为什么Java有瞬态字段? The transient keyword in Java is used to indicate that a field should not be serialized. From the Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition, Section transient Fields: Variables may be marked transient to indicate that they are not part of the persistent state of an object. For example, you may have fields that are derived from other fields, and should o
为什么Java有瞬态字段? Java中的transient关键字用于指示不应序列化字段。 从Java语言规范,Java SE 7 Edition,第8.3.1.3节。 transient领域: 变量可能被标记为transient以表明它们不是对象持久状态的一部分。 例如,您可能具有从其他字段派生的字段,并且只能以编程方式完成,而不是通过序列化来持久化状态。 这是一个GalleryImage类,其中包含一个图像和从该图像派生的缩略图: class GalleryImage implements Ser
I recently learned that Unicode is permitted within Java source code not only as Unicode characters (eg. double π = Math.PI; ) but also as escaped sequences (eg. double u03C0 = Math.PI; ). The first variant makes sense to me - it allows programmers to name variables and methods in an international language of their choice. However, I don't see any practical application of the second approa
我最近了解到的Unicode是Java源代码内允许不仅为Unicode字符(例如。 double π = Math.PI;而且还为转义序列(例如。 double u03C0 = Math.PI; 第一个变体对我来说很有意义 - 它允许程序员用他们选择的国际语言命名变量和方法。 但是,我没有看到第二种方法的实际应用。 以下是一些代码示例,用Java SE 6和NetBeans 6.9.1进行了测试: 此代码将打印出3.141592653589793 public static void main(String[] args) { doub
Does anybody success in using AspectJ load-time weaving with signed jars? I got an exception and have no idea how to fix it (tested with AspectJ 1.6.8-16.10): Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/package/clazz$AjcClosure1 at com.package.test.main(test.java:55) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.package.clazz$AjcClosure1 at java.net.URLClassLoader
有人使用AspectJ加载时间与签名罐子编织成功吗? 我有一个异常,不知道如何解决它(用AspectJ 1.6.8-16.10测试): Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/package/clazz$AjcClosure1 at com.package.test.main(test.java:55) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.package.clazz$AjcClosure1 at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessC
i am using google custom search engine and getting the results in JSON format.for certain queries,the JSON result has duplicate keys and hence it produces a JSONException: Duplicate key "nickname" etc.. i am using JAVA. String str=//contains the query result in json format JSONObject ob=new JSONObject(str) produces the exception may know how to resolve this exception? here is the
我正在使用谷歌自定义搜索引擎,并以JSON格式获得结果。对于某些查询,JSON结果具有重复的键,因此它会产生JSONException:重复键“昵称”等。 我正在使用JAVA。 String str=//contains the query result in json format JSONObject ob=new JSONObject(str) produces the exception 可能知道如何解决这个异常? 这里是JSON回复: { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "The World Factbook: India - CIA - The W
This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers To be honest, if you cant decide after reading info at GlueList which states in few sentences why it is better (different) and even have benchmark to see the real values and also Big-O notation - you are not in position where you have to think about use "as effective as possible" list. If
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 说实话,如果你在阅读GlueList的信息之后决定不了,为什么它会更好(不同),甚至有基准来看到真实值和Big-O表示法 - 你不能在你必须考虑使用“尽可能有效”的清单。 如果您不确定要使用什么,此规则就足够了: 我是否需要经常根据阵列中的位置来选择项目? 然后使用ArrayList。 我是否需要经常在数组中间添加/删除项目? 使用LinkedList
I need to store a large amount of information, say for example 'names' in a java List. The number of items can change (or in short I cannot predefine the size). I am of the opinion that from a memory allocation perspective LinkedList would be a better option than ArrayList, as for an ArrayList once the max size is reached, automatically the memory allocation doubles and hence there woul
我需要存储大量的信息,例如在java列表中说'名字'。 项目的数量可以改变(或者简而言之,我不能预先确定尺寸)。 我认为,从内存分配的角度来看,LinkedList将是一个比ArrayList更好的选择,对于ArrayList,一旦达到最大大小,内存分配会自动增加一倍,因此总会有分配更多内存的机会需要什么。 我从这里的其他帖子了解到,存储在LinkedList中的单个元素比ArrayList需要更多的空间,因为LinkedList也需要存储节点信息
This question already has an answer here: Converting 'ArrayList<String> to 'String[]' in Java 13 answers 像这样使用。 List<String> stockList = new ArrayList<String>(); stockList.add("stock1"); stockList.add("stock2"); String[] stockArr = new String[stockList.size()]; stockArr = stockList.toArray(stockArr); for(String s : stockArr) System.out.println(s); 尝试
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在Java 13中将'ArrayList <String>转换为'String []'的答案 像这样使用。 List<String> stockList = new ArrayList<String>(); stockList.add("stock1"); stockList.add("stock2"); String[] stockArr = new String[stockList.size()]; stockArr = stockList.toArray(stockArr); for(String s : stockArr) System.out.println(s); 尝试这个String[] arr = l
我该如何将一个ArrayList<String>对象转换为Java中的String[]数组? List<String> list = ..; String[] array = list.toArray(new String[0]); For example: List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); //add some stuff list.add("android"); list.add("apple"); String[] stringArray = list.toArray(new String[0]); The toArray() method without passing any argument returns Object[] . So
我该如何将一个ArrayList<String>对象转换为Java中的String[]数组? List<String> list = ..; String[] array = list.toArray(new String[0]); 例如: List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); //add some stuff list.add("android"); list.add("apple"); String[] stringArray = list.toArray(new String[0]); 不传递任何参数的toArray()方法返回Object[] 。 所以你必须传递一个数组作为参数
How can I concat two linked lists in O(1) with Java via jdk1.6, google or apache commons collection or whatever? Eg in the jdk there is only the addAll method which is O(n). Another feature I miss is to concat two lists where each of them could be in inverse order. To illustrate this assume two lists a->b->c and e->f->g could merged into a->b->c->e->f->g a->b
我怎样才能通过jdk1.6,谷歌或Apache公共收集或任何其他与Java的O(1)连接两个链接列表? 例如在jdk中,只有addAll方法是O(n)。 我错过的另一个特点是连接两个列表,其中每个列表可能是相反的顺序。 为了说明这个假设,假设两个列表a-> b-> c和e-> f-> g可以合并到一起 A-> B-> C-> E-> F->克 A-> B-> C-> G-> F->电子 C-> B-> A-> E-> F->克 C-> B
This question already has an answer here: Creating a memory leak with Java 52 answers A memory leak, in the broader sense, is any situation where you continue to hold on to allocated memory you no longer need and no longer intend to use. Consider the following [admittedly artificial] example: public class LeakingClass { private static final List<String> LEAK = new ArrayList<&g
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 用Java 52回答创建内存泄漏 从更广泛的意义上讲,内存泄漏就是任何情况下,您继续保留您不再需要且不再需要使用的已分配内存。 考虑下面的[诚然是人为的]例子: public class LeakingClass { private static final List<String> LEAK = new ArrayList<>(); public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out