Here I check the environment variable CLASSPATH daniel@daniel-laptop:~/ps/clojure/projects/ring-tutorial$ echo $CLASSPATH /home/daniel/ps/clojure/projects/ring-tutorial/src Here I check what java thinks it is. daniel@daniel-laptop:~/ps/clojure/projects/ring-tutorial$ lein repl Clojure 1.1.0 user=> (System/getProperty "java.class.path") "src/:classes/:/home/daniel/.m2
在这里我检查了环境变量CLASSPATH daniel @ daniel-laptop:〜/ ps / clojure / projects / ring-tutorial $ echo $ CLASSPATH /家庭/丹尼尔/ PS / Clojure的/项目/环教程/ src目录 在这里我检查一下java认为它是什么。 daniel @ daniel-laptop:〜/ ps / clojure / projects / ring-tutorial $ lein repl Clojure 1.1.0 user =>(System / getProperty“java.class.path”) “SRC /:类/:/首页/丹尼尔/ .m2目录/
Is there any Java open source library that supports multi-character (ie, String with length > 1) separators (delimiters) for CSV? By definition, CSV = Comma-Separated Values data with a single character (',') as the delimiter. However, many other single-character alternatives exist (eg, tab), making CSV to stand for "Character-Separated Values" data (essentially, DSV: Deli
是否有任何支持CSV的多字符 (即长度大于1的字符串)分隔符(分隔符)的Java开放源代码库? 根据定义,CSV =以单个字符(',')作为分隔符的逗号分隔值数据。 但是,存在许多其他单字符替代选项(例如制表符),从而使CSV代表“字符分隔值”数据(实质上是DSV:分隔符分隔值数据)。 用于CSV的主要Java开放源代码库(例如OpenCSV)几乎支持任何字符作为分隔符,但不支持字符串(多字符)分隔符。 因此,对于用“|||”
Ok i know there are similar threads but i believe this one to be distinct. Firstly, I come from the C++ desktop development world so bare with me if i don't get all the terminology right. The application i am developing will be "responsive" , do async communication and pass a lot of JSON back and forth. I Need a Java MVC WEB framework that supports 1) Minimum amount of BLOAT
好吧,我知道有类似的线程,但我相信这是一个独特的。 首先,我来自C ++桌面开发世界,如果我没有得到所有的术语,我都会对我非常不满。 我正在开发的应用程序将是“响应式”,进行异步通信并来回传递大量JSON。 我需要一个支持的Java MVC WEB框架 1)最小量的BLOAT和“幕后魔法”。 对于任何框架,总是在框架功能与复杂性之间进行权衡。 但是,当我面临问题并且必须“打架”(时间总是来临)的时候,我希望这是一场公平的战
Is it possible to determine which aspects hook into a given class and to gain access to their instances? Something like: Foo foo = new Foo(); List<Object> aspects = getAllAspectsOf(foo); First, you most likely would not be able to do any such monitoring using existing Aspect APIs, because Aspect wrappers that intercept calls with the specific purpose of NOT being tied to any one particu
是否有可能确定哪些方面挂钩到给定的类中并访问其实例? 就像是: Foo foo = new Foo(); List<Object> aspects = getAllAspectsOf(foo); 首先,您很可能无法使用现有的Aspect API进行任何此类监控,因为Aspect包装程序拦截调用的具体目的不是绑定到任何特定组件,因此不会有任何自然的方法来检测拦截方面。 这就是说 - 可能有一种方法可以将某些策略类中的方面包装起来,但是,维护这些方面的工作量将非常重要。 h
I'm trying to track down a configuration issue in my tomcat environment. Our production servers are running a tomcat installation and reading the war from a shared NFS mount. However, when I try the same war with a stand-alone box (with their configuration), I get the error posted below. Whats interesting, is that if I unzip all the jars in WEB-INF/lib into WEB-INF/classes, this error go
我试图在我的tomcat环境中追踪配置问题。 我们的生产服务器正在运行一个tomcat安装,并从共享的NFS挂载中读取这个war。 但是,当我尝试与独立框(与他们的配置)相同的战争时,我得到下面发布的错误。 有趣的是,如果我将WEB-INF / lib中的所有jar解压到WEB-INF / classes中,这个错误就会消失。 所以,似乎有些东西阻止应用程序加载WEB-INF / lib路径,但是我不能在我的生活中找到任何会导致此问题的tomcat设置,因为它
My code runs inside a JAR file, say foo.jar, and I need to know, in the code, in which folder the running foo.jar is. So, if foo.jar is in C:FOO , I want to get that path no matter what my current working directory is. return new File(MyClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getPath(); Replace "MyClass" with the name of your class Obviously, this
我的代码在一个JAR文件中运行,比如foo.jar,我需要知道在代码中运行foo.jar的文件夹。 所以,如果foo.jar在C:FOO ,我想要得到那个路径,不管我当前的工作目录是什么。 return new File(MyClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getPath(); 将“MyClass”替换为您的班级名称 显然,如果你的类是从非文件位置加载的,这将会做一些奇怪的事情。 最适合我的解决方案: String path = Te
I'm trying to have my custom java application use our Active Directory Server for authentication but I cannot get it to work for some reason. Can anyone see why this is? Here is my method below: private boolean authenticate(String serverName, String userId, String password) throws NamingException { DirContext ctx = null; Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11); boolean b = false;
我试图让我的自定义Java应用程序使用我们的Active Directory服务器进行身份验证,但由于某种原因我无法使其工作。 任何人都可以看到这是为什么? 以下是我的方法: private boolean authenticate(String serverName, String userId, String password) throws NamingException { DirContext ctx = null; Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11); boolean b = false; try { env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT
Why can I use reflection to instantiate a inner protected class, but not an inner class with package-level protection? I wouldn't think either would be accessible outside the package. Consider the following example: package dummy; public class ClassContainer { protected static class InnerProtected { public InnerProtected() {} } static class InnerDefault { public Inn
为什么我可以使用反射来实例化一个内部受保护的类,但不是具有程序包级保护的内部类? 我不认为任何一种都可以在包装外面使用。 考虑下面的例子: package dummy; public class ClassContainer { protected static class InnerProtected { public InnerProtected() {} } static class InnerDefault { public InnerDefault() {} } private class InnerPrivate { public InnerPrivate() {}
I want to call a Validator from org.hibernate.validator.internal.constraintvalidators. manually on a value because I can't annotate the class. What I've done is this : LengthValidator validator = new LengthValidator(); validator.initialize(new Length() { @Override public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() { return null; } @Override public Cl
我想从org.hibernate.validator.internal.constraintvalidators.调用一个Validator org.hibernate.validator.internal.constraintvalidators. 手动设置值,因为我无法注释该类。 我所做的是这样的: LengthValidator validator = new LengthValidator(); validator.initialize(new Length() { @Override public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() { return null; } @Override
I am learning JAVA WEB SERVICE especially SOAP. As per the tutorial, we can customize the WSDL, like we can override the deafult post name and service name by using the WebService annotation. So I tried like the following: package practice; import java.util.List; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; import; @WebService(name="getBo
我正在学习JAVA WEB SERVICE,特别是SOAP。 根据教程,我们可以自定义WSDL,就像我们可以使用WebService注释来覆盖deafult的帖子名称和服务名称一样。 所以我尝试如下: 包装实践; import java.util.List; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; import; @WebService(名称= “getBooksName”,PORTNAME = “getBooksPortName”,服务名= “getBooksService”) 公共