Is it possible to specify a custom thread pool for Java 8 parallel stream? I can not find it anywhere. Imagine that I have a server application and I would like to use parallel streams. But the application is large and multi-threaded so I want to compartmentalize it. I do not want a slow running task in one module of the applicationblock tasks from another module. If I can not use differen
是否可以为Java 8并行流指定自定义线程池? 我无法在任何地方找到它。 想象一下,我有一个服务器应用程序,我想使用并行流。 但是这个应用程序很大且多线程,所以我想划分它。 我不想在另一个模块的应用程序块任务的一个模块中执行运行缓慢的任务。 如果我不能为不同的模块使用不同的线程池,这意味着我不能在大多数真实世界的情况下安全地使用并行流。 试试下面的例子。 有一些CPU密集型任务在不同的线程中执行。 这
I see there are six thread types implemented into the HotSpot JVM: VMThread, CGCThread, PGCThread, JavaThread, CompilerThread and WatcherThread. However I don't know which thread type is doing what exactly. Here is what I understood so far: VMThread: run VM tasks like the garbage collector. CGCThread: Concurrent garbage collector. PGCThread: Parallel garbage collector (differences wit
我看到在HotSpot JVM中实现了六种线程类型:VMThread,CGCThread,PGCThread,JavaThread,CompilerThread和WatcherThread。 但是我不知道哪个线程类型正在做什么。 这是我迄今为止所了解的: VMThread:运行垃圾收集器等虚拟机任务。 CGCThread:并发垃圾收集器。 PGCThread:并行垃圾收集器(与CGC有什么不同?)。 JavaThread:程序的线程,我猜。 CompilerThread:编译器的线程? WatcherThread:? 其他问
Possible Duplicates: Deep copy vs Shallow Copy In Java, what is a shallow copy? What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy? Can you please tell me what does it mean by cloning in java? what is deep copy and shallow copy, please explain with examples 我强烈建议阅读Effective Java第二版中的第11项
可能重复: 深拷贝vs浅拷贝 在Java中,什么是浅拷贝? 深拷贝和浅拷贝之间有什么区别? 你能告诉我在java中克隆是什么意思? 什么是深拷贝和浅拷贝,请用例子来解释 我强烈建议阅读Effective Java第二版中的第11项
I have been reading that Thread scheduler in java runs only one thread at a time in a single process. Lets say that we have one JVM running one single CPU machine. So if I start 10 threads they will be managed by the same Thread scheduler. If one thread is run at the time, how is that concurrent? Isn't this just an illusion of concurrency? Can I run 10 threads at the same in a single
我一直在阅读Java中的Thread scheduler,它在一个进程中一次只运行一个线程。 假设我们有一台JVM运行一台CPU机器。 所以如果我启动10个线程,它们将由同一个线程调度程序管理。 如果当时有一个线程在运行,那么它是如何并发的? 这不仅仅是一种并发的幻觉吗? 我可以在同一个JVM下的单个进程中同时运行10个线程吗? 1-如果一个线程在运行,那么它是如何并发的? 这不仅仅是一种并发的幻觉吗? 这既是幻想又是现实。
Parallel programming was possible in Java only from Java 7 with the advent of Join/Fork framework . Let's say in Java, using ExecutorService I create a thread pool of say 4 threads and submit to it say 10 tasks which means 4 threads will start executing the 4 tasks and other 6 tasks will be picked up by threads as and when any thread finishes its task. Let's assume I have a quad proce
随着Join/Fork framework的出现,Java中只有Java 7才能实现并行编程。 比方说在Java中,使用ExecutorService我创建了一个说4线程的线程池,并提交给它说10个任务,这意味着4个线程将开始执行4个任务,其他6个任务将被线程挑选出来,当任何线程完成时任务。 假设我有一个有4个内核的四核处理器,我知道一个线程可以在单核上运行(这里没有考虑超线程的概念),所以我的4个线程并行工作,1个线程运行在1个核心上? 这不是一个
Image of the glitch I am learning Java by reproducing examples from a textbook and as soon as I got to using the GUI classes I experienced some weird glitches, if that is the correct term. As you can see on the image, parts of the text are missing. The code generating this dialog isn't complicated either: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing
小故障的图像 我通过复制教科书中的例子来学习Java,一旦我开始使用GUI类,我会遇到一些奇怪的故障,如果这是正确的术语。 正如您在图片上看到的那样,部分文字缺失。 生成这个对话框的代码并不复杂: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.Timer; public class InnerClassTest { public static void main(String[] args) { TalkingClo
I am trying to sort a list of strings for a Pacific island language (Chamorro). In this language, Ng is considered one letter, and it comes after N in the alphabet. How can I sort a list of words such that Nai and Nunu both come before words that begin with Ng ? Update The complete alphabet is: A, Å, B, Ch, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, Ñ, Ng, O, P, R, S, T, U, Y Besides Å , Ñ , and their
我正在尝试对太平洋岛语(夏莫罗语)的字符串进行排序。 在这种语言中, Ng被认为是一个字母,它在字母N后面。 我怎样才能排列一个单词列表,让Nai和Nunu都出现在以Ng开头的单词之前? 更新 完整的字母表是: A, Å, B, Ch, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, Ñ, Ng, O, P, R, S, T, U, Y 除了Å , Ñ和它们的小写版本之外,其他字母没有重音。 单词可以有撇号(如o'mak ),但它们不会影响排序顺序。 Chamorro没有语
I have two arraylists of type String, one of Operands and one of Operators ArrayList<String> operands = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> operators = new ArrayList<String>(); They are filled like so operands = { ""symbol": "CHKP%"", ""price": {$gt: 23.72" }; operators = { "and"}; Ideally I would convert this to a single ArrayList that is filled like so ArrayL
我有两个String类型的数组列表,一个操作数和一个操作符 ArrayList<String> operands = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> operators = new ArrayList<String>(); 他们像这样充满 operands = { ""symbol": "CHKP%"", ""price": {$gt: 23.72" }; operators = { "and"}; 理想情况下,我会将其转换为一个像这样填充的ArrayList ArrayList<String> polishNotation = { "and",
I don't have much idea on Java. I was going through few links and found blog says "Java Primitives stored on stack", which I feel it depends on instance variable or local variable. After going through several links my conclusion is, Class variables – primitives – are stored on heap as a part of Object which it contains. Class variables – object(User Defined) – are stored on
我对Java没有太多的想法。 我正在经历几个链接,发现博客说“存储在堆栈中的Java基元”,我觉得它取决于实例变量或局部变量。 经过几个环节,我的结论是, 类变量 - 原语 - 作为它包含的Object的一部分存储在堆上。 类变量 - 对象(用户定义) - 作为它包含的对象的一部分存储在堆上。 对于参考和实际对象都是如此。 方法变量 - 基元 - 作为该堆栈帧的一部分存储在堆栈中。 方法变量 - 对象(用户定义) - 存储在堆上
While reading on Thread Safety I came across this issue. If I'm correct method local Primitives and object references lives inside a stack and actual objects pointed by the references inside the stack lives in the heap. But when it comes to method local non primitive object initialization, wouldn't that cause a concurrency issue ? I mean if the method locals non primitives lives in th
在阅读线程安全时,我遇到了这个问题。 如果我是正确的方法,则本地基本元和对象引用位于堆栈内,并且堆栈中引用指向的实际对象位于堆中。 但是,当涉及到方法本地非原始对象初始化时,会不会导致并发问题? 我的意思是如果方法locals非基元生活在堆中,只有指针存在于堆栈中,是不是与实例变量相同? 有人可以帮助我理解这一点.... PS 想想两个线程,每个线程都有自己的堆栈和一堆堆栈。 我所理解的是这两个线程将它