We have a simple client server architecture between our mobile device and our server both written in Java. An extremely simple ServerSocket and Socket implementation. However one problem is that when the client terminates abruptly (without closing the socket properly) the server does not know that it is disconnected. Furthermore, the server can continue to write to this socket without getting
我们的移动设备和我们的服务器都采用Java编写的简单的客户端服务器架构。 一个非常简单的ServerSocket和Socket实现。 然而,一个问题是,当客户端突然终止(没有正确关闭套接字)时,服务器不知道它已断开连接。 此外,服务器可以继续写入此套接字而不会发生任何异常。 为什么? 根据文档,如果您尝试写入另一端无法访问的套接字,则Java套接字应该会引发异常! 该连接最终将通过重新发送超时(RTO)超时。 但是,使用
A common problem that new Java developers experience is that their programs fail to run with the error message: Could not find or load main class ... What does this mean, what causes it, and how should you fix it? The java <class-name> command syntax First of all, you need to understand the correct way to launch a program using the java (or javaw ) command. The normal syntax1 is thi
新Java开发人员遇到的一个常见问题是,他们的程序无法运行,并显示错误消息: Could not find or load main class ... 这是什么意思,是什么原因造成的,你应该如何解决? java <class-name>命令语法 首先,您需要了解使用java (或javaw )命令启动程序的正确方法。 正常的语法1是这样的: java [ <option> ... ] <class-name> [<argument> ...] 其中<option>是命令行选项(以“ -
Our Hudson installation shows a very spartan version of the Selenium report: Selenium Report Result numTestPasses 2 numTestFailures 0 I've understood that it should be possible to view full reports via Hudson, and also track development of the tests. But how? We configured Hudson to run Selenium through an Ant task. Then we added a post-build action to "Publish JUnit test result
我们的Hudson安装显示了Selenium报告的一个非常简单的版本: Selenium Report Result numTestPasses 2 numTestFailures 0 我了解到应该可以通过Hudson查看完整的报告,并且还可以跟踪测试的开发情况。 但是如何? 我们将Hudson配置为通过Ant任务运行Selenium。 然后我们添加了一个构建后行为来“发布JUnit测试结果报告”。 通过这个设置,我们可以看到每个失败的测试名称以及每个测试需要花费多长时间,并能够深入到所有
I'm working on an analysis for Java programs that requires side-effect information about method calls. For standard library classes, I would like to compile a list of methods with read-only parameters. That is, methods that don't modify their arguments, or anything reachable from their arguments. I can infer a lot from the javadocs, but that will take time. Could anyone suggest an ea
我正在研究需要关于方法调用的副作用信息的Java程序的分析。 对于标准库类,我想编译一个只读参数的方法列表。 也就是说,不修改它们的参数的方法,或者任何可以从它们的参数中获得的方法。 我可以从javadocs中推断出很多,但这需要时间。 任何人都可以提出一个更简单的参考或方法来确定标准方法调用是否修改其参数? 通过每个javadoc条目阅读真的是最好的方式? 谢谢! 编辑:奖金将是确定对对象没有副作用的方法。
i have this json POST url'http://localhost:8080/demo/test' from PHP '{"postby_id":"1","title":"ftkjhg","is_private":"0","status":"1","post_type_id":"1","type":"2","p_id":"1","ve_id":"3","link":"1111111"}' my webController @RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody void creMysqlCall() throws Exception { creativityService.creMysqlCa
我有这个json POST url'http:// localhost:8080 / demo / test'from PHP '{"postby_id":"1","title":"ftkjhg","is_private":"0","status":"1","post_type_id":"1","type":"2","p_id":"1","ve_id":"3","link":"1111111"}' 我的webController @RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody void creMysqlCall() throws Exception { creativityService.creMysq
Before going into details, I know there has been lots of conversations and related questions on Stackoverflow. All of them kind of help me in different ways so I thought I put my findings all together as a single organized FAQ to summarize my findings. Related Concepts Surely you know about these but I just write them as a quick review. Feel free to edit in case I am missing something. HT
在深入细节之前,我知道在Stackoverflow上有很多对话和相关的问题。 他们都以不同的方式帮助我,所以我认为我把所有研究结果放在一起作为一个有组织的FAQ来总结我的发现。 相关概念 当然你知道这些,但我只是写他们作为一个快速审查。 随时编辑,以防万一我失去了一些东西。 HTTP POST请求: 当您愿意将对象发送到Web服务或您的服务器端应用程序时,会使用发布请求。 连载: 是将对象从Web浏览器传递到服务器端应
What is reflection, and why is it useful? I'm particularly interested in Java, but I assume the principles are the same in any language. The name reflection is used to describe code which is able to inspect other code in the same system (or itself). For example, say you have an object of an unknown type in Java, and you would like to call a 'doSomething' method on it if one exis
什么是反思,为什么它有用? 我对Java特别感兴趣,但我认为任何语言的原则都是一样的。 反射名称用于描述能够检查同一系统(或其本身)中的其他代码的代码。 例如,假设你在Java中有一个未知类型的对象,并且你想在它上面调用一个'doSomething'方法。 除非对象符合已知接口,否则Java的静态类型系统并不是真正用于支持它的,但是使用反射,代码可以查看对象并查看它是否具有名为“doSomething”的方法,然后在您调
I am created some jsp file that returns as a response some json string. But I see that the Content-Type is set to txt automatically My jsp code looks like <%@ page import="java.util.Random" %> <%@ page language="java" %> <%@ page session="false" %> <% String retVal = "// some json string"; int millis = new Random().nextInt(1000); // System.out.println("sl
我创建了一些jsp文件,返回一些json字符串作为响应。 但是我发现Content-Type自动设置为txt 我的jsp代码看起来像 <%@ page import="java.util.Random" %> <%@ page language="java" %> <%@ page session="false" %> <% String retVal = "// some json string"; int millis = new Random().nextInt(1000); // System.out.println("sleeping for " + millis + " millis"); Thread.s
How do you return a JSON object form a Java servlet. Previously when doing AJAX with a servlet I have returned a string. Is there a JSON object type that needs to be used, or do you just return a String that looks like a JSON object eg String objectToReturn = "{ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }"; I do exactly what you suggest (return a String ). You might consider setting the MIME type to
你如何从Java servlet中返回一个JSON对象。 以前在用servlet进行AJAX时,我返回了一个字符串。 是否有需要使用的JSON对象类型,或者您是否返回看起来像JSON对象的字符串,例如: String objectToReturn = "{ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }"; 我完全按照你的建议(返回一个String )。 你可能会考虑设置MIME类型来表明你正在返回JSON,但是(根据这个其他的stackoverflow帖子,它是“application / json”)。 将JSON
lets assume this URL... http://www.example.com/page.php?id=10 (Here id needs to be sent in a POST request) I want to send the id = 10 to the server's page.php , which accepts it in a POST method. How can i do this from within Java? I tried this : URL aaa = new URL("http://www.example.com/page.php"); URLConnection ccc = aaa.openConnection(); But I still can't figure o
让我们假设这个URL ... http://www.example.com/page.php?id=10 (这里id需要在POST请求中发送) 我想将id = 10发送到服务器的page.php ,它在POST方法中接受它。 我如何从Java内部做到这一点? 我试过这个: URL aaa = new URL("http://www.example.com/page.php"); URLConnection ccc = aaa.openConnection(); 但我仍然不知道如何通过POST发送它 已更新答案: 由于原始答案中的某些类在新版本的Apac