I'm writing a REST web app (NetBeans 6.9, JAX-RS, TopLink Essentials) and trying to return JSON and HTTP status code. I have code ready and working that returns JSON when the HTTP GET method is called from the client. Essentially: @Path("get/id") @GET @Produces("application/json") public M_機械 getMachineToUpdate(@PathParam("id") String id) { // some code to return JSON ... retur
我正在编写一个REST Web应用程序(NetBeans 6.9,JAX-RS,TopLink Essentials)并尝试返回JSON 和 HTTP状态代码。 我有准备好的代码并且在从客户端调用HTTP GET方法时返回JSON。 主要有: @Path("get/id") @GET @Produces("application/json") public M_機械 getMachineToUpdate(@PathParam("id") String id) { // some code to return JSON ... return myJson; } 但是我也想要返回一个HTTP状态码(500,200,204等
I'm trying to invoke C++ from Java using GCJ using the CNI, so far I'm able to invoke Java code from C++. How can I invoke C++ from Java using the CNI? I'll extend somewhat on pcent's answer to read the GCJ/CNI Docs. I believe that the key is to understand the whole "CNI C++ class" concept. The creation of a CNI C++ class is explained in that page. You can call
我试图用GCJ使用CNI从Java调用C ++,到目前为止我可以从C ++调用Java代码。 我如何使用CNI从Java调用C ++? 我会对pcent的答案进行一些延伸,以阅读GCJ / CNI Docs。 我相信关键是理解整个“CNI C ++类”概念。 在该页面中解释了CNI C ++类的创建。 您可以从CNI C ++类(提供您已生成的头文件)调用Java代码 - 这就是您已经做的(从C ++调用Java)。 关键是可以从Java调用CNI C ++方法(因为这些类对它们有一系列限制,
I'm currently using ANT for building my Java project on a Windows XP machine. In my build.xml file I've defined 3 task and I would like that,in case of fail,a default task be executed before closing the building and exiting (like a recovery procedure). I would like to know if it's possible. thanks Googled and found this. It's basically a try/catch for Ant. Might be worth a
我目前使用ANT在Windows XP机器上构建我的Java项目。 在我的build.xml文件中,我已经定义了3个任务,我希望在失败的情况下,在关闭构建和退出(如恢复过程)之前执行默认任务。 我想知道是否有可能。 谢谢 谷歌搜索,并找到了这一点。 它基本上是Ant的一个尝试/捕获。 值得一看:http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/tasks/tasks/trycatch.html 从来没有听说过这样的财产/任务,但是我想到了以下事实:您可以使用额外
I'm about to start developing a large-scale system and I'm struggling with which direction to proceed. I've done plenty of Java web apps before and I have plenty of experience with servlet containers and GWT and some experience with Spring. The problem is most of my webapps have been thrown together just to be a proof of concept and what I'm struggling with is what set of framew
我即将开始开发一个大型系统,并且我正在努力向哪个方向前进。 我之前已经完成了大量的Java Web应用程序,并且我有很多有关Servlet容器和GWT的经验以及Spring的一些经验。 问题在于我的大部分webapps被扔在了一起,仅仅是为了证明概念,我正在努力的是使用什么样的框架。 我需要同时拥有基于浏览器的应用程序和旨在支持从移动设备(现在的Android和iPhone)访问的Web服务。 理想情况下,我想设计这个系统的方式是,我不会为
I've got a number of tasks/servlets that are hitting the HardDeadlineExceededError which is leaving everything hanging in an 'still executing' state. The work being done can easily exceed the 29 second threshold. I try to catch the DeadlineExceededException and base Exception in order to save the exit state but neither of these exception handlers are being caught... Is there a w
我有很多正在碰到HardDeadlineExceededError的任务/ servlet,它将一切都挂在'仍在执行'的状态。 正在完成的工作可以轻松超过29秒的阈值。 我尝试捕获DeadlineExceededException和基地异常为了保存退出状态,但这些异常处理程序都没有被捕获... 有没有办法确定哪些任务在队列中或当前正在执行? 有没有其他的策略来处理这种情况? 我正在处理的情况记录在“请求计时器”标题下。 // task handler for retrieving
Say I have an enum which is just public enum Blah { A, B, C, D } and I would like to find the enum value of a string, for example "A" which would be Blah.A . How would it be possible to do this? Is the Enum.valueOf() the method I need? If so, how would I use this? Yes, Blah.valueOf("A") will give you Blah.A . Note that the name must be an exact match, including c
假设我有一个枚举 public enum Blah { A, B, C, D } 我想找到一个字符串的枚举值,例如"A" ,它将是Blah.A 怎么可能做到这一点? Enum.valueOf()是我需要的方法吗? 如果是这样,我将如何使用它? 是的, Blah.valueOf("A")会给你Blah.A 请注意,名称必须完全匹配,包括case: Blah.valueOf("a")和Blah.valueOf("A ")都会抛出IllegalArgumentException 。 静态方法valu
This question is very similar to this one but the responses were minimal to that question. I have a parent class with a Set of child entities. The child entities are just a wrapper for a string and live in a different table to the parent entity. I want to have a criteria query that returns the parent entities when all the members of the set of child entities return true to a condition. This
这个问题与这个问题非常相似,但是对这个问题的回答很少。 我有一个父类与一组子实体。 子实体只是一个字符串的包装,并且与父实体位于不同的表中。 我想有一个标准查询,当子组实体的所有成员都返回一个条件时返回父实体。 此条件与字符串列表中的一个匹配。 这是我的位置: Criteria c = criteria(); Criteria ands = c.createCriteria("ands"); Disjunction dis = Restrictions.disjunction(); for (String value : val
Anyone had idea on how to fix this issue? Note: simulation step is at the last section of this topic. Currently I receiving exception ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer at this line of code at plsql program v_old_val := TO_CHAR (p_val); p_val is declared as TIMESTAMP, value is passed from trigger when the table has new record inserted or updated from a java application. A
任何人有想法如何解决这个问题? 注意:模拟步骤在本主题的最后部分。 目前我在plsql程序的这行代码中接收异常ORA-01877:字符串对于内部缓冲区来说太长了 v_old_val := TO_CHAR (p_val); p_val被声明为TIMESTAMP,当表中有新的记录被插入或从Java应用程序更新时,值从触发器传递。 进行一些调试后,我发现只有满足以下条件时才会发生此问题: 应用程序将该记录插入到该表格中,并在1978年之前的日期 客户端的时区
I have write a static class named"DateUtils" and here is a static method named "parseDate(String)" it will use some patterns to convert the string to a date. the default timeZone is Asia/Shanghai (I'am in China) public static final TimeZone SHA = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); and it will be passed to the method TimeZone.setDefault(timeZone); And Using Simple
我写了一个名为“DateUtils”的静态类,这里是一个名为“parseDate(String)”的静态方法,它将使用一些模式将字符串转换为日期。 默认时区是亚洲/上海(我在中国) public static final TimeZone SHA = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); 并将其传递给TimeZone.setDefault(timeZone)方法; 并使用SimpleDateFormat来协调字符串。 匹配的模式应该是“EEE,dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”以下是它的三个测试。 //this one
I have a problem printing a date I get from a DATETIME field from my MySQL DB. I am trying to print a field with this DATETIME information: 2013-06-23 17:29:40 The format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS. Priting the date I get from my DB result (cal.toString()): java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1372001380000,areFieldsSet=true,areAllFieldsSet=true,lenient=true,zone=sun.util.calendar.Z
我在从我的MySQL数据库的DATETIME字段中获取日期时遇到问题。 我正尝试使用此DATETIME信息打印一个字段:2013-06-23 17:29:40 格式为年 - 月 - 日 - 小时:分钟:秒。 从我的数据库结果中获取日期(cal.toString()): java.util.GregorianCalendar [time = 1372001380000,areFieldsSet = true,areAllFieldsSet = true,lenient = true,zone = sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo [id = “欧洲/巴黎”,偏移量= 3600000,dstSav