executing jar file created from maven build

I have created a jar file through mvn clean install. In pom.xml I specified the name of main class as well. <configuration> <archive> <manifest> <mainClass>com.amdocs.som.dashboard.report.MainClass</mainClass> </manifest> </archive> </configuration> When I try to execute the jar with java -jar app.jar, it giv

执行从maven build创建的jar文件

我通过mvn clean install创建了一个jar文件。 在pom.xml中,我也指定了主类的名称。 <configuration> <archive> <manifest> <mainClass>com.amdocs.som.dashboard.report.MainClass</mainClass> </manifest> </archive> </configuration> 当我尝试使用java -jar app.jar执行jar时,它在app.jar和我指定主类名称以及使用此命令java -c

no main manifest attribute: intellij java ide

I am attempting to run an plugin for the itellij ide, the plugin consists of a jar file. However the file cannot open on my mac as it generates message "app could not be launched". Further reference to the console revealed the problem lay in "no main manifest attribute, in "app.jar"". This question: Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute&qu

没有主清单属性:intellij java ide

我正在尝试为itellij ide运行一个插件,插件由一个jar文件组成。 但是该文件无法在我的Mac上打开,因为它会生成消息“应用程序无法启动”。 对控制台的进一步引用显示问题出现在“app.jar”中的“没有主清单属性”中。 这个问题:不能执行jar文件:“没有主清单属性”非常相似。 这个解决方案要求指定主类,所以我在整个JAR中搜索了一个main,并且什么都没找到,这导致我来这里问。 是否有需要添加到清单文件或路径的特定行? Int

'No main manifest attribute' while running JAR file built with Gradle

I wrote a small Java application using Gradle to build it. The app comes from this tutorial and contains 2 classes: HelloWorld (the main class) and Greeter. The build.gradle file contains 2 sections (and others, which are currently irrelevant): apply plugin: 'application' mainClassName = 'hello.HelloWorld' and dependencies { compile "joda-time:joda-time:2.2" } (this is necessary, because th


我使用Gradle编写了一个小型Java应用程序来构建它。 该应用程序来自本教程,包含2个类:HelloWorld(主类)和Greeter。 build.gradle文件包含2个部分(和其他部分,目前不相关): apply plugin: 'application' mainClassName = 'hello.HelloWorld' 和 dependencies { compile "joda-time:joda-time:2.2" } (这是必要的,因为HelloWorld类会导入org.joda.time.LocalTime类)。 我可以使用gradle build来构建应用程序,并

class manifest attribute from a JAR file?

I have created a JAR file in this way jar cf jar-file input-files . Now, I'm trying to run it. Running it does not work (jre command is not found): jre -cp app.jar MainClass This does not work either: java -jar main.jar (Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from main.jar). I also found out that To run an application packaged as a JAR file (version 1.2 -- requires Main-Class


我用这种方式创建了一个JAR文件jar cf jar-file input-files 。 现在,我正在尝试运行它。 运行它不起作用(找不到jre命令): jre -cp app.jar MainClass 这也不起作用: java -jar main.jar (无法加载main.jar中的Main-Class清单属性)。 我也发现了这一点 要运行打包为JAR文件的应用程序(1.2版 - 需要Main-Class清单头文件) 什么是“主要类清单标题”? 我如何创建它并在哪里放置它? 我不确定我是否相信你的

How to run a JAR file

I created a JAR file like this: jar cf Predit.jar *.* I ran this JAR file by double clicking on it (it didn't work). So I ran it from the DOS prompt like this: java -jar Predit.jar It raised "Failed to load main class" exceptions. So I extracted this JAR file: jar -xf Predit.jar and I ran the class file: java Predit It worked well. I do not know why the JAR file did not w


我创建了一个像这样的JAR文件: jar cf Predit.jar *.* 我通过双击运行这个JAR文件(它不起作用)。 所以我从DOS提示符运行它,如下所示: java -jar Predit.jar 它引发了“无法加载主类”异常。 所以我提取了这个JAR文件: jar -xf Predit.jar 我跑了类文件: java Predit 它运作良好。 我不知道为什么JAR文件不起作用。 请告诉我运行JAR文件的步骤 您需要在jar文件清单中指定一个Main-Class。 Oracle的教程包含

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

My java program is packaged in a jar file and makes use of an external jar library, bouncy castle. My code compiles fine, but running the jar leads to the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes I've googled for over an hour searching for an explanation and found very little of value. I


我的Java程序打包在一个jar文件中,并使用外部jar库,充气城堡。 我的代码编译得很好,但运行该jar会导致以下错误: 线程“main”中的异常java.lang.SecurityException:Manifest主要属性的签名文件摘要无效 我搜索了一个多小时的搜索解释,发现价值很小。 如果有人曾经看到过这个错误,并可以提供一些帮助,我会被迫。 这里列出的解决方案可能提供一个指针。 Manifest主要属性的签名文件摘要无效 底线: 将官方jar

Potential heap pollution via varargs parameter

I understand this occurs with Java 7 when using varargs with a generic type; But my question is.. What exactly does Eclipse mean when it says "its use could potentially pollute the heap?" And How does the new @SafeVarargs annotation prevent this? Heap pollution is a technical term. It refers to references which have a type that is not a supertype of the object they point to.


我知道在使用带有泛型类型的可变参数时,Java 7会发生这种情况; 但我的问题是.. 当Eclipse说“它的使用可能会污染堆?”时,Eclipse究竟意味着什么? 和 新的@SafeVarargs注释如何防止这种情况发生? 堆污染是一个技术术语。 它指的是引用的类型不是它们指向的对象的超类型。 List<A> listOfAs = new ArrayList<>(); List<B> listOfBs = (List<B>)(Object)listOfAs; // points to a list of As

What is Java Servlet?

I read many articles to understand java servlet but I did not succeed. Can you please give brief introduction of java servlets (in easy language). Like what is servlet? What are the advantges? And all that. I can't understand the difference between server-side programming languages (PHP, ASP) and servlets. A servlet is simply a class which responds to a particular type of network req

什么是Java Servlet?

我读了很多文章来理解java servlet,但是我没有成功。 你能简单介绍一下java servlets(用简单的语言)。 像什么是servlet? 有什么优点? 而这一切。 我无法理解服务器端编程语言(PHP,ASP)和servlet之间的区别。 一个servlet只是一个响应特定类型的网络请求的类,通常是一个HTTP请求。 基本上servlet通常用于实现web应用程序 - 但也有各种框架在servlet之上运行(比如Struts),以提供比“这里是HTTP请求,写入这个

Tuning JVM parameters to avoid java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

I'm getting an error " java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space " very often (1-2 times per week) and I cannot localize the problem. Thread dump shows no blocked processes. And a heap dump cannot be done when this error occurs (even when parameter Heap dump on OOME: enabled ). I've tried many options when restart the JVM but nothing helps. Maybe somebody knows what can be


我经常(每周1-2次)收到错误“ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:PermGen space ”,我无法本地化问题。 线程转储显示没有阻塞的进程。 当发生此错误时(即使在OOME上启用参数堆转储时),也无法完成堆转储 。 重启JVM时我尝试了很多选项,但没有任何帮助。 也许有人知道从Java VisualVM看这个截图有什么问题? Tomcat 6,Java 1.6。 概述JVM参数: 监控: 监视器(PermGen):

LDAP PermGen memory leak

Whenever I use LDAP in a web application it causes a classloader leak, and the strange thing is profilers don't find any GC roots. I've created a simple web application that demonstrates the leak, it only includes this class: @WebListener public class LDAPLeakDemo implements ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { useLDAP(); }

LDAP PermGen内存泄漏

每当我在Web应用程序中使用LDAP时,它都会导致类加载器泄漏,而奇怪的是分析器没有找到任何GC根。 我创建了一个简单的Web应用程序来演示泄漏,它只包含这个类: @WebListener public class LDAPLeakDemo implements ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { useLDAP(); } public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {} private void use