I'm starting to build a new Spring-based multi-user document management application and I would like to venture into the world of NoSQL/MongoDB. Coming from a RDBMS background, I have several concerns with MongoDB, primarily: Lack of transactions More focused on performance/scalability than data integrity Lack of a JPA standard To start with, I do not expect high loads or massive rea
我开始构建一个新的基于Spring的多用户文档管理应用程序,并且我想冒险进入NoSQL / MongoDB的世界。 从RDBMS背景来看,我对MongoDB有一些担忧,主要是: 缺乏交易 比数据完整性更关注性能/可伸缩性 缺乏JPA标准 首先,我不希望高负载或大量读取与写入。 我怀疑读取写入将是大约10比1.此外,我不指望非常高的负载 - 特别是开始。 1)据我所知,没有简单的方法来进行多个收集交易。 在RDBMS中,我可以很容易地将每个
I have a web application running on Java stack (Struts 2 + Spring + Hibernate) and persisted in MySQL. I looked at NoSQL databases and they are certainly easy to reason about and work with than a RDBMS. It's a music streaming app which stores artist information and allows users to save playlists. I am wondering whether there are any advantages (performance?, hardware cost?, simplified cod
我有一个运行在Java堆栈(Struts 2 + Spring + Hibernate)上的Web应用程序,并保存在MySQL中。 我研究了NoSQL数据库,与RDBMS相比,他们确实很容易推理和使用。 这是一个音乐流媒体应用程序,存储艺术家信息并允许用户保存播放列表。 我想知道是否有切换到NoSQL DB(CouchDB?,MongoDB?,Cassandra?)的优势(性能?,硬件成本?,简化代码?,可扩展性?)。 切换到NoSQL数据库会损失/获得什么? 请指教。 “NoSQL”
On a new project I need a hard use of lucene for a searcher implementation. This searcher will be a very important (and big) piece of the project. Is valid or convenient replacing Relational Database + Lucene with MongoDb? edit: Ok, I will clarify: I'm not asking about risk, I can pay that price in this project. My point is: Is MongoDB oriented to this kind of thing? Can I make a full s
在一个新项目中,我需要使用lucene来实现搜索器。 这个搜索者将是这个项目中非常重要的一部分。 用MongoDb替换Relational Database + Lucene是否有效或方便? 编辑:好吧,我会澄清:我不是在问风险,我可以在这个项目中支付这个价格。 我的观点是:MongoDB面向这种事情吗? 我可以制作一个完整的搜索引擎,其性能与Lucene相同吗? 一位朋友指出我可以选择MongoDB作为替代方案,但我不知道Lucene性能是否与文档替代方案一
I try to configure OneToMany and ManyToOne mapping in Spring Data project but have some issues. So I have two entities: Employer and Project. One Employer could have many projects. Entity classes: Employer.java @Entity @Table (name="Employer") public class Employer { @Id @SequenceGenerator(name="my_seq", sequenceName="GLOBAL_SEQUENCE") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationTyp
我尝试在Spring Data项目中配置OneToMany和ManyToOne映射,但有一些问题。 所以我有两个实体:雇主和项目。 一个雇主可以有很多项目。 实体类: Employer.java @Entity @Table (name="Employer") public class Employer { @Id @SequenceGenerator(name="my_seq", sequenceName="GLOBAL_SEQUENCE") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE ,generator="my_seq") @Column (name="employer_id
Suppose I have a method session.get(str: String): String but you don't know whether it will return you a string or a null, because it comes from Java. Is there an easier way to treat this in Scala instead of session.get("foo") == null ? Maybe some magic apply like ToOption(session.get("foo")) and then I can treat it in Scala way like ToOption(session.get("foo")) match
假设我有一个方法session.get(str: String): String但不知道它是否会返回一个字符串或null,因为它来自Java。 有没有一种更简单的方法来对待在Scala而不是session.get("foo") == null ? 也许有些魔术适用于ToOption(session.get("foo")) ,然后我可以用Scala的方式处理它 ToOption(session.get("foo")) match { case Some(_) =>; case None =>; } Option伴侣对象的apply方法充当可空引用
Up until recently, I was able to launch/open JNLP files in Firefox using Java web start. Don't know what happened all of a sudden JNLP files stopped launching, a splash screen appears saying Java Starting... and then nothing happens. Even the Java Console in the browser and javacpl.cpl applet doesn't open. Tried all possibilities: removed all older version and installed the latest JR
直到最近,我还能够使用Java web start在Firefox中启动/打开JNLP文件。 不知道突然JNLP文件停止启动发生了什么情况,出现一个启动画面,说Java启动...然后什么也没有发生。 即使浏览器中的Java控制台和javacpl.cpl小程序也不会打开。 尝试了所有可能性:删除了所有旧版本并安装了最新的JRE(Java版本“1.6.0_17”),但它仍然无效。 为了解决这个问题,人们建议使用-viewer选项启动javaws.exe,但行为相同(出现一个启动画
I know that 'crossing boundaries' when making a JNI call in Java is slow. However I want to know what is it that makes it slow? What does the underlying jvm implementation do when making a JNI call that makes it so slow? First, it's worth noting that by "slow," we're talking about something that can take tens of nanoseconds. For trivial native methods, in 2010 I me
我知道在Java中进行JNI调用时'跨越边界'的速度很慢。 但是我想知道它是什么让它变慢? 底层jvm实现在进行JNI调用时会做些什么,使其非常慢? 首先,值得注意的是,通过“缓慢”,我们正在谈论可能需要几十纳秒的事情。 对于微不足道的本地方法,2010年我在Windows桌面上测量的平均通话时间为40 ns,在我的Mac桌面上通话时间为11 ns。 除非你打了很多电话,否则你不会注意到。 也就是说,调用本地方法可能比创建普
I got the following warning when I try to build my project with ant. My build.xml ist a auto-generated from eclipse: warning: NotImplementedException is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release In Eclipse there is no error at the line and if i remove the line (are annotation for hibernate) the error will occur in another line. It seems to be that the error comes in the
当我尝试使用ant构建我的项目时,我收到以下警告。 我的build.xml是从eclipse自动生成的: warning: NotImplementedException is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release 在Eclipse中,没有错误在线,如果我删除行(是注释休眠)错误将发生在另一行。 它似乎是错误出现在我的Java文件的第一行。 我尝试用新版本以及javax持久性替换hibernate和注释。 但没有任何帮助。 我希望别人有同样的失
I just upgraded our project to JDK 1.6, and on compilation, I have a test class that implements java.awt.Toolkit and implements the methods to do nothing special (other than capture the call to the beep command). (This is an old test that should probably be rewritten in several ways (either mock it or wrap that functionality in a simple interface. However, regardless of the badness of the test)
我刚刚将项目升级到JDK 1.6,在编译时,我有一个测试类,它实现了java.awt.Toolkit,并实现了没有什么特别的方法(除了捕获对beep命令的调用)。 (这是一个旧的测试,应该可以用几种方法重写(可以是模拟它,也可以在简单的界面中包装这些功能),但是编译器现在会抛出一堆警告,如下所示: [19:50:10]:[javac] MemoryManagerTest.java:14:警告:java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer是Sun专有的API,可能会在将来的
I want to take an existing enum and add more elements to it as follows: enum A {a,b,c} enum B extends A {d} /*B is {a,b,c,d}*/ Is this possible in Java? No, you can't do this in Java. Aside from anything else, d would then presumably be an instance of A (given the normal idea of "extends"), but users who only knew about A wouldn't know about it - which defeats the point o
我想要使用现有的枚举并为其添加更多元素,如下所示: enum A {a,b,c} enum B extends A {d} /*B is {a,b,c,d}*/ 这在Java中可能吗? 不,你不能用Java来做到这一点。 除了别的以外, d可能大概是A一个实例(考虑到“扩展”的正常思想),但只知道A用户不会知道它 - 这会挫败枚举的含义,已知的一组值。 如果您可以告诉我们更多关于您想如何使用它的信息,我们可能会提出其他解决方案。 枚举代表了可能值的完整列举