaker than, equal to, or stronger * than the other */ public int

Unregister font with GraphicsEnvironment?

I recently found out how to register a TTF font with the local GraphicsEnvironment, st, for my use case (SVG-to-PNG transcoding), Apache Batik may recognize the font: import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontFormatException; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; // [...] GraphicsEnvironment lge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); try { Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUE


我最近发现如何在本地GraphicsEnvironment,st中注册TTF字体(SVG-to-PNG转码),Apache Batik可能会识别字体: import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontFormatException; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; // [...] GraphicsEnvironment lge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); try { Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, fontFile); lge.registerFont(font); } catch (Fon

Enums, Singletons and Deserialization

Enums are considered best way for singletons and one of reasons for this is that it implicitly inherits Serializable . But how enums prevents de-serialization problem of singletons? The serialization mechanism handles them in a special, specific way. But traditional singletons can be deserialized fine by defining a readResolve() method that returns the unique instance. See http://www.oodesi


枚举被认为是单身人士的最佳方式,其中一个原因是它隐式地继承了Serializable 。 但是枚举如何防止单例的反序列化问题呢? 序列化机制以特殊的方式处理它们。 但是,通过定义一个返回唯一实例的readResolve()方法,传统的单例可以很好地反序列化。 有关示例,请参阅。 序列化作为使用枚举实现单例的参数是无稽之谈。 如果枚举单例是有状态的,那么在序列化/反序列化期

Singleton via enum way is lazy initialized?

This is a very wide-spread enum singleton code: public enum enumClazz{ INSTANCE enumClazz(){ //do something } } and a bunch of places said it is a lazy initialization. But I am confused after I read Chapter 7 of 'Inside the Java Virtual Machine' -- The Lifetime of a Type: The Java virtual machine specification gives implementations flexibility in the timing of class and


这是一个非常广泛的枚举单例代码: public enum enumClazz{ INSTANCE enumClazz(){ //do something } } 和一堆地方说这是一个懒惰的初始化。 但是当我阅读'Java虚拟机内部'的第7章时,我感到困惑 - 一种类型的生命周期: Java虚拟机规范为实现类和接口加载和链接的时机提供了灵活性,但严格定义了初始化的时间。 所有实现都必须初始化每个类或接口的第一次活动用途。 以下六种情况有资格作为主动使

Singleton Class or Class with only static fields?

This question already has an answer here: Difference between static class and singleton pattern? 36 answers In object-oriented programming generally you should avoid singletons and utility classes if possible. However, if really needed I'd go with utility class without any fields - just static methods. By definition utilities should be rather set of stateless functions. Such are well


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态类和单例模式之间的区别? 36个答案 在面向对象的编程中,如果可能的话,通常应该避免使用单例和实用类。 但是,如果真的需要,我会用没有任何字段的工具类 - 只是静态方法。 按照定义,实用程序应该是相当无状态的函数。 与无法测试的单例相比(这是用静态字段完成的),这是可以测试的。 如果你需要保持这种状态,那么就转向真正的物体。 如注释中所述,您可以通过依赖注入完成

Singleton class vs static methods and fields?

This question already has an answer here: Difference between static class and singleton pattern? 36 answers This is mainly due to the limitations of static types versus singletons . Which are: Static types cannot implement interfaces and derive from base classes. From the above we can see that static types cause high coupling - you cannot use other classes in tests and different environ


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态类和单例模式之间的区别? 36个答案 这主要是由于static types与singletons static types的限制。 哪个是: 静态类型不能实现接口并从基类派生。 从上面我们可以看到,静态类型会导致高耦合 - 您不能在测试和不同环境中使用其他类。 静态类不能使用依赖注入来注入。 单身人士更容易模拟和填充。 单身人士可以很容易地转换为瞬态。 这些原因来自我的头顶。 这可能不是全部。